Categories > Books > Harry Potter > A Lost Friend

Chapter 16

by USA_Tiger 0 reviews

Chapter 16

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Dumbledore,Harry,Sirius - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2014-10-31 - 8563 words

A Lost Friend

By: USA Tiger

Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling, Pokémon to WB and Nintendo, and Ranma 1/2 to Rumiko Takahashi.

Author note: Give thanks to my beta Tsuyu-the-Hanyou for going over this story. And Happy Halloween everyone!

Chapter 16

(for this section, “xxx” is Japanese)

“Akane!” Akane blinked and stopped outside the school gates, blinking again as Ukyo came running to catch up with her. She was surprised to see the other girl, Ukyo was allowed to leave school a few minutes early so she could go open her restaurant for the day since the other girl supported herself. The only time Akane ever saw her one-time rival and sorta friend was at school and Akane didn’t really take the time to hang around Ukyo then either.

Ukyo looked tried, the taller girl had bags under her eyes and her skin was pale. The girl’s brown hair was a bit limp and Akane wondered just what drove Ukyo to this state. Was it Ranma, was the other girl pining over that baka to the point she stopped taking care of herself?

“Hi Ukyo,” Akane said as Ukyo caught up to her. “Errr…. Are you ok? You don’t look to well.”

“Just a little tired, haven’t got much sleep the last few days,” Ukyo said with a wave of her hand. Akane wasn’t sure of that, she thought it might have been the last few /weeks/. “Hey can we stop somewhere and talk? Konatsu is running Ucchan’s so he’ll be fine for a few hours.”

“Oh… sure, I guess,” Akane said. Ukyo lead Akane to the park, finding a quiet, secluded spot so they wouldn’t be bothered. “So what’s this all about?”

“I’m going to cut right to the chase, I want to know where Ranma is,” Ukyo started. Akane scowled and crossed her arms over her chest.

“I don’t know where that baka is, just that he’s going to another school somewhere far away,” Akane said.

“I know that but I think he’s where ever that friend of Ryoga’s is,” Ukyo said. “And that jackass hasn’t been around either if you’ve noticed.” Akane had now that Ukyo pointed it out, with Ryoga getting lost so much you didn’t really stop and think about how long he was gone at one time until he showed up again or it was pointed out. She also absently though that her P-chan had been gone for a while as well and hoped her baby wasn’t hurt somewhere.

“Ryoga-kun’s only ever showed up because of Ranma,” Akane pointed out. “So he’ll look for Ranma, wherever he is now. Plus we both saw the looks Ryoga was giving Harry, I bet he happily followed Harry also.”

“Look Akane, I know that Harry is some sorta magic user,” Ukyo said. Akane’s brown eyes widened and she paled slightly.

“H-How… Heeheehee don’t be ridiculous,” Akane said with a nervous laugh as she rubbed the back of her head.

“Konatsu heard you talking about it Akane,” Ukyo said.

“What!?” Akane yelled, hunching her shoulders and balling her fists in her lap. “I never said that to anyone,” She added in a hiss knowing she was caught. Kami, she hoped that secret magical place didn’t find out she told somebody and come to take her memory away.

“You were talking to yourself, I guess you didn’t notice you were talking out loud and Konatsu heard you outside your window,” Ukyo confessed. Akane blinked, she talked to herself out loud? She never even noticed and Kami-sama she hoped that Nabiki didn’t have some sort of recording device in her room as that would be just like her older sister. Then Akane’s face reddened in anger as her mind caught up to the fact Ukyo had her ninja employee spying on her.

“How dare you!” Akane said as she jumped to her feet, glaring down at the other girl. “How could you send someone to spy on me?! You’re turning into Kuno or something!”

“Hey!” Ukyo jumped to her feet as well. “I am not turning into that jackass Kuno. I just sent Konatsu to see if you knew where Ranma might be and he just happen to overhear you.”

“Why are you so fixed on Ranma?” Akane asked as she crossed her arms over her chest. “All he did was string you and Shampoo along, I’m the one he almost married.”

“I gave up everything for Ranma!” Ukyo yelled. “I gave up my womanhood until I had my revenge on him and his father. Now that I know it was all that bastard Genma’s fault I was left behind, I’m able to be together with Ranma.” Akane shook her head and grabbed her school briefcase.

“You know Ukyo, you can have him,” she said. “I’m not going to tell you anything, I promised Harry I wouldn’t. And even then, he didn’t tell me where his school was anyway.” Ukyo watched as Akane walked away, her shoulders slumping in defeat.

“I know where Potter goes to school,” A voice said from behind Ukyo. Her head snapped up and she spun on her heel to face the person.



Mousse mused that it was almost nice to be back in Nerima after his forced stay back at Joketsuzoku. The return to the village had been stressful; Mousse had been kept in that little cage as the three elders traveled from Japan back to China where their little village laid in the shadow of Mt. Phoenix. Once back at Joketsuzoku, Mousse had very little freedom. He was allowed to walk around in his human form during the day but had been watched like a hawk by several of the village members. No matter what he tried, his escape was always stopped, one way or another. At night, on the other hand, Mousse was forced into his cursed duck form and thrown into a cage so no one had to keep an eye on him. Oh, his mother tried to convince the village leaders that she could make sure he stayed at home during the night but no one trusted or believed her.

And for good reason, the first chance she got Mousse’s mother would have helped him escape if she could. His mother was the only one who believed in his love for Shampoo, encouraged it even. His mother had been an outsider who fell in love with his father, a native to Joketsuzoku, and he fell in love with her. There was no need for fighting, his mother had never ‘defeated’ his father in combat. It was simple love that brought them together and made him.

Mousse had grown up on these stories, his mother told him how she and his father fell in love all the time after his father died. So with these stories in his head, when Mousse decided he was in love with Shampoo at a very young age, his mother supported him.

Then, a few days ago, luck had finally been on Mousse’s side. A small party of Musk had attacked the village, hoping to make off with a few of the younger, stronger females. In the chaos of the attack, Mousse’s watchers had turned away to help repeal the attack and Mousse had made a break for it, turning into his duck form and flying away. He had arrived back in Nerima earlier that day and found Shampoo missing and so was Saotome. It was only by chance that Mousse had come across Ukyo and Akane in the park as they talked. So when Akane left, Mousse took his chance.

“Mousse?” Ukyo asked a surprised tone in her voice. Mousse adjusted his thick glasses as he looked at one of his rival’s many fiancées. He didn’t interact with Ukyo a lot outside of the times all of the group dubbed the Nerima Wrecking Crew by the locals had to work together for some reason. “How do you know where Harry goes to school?”

“I overheard Potter telling Shampoo about his school,” Mousse explained with a small shrug of his shoulders. “They didn’t know I was there.”

“Wait, how come Harry would tell Shampoo about his school but he wouldn’t tell Akane?” Ukyo said with a frown, trying to poke holes in Mousse’s story.

“Did you know that everyone in Joketsuzoku has at least a little magical talent?” Mousse asked instead. Ukyo gave him a confused look and slowly shook her head. “For a lot of village members, it isn’t much. Shampoo’s talent lies in potions though she’s nowhere as good as the old mummy and she can use certain magical items a lot of people can’t. My talent is using magic to help hide items on my body.”

“What?” Ukyo blinked, shifting her weight to one leg as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I thought that was your special school of martial arts or something.”

“It is, but you don’t really think I can hide all those things in my clothing, or my feathers, without a little magic do you?” Mousse pointed out.

“I guess not… wait, why are you telling me all this?” Ukyo asked.

“Potter told Shampoo about his school because she knows magic is real and has a little of her own. I don’t know why he told Tendo about him being a wizard, something about an attack by that old pervert Happosai and her seeing him use it, I think,” Mousse explained. “Hibiki is a wizard too.”

“Ryoga!?” Ukyo said in shock.

“Yes, he’s kept it hidden for years from everyone until Potter showed up,” Mousse said.

“Ok Mousse, what is it that you want?” Ukyo said.

“Shampoo and the mummy are gone too, I can only assume they followed Ranma where ever he went,” Mousse said, Ukyo nodded as she thought that as well. “Then I need you to come with me and make sure they don’t get closer, to break them up.”

Ukyo bowed her head slightly as she looked up at Mousse through her bangs. This was the exact sort of thing she would think of to do, had done in fact but it was always with Ryoga as her partner in crime since she had been working on breaking up Ranma and Akane when it still looked like they were on the road to falling in love, or at least going along with their fathers plans to get hitched. Could she work with Mousse to do the same thing but with Shampoo instead of Akane? Did she have a choice? Akane wasn’t going to help her and the more time it was just the two of them, the more time Shampoo had to dig her claws into her Ranma-honey. Plus she really didn’t have any other leads.

“Ok I’ll go along with idea of yours,” Ukyo said after another few moments, lifting her head to look at Mousse. She slowly held out her hand for Mousse to take, after all the teen was a lot different than Ryoga so she wasn’t sure what it would be like working with the Amazon youth. Mousse took her hand in a handshake, sealing the deal. “So where’s this school at anyway?” She asked once they let go of each other’s hands and motioned for him to follow her back to Ucchan’s. She had plans to make, she had to decide on what to do with Ucchan’s and she had to tell Konatsu they were leaving. “Konatsu will likely go with us if he doesn’t want to stay at the restaurant.”

“The school is in Scotland, it’s called Hogwarts,” Mousse said as he followed the other girl. “I have no problem with your servant going as long as he doesn’t get in the way.”

Ukyo wrinkled her nose a bit as Mousse called Konatsu her ‘servant’. Konatsu did work for her and he was loyal to a fault but servant wasn’t the word she would use. She didn’t argue the point though; the three of them had a lot to do if they were going to travel halfway across the world.


Up in a nearby tree, hidden from sight among the leaves, Happosai listen closely to Mousse and Ukyo has they made their deal.

‘Oh ho! So that’s where my sweet Ranma-chan ran off to,’ Happosai thought to himself, rubbing his hands in glee. He had been away the day Nodoka’s father had arrived at the Tendo Dojo and canceled out the Tendo/Saotome engagement and that Ranma would be going to a different school. He couldn’t get any straight answer from his useless lackey Genma just where Katsuro had sent his chosen heir. It seemed Genma was more afraid of his father-in-law than he was of his master. ‘Hmmm Hogwarts… it’s been such a long time since I’ve graced that place with my presents. The schools here all have me warded out, too bad as magical charged chi is so much better for my old bones.’

Happosai crackled softly in glee as he rubbed his hands together again. Oh what good fortune had fallen into his lap! He knew where his Ranma-chan was and the whelp was in the middle of a school full of magical girls. He drooled as he thought about all the silky darlings just waiting for him to come rescue them.

/‘But why would Ranma be sent to a school for magic,’ /Happosai took time to wonder as he left the park toward the dojo. As he pondered the question a wide grin spread over his wrinkled face. /’Oh ho! That explains so much! No wonder I get so much of a boost after a quick feel of my sweet Ranma-chan. I assumed it was the Jusenkyo curse that charged her chi but this puts a nice new spin to it.’ /He thought as he came to the same conclusion that Cologne had weeks before about Ranma’s curse.

Happosai entered his room at the dojo through an open window he kept open and quickly started to pack his treasures in a bag.

’Should I have those two idiot students of mine come as well? I might need a couple of pack mules,’ Happosai thought to himself as he carefully folded and packed his favorite panties. He shook his head after a moment of thinking it over. /‘No, those two useless lumps wouldn’t be able to see the school. They haven’t had the years of training I had to throw off the spells to keep the non-magical away. They would be useless. I’ll have Ranma at my beck and call, I am his master after all.’ /Happosai laughed again, entertained by the ideas of what he would do once at Hogwarts.

Downstairs, Genma and Soun shivered as they both looked up at the ceiling.

“I wonder what has the master is such a good mood?” Genma asked.

“I’m not sure my old friend but it can’t bode well for us,” Soun said.


(“xxx” is now back to English)

The days at Hogwarts seemed to pass quickly, the air started to lose its pleasant warmth and a chill started to cling to the air as fall crept upon the school and its students. Harry found himself very busy between his extra lessons and managing the Gryffindor Quidditch team, finding very little time to keep up his watch on Malfoy. Or to find a quiet moment period really, now that everyone knew Harry and Dumbledore had been telling the truth the whole time, people watched and whispered about Harry everywhere. Not too unusual and he was used to it as it happened since he rejoined the Wizarding world, except now they were singing their praises of him again and he noticed in the papers he was being called the ‘Chosen One’. Like he needed even more nicknames.

Harry sighed as he settled down onto the plush couch in Sirius and Hedwig’s shared rooms. His godfather and his once-owl were both out of the rooms; Sirius was doing a bit of patrolling on his own making sure not to be seen by anyone in the school. Harry was sure Sirius was really setting up pranks but Harry wasn’t about to go find out. Hedwig on the other hand was with Professor McGonagall. Once she realized just how much Hedwig didn’t know about being a human woman, Harry’s head of house decided to take it upon herself to teach the cursed owl before the girls in Gryffindor tower could. Sirius had always said that Harry could visit the rooms any time he wanted and Harry was glad for a bit of peace and quiet.

Harry’s mind jumped to the one thing that had been on his mind, other than what Voldemort was doing and what Malfoy was up too, for a while now. What he heard Luna and Ryoga talk about and how he felt about it. Harry honestly didn’t know what to think, yes he liked Ryoga, he loved spending time with the older boy but did he like the Asian youth in that way?

Harry blushed slightly as he thought about the accidental kiss they had in the hallway. Harry wasn’t sure if it could be considered a real kiss as Ranma had accidently pushed Ryoga’s head down, and their lips had only brushed against each other. But Harry couldn’t help but think even if it wasn’t a full real kiss, it still had been loads better than the one he had with Cho the year before. That had just been too…wet.

Harry groaned and buried his head into his hands, missing the sound of the guardian portrait swinging open and Sirius strolling in.

“What’s the matter pup?” Sirius asked when he saw his distressed godson on the couch. Harry’s head snapped up and he blushed brightly at being caught in a moment of angst.

“It’s… well…” Harry tried to think of what to tell his godfather then stopped, maybe Sirius could help him. “Sirius… what if… what if you heard… someone say that they like you… but you’re not sure about how you feel in return?”

“Somebody has a crush?” Sirius said with a grin as he sat down beside Harry on the couch.

“Sirius, be serious for a moment and no, don’t even say it,” Harry said as he held up a finger to warn off his godfather from the ‘Sirius-serious’ joke.

“Alright pup,” Sirius said, fighting to keep the amusement off his face. “So who did you overhear? Not Ron’s little sister is it?”

“Ginny?” Harry said with a frown. “She’s dating someone from Hufflepuff I think. As far as I know she’s gotten over that silly crush.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Sirius said, thinking to himself that Ginny did still have a crush on Harry if the longing looks he seen was anything to go by, if only a little crush. “So not the youngest Weasley, some other girl then? Hermione? That little blond bird you’re friends with? The busty Amazon?”

“Hermione is like a sister, the blond girl is Luna and she’s just a friend and Shampoo loves Ranma,” Harry said. “It’s… not a girl…”

“Ohh, a young strapping lad has got your attention hmm?” Sirius teased. “I told you that you should try blokes if you couldn’t find a nice girl, or a bad girl,” Sirius winked and laughed as Harry sputtered and blushed, “to do it for you. So which one? Not Ronald I would think, unless you two-“

“For Merlin sakes Sirius, it’s Ryoga!” Harry said not waiting Sirius to embarrass him anymore than he already was. “I heard him and Luna talking, she told him that she knew that he liked me as more than just a friend and he didn’t quite deny it either.” Sirius had to fight to keep the grin off his face, he knew it. Anyone with eyes could see that Ryoga and Harry were drawn to each other. He knew that Ryoga’s two friends Shampoo and Ranma could see it and it looked like at least one of Harry’s friends did too.

‘I wouldn’t be surprised if Hermione also sees it,’ Sirius thought to himself. “Well… how do you feel about that pup?” Sirius asked out loud. Harry shrugged his shoulders slightly as he looked down at his lap.

“That’s just it Siri, I’m not sure. I like Ryoga but I’ve never really given thought about… you know… being with a boy,” Harry said softly. “I barely even think about girls, not after Cho.”

“Well, you’re not turned off by the idea are you?” Sirius asked.

“I guess not, I mean the kiss was sorta ni-“ Harry clamped up while Sirius’s gray eyes lit up.

“Kiss? What kiss?” Sirius asked. “Come on, fess up Prongslet.”

“Well… remember a few days ago when Ranma acted like a cat?” Harry asked.

“Yeah, oh I wish I was there to see Snivellus get tossed into the wall,” Sirius said with a fond, wistful smile. Harry’s lips quirked into a small smile of his own, it had been good to see that greasy git finally get what was coming to him.

“It happen right after, Ranma used Ryoga’s head to jump off of and his head was pushed down just as I looked up and we sorta brushed our lips together,” Harry said with a small blush.

“Why were you close enough to be kissed like that anyway?” Sirius asked.

“Ryoga was holding me,” Harry said then quickly added as Sirius started to open his mouth, “He thought maybe Ranma was going to attack us since Ranma can’t control himself when he acts like a cat and Ryoga was trying to keep me protected.”

“Alright, don’t get all defensive pup,” Sirius said but couldn’t keep the slight smirk off his face. “So you had your first kiss with a boy and you thought it was nice?”

“Our lips barely touched, can that even been considered a kiss?” Harry asked. Sirius shrugged his shoulders slightly. “Padfoot, what am I going to do? Ryoga may have a crush on me and I don’t know what to do about it.”

“You’re not against the idea are you?” Sirius asked.

“I guess not, I just really never gave dating anyone thought after Cho,” Harry said. “Girl or boy. I like Ryoga, he’s one of my best friends, but I don’t know if I like him that way.”

“I don’t really know what to tell you pup, I never had any problems getting dates in my Hogwarts days and your Dad pined after your Mum so badly he didn’t even really look at anyone else,” Sirius said. “All I can suggest is maybe giving it a try, Hogsmeade weekend is coming up, isn’t it?”

“But what if it doesn’t work out and I lose his friendship?” Harry asked softly. Sirius smiled and placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder.

“Just talk to him Prongslet, tell him what you know and that maybe you could try one date,” Sirius suggested. “Who knows, you may find yourself liking it and if Ryoga is a true friend he won’t let it end your friendship.”

“Are you sure?” Harry asked. Sirius sighed and pulled Harry into a hug.

“I guess nothing is ever sure Harry,” He said softly. “But you can’t be afraid to try, you may be missing out on something great. Hell, it may be the love of your life for all you know.”

“I don’t know if I would go that far,” Harry said, his arms wrapped around Sirius in return. Sirius chuckled and ran his hand through Harry’s messy locks.

“But you don’t know that,” The older wizard reminded him. “You don’t have to do it if you really think it’ll ruin your friendship with Ryoga but just keep an open mind to it, ok?”

“Sure Siri,” Harry promised. Sirius smiled again then started to question Harry about Quidditch practice to get the teen’s mind off of his other problems.


Meanwhile outside the school, a slightly portly figure huffed and puffed as he quickly walked up the path from the front gates.

‘I should have taken Albus’s offer when he first approached me,’ the man thought as he panted slightly, lugging his carpet bag up closer to his body. ‘You knew /he would be after you, with what you know old boy. I just hope that Albus will still take me in.’/ The man reached the front doors of the castle and quickly pounded on the doors.

“What on Earth is- Horace!” Minerva yelled in shock at seeing her old co-worker standing on the other side of the door sweating and panting heavily. Horace Slughorn gave her a weary smile as he caught his breath.

“Hello Minerva,” Horace said as he reached up with one hand to smooth down his graying hair. “I don’t suppose Albus is available for a little chat?”

“Oh… yes… come this way Horace,” Minerva said as she stepped to the side to let the wizard in. Horace gave her a grateful look as he entered the school. They walked up to the Headmaster’s office where Minerva stopped outside the gargoyle that guarded the staircase.

“Canary Creams,” She said, turning back to the man as the gargoyle leapt out of the way. “He’s upstairs finishing some paperwork that I wouldn’t allow him to push on me. Have a pleasant afternoon Horace.”

Horace nodded and stepped onto the moving staircase, riding it up to the office door.

In his office, Albus was wearily looking over school reports. His withered hand ached slightly, not with real pain as it no longer had any sensation in it but there were still phantom pains that plagued him. A large part of him was sad to know that in a few short months he would no longer be around watch over his beloved school. At least not in the psychically sense, he would have his Headmaster portrait on the wall when he died like all past Headmasters and Headmistress, and he did have a couple of portraits in other places that would come ‘alive’ when he passed on to the next great adventure. He was sad that he wouldn’t be here to help guide young Harry on his journey to defeat Tom but he now had great hopes that Harry would survive and get to live a happy, safe life with all the training the boy was getting now that he knew that the Horcux would be gone.

“Albus, Horace Slughorn is riding up the staircase,” a small hidden painting of a fairy warned Albus.

“Horace hmm?” Albus said a bit surprised. His old friend had been steadfast in not coming back to the school and without Harry to lure the man in, he had left Horace to his hiding. In the end it had worked out as Cologne had taken up the potions position and that seemed to be working out just fine.

“He’s almost at the door,” the fairy warned.

Albus smiled to himself as he called out, “Come in Horace.”

Horace chuckled softly as he entered the office and gratefully sat one in one of the blush chairs in front of the desk when Albus waved his good hand at them.

“One of these days someone is going to catch on to that little trick of yours,” Horace said.

“Perhaps, but they haven’t yet,” Albus agreed. “Lemon drop?”

“No, but I can do with a spot of tea,” Horace said. “Almost tea time after all.”

“Of course, so busy it’s slipped my mind,” Albus said before summoning a House Elf and ordering the tea. “So Horace, what brings you here? I thought you were enjoying your retirement.”

“Well, you see… the thing is I might have been too hasty in saying no to your request last time I saw you,” Horace said, quickly fixing himself a calming cup of tea when the tray appeared.

“What brought this on?” Albus asked as he fixed his own cup of tea, loading it with plenty of sugar.

“I should have realized if you were able to find me so easily, he could do the same,” Horace said with a sigh as he slowly stirred his tea. “I was able to hide for a while, moving from place to place but in the end it was flee or be taken. I know things Albus, things that should never be spoken of and I’m sure he felt the same way.”

“I am glad you managed to get away,” Albus said truthfully, Horace was a good friend of his after all.

“So, I don’t suppose your offer is still open,” Horace said with false cheer. “I feel the need to be teaching eager young students again.”

“I’m sorry Horace, but I did find someone to replace Severus as the potions professor,” Albus said.

“Anyone I might know?” Horace asked curiously.

“A potion mistress from China,” Albus told him. “Delightful woman, older than I am, it’s been a long time since someone could call me ‘sonny’. Kon Lon is her name.” Horace’s face lit up slightly at the name.

“Ah Cologne, I haven’t seen her since the last major potions conference,” Horace said with a fond smile. “I say, maybe she’ll be willing to share her classes. I wouldn’t mind taking a few off of her.”

Albus hummed, tapping his fingers against the side of his tea cup. Cologne might be open to the idea, it would more than likely give her extra time for any training she was giving her Great Granddaughter and Harry.

“Let’s ask her then shall we?” The elderly man said as he used the Elder Wand to cast his phoenix Patronus. “Cologne, would you mind coming up to my office?” He told the phoenix then set it on its way.


A few minutes later the fire within the fire place flashed green as Cologne flooed from her rooms to Albus’s office.

“Yes, what is it?” Cologne asked as she hopped over to the desk. “Horace you old fool, what are you doing here?”

“Hello Cologne,” Horace said with a pleasant smile.

“Horace was the Potions Master here before Severus took over,” Albus explained as he had a House Elf bring another pot of tea, this time with Oolong. “I asked him to leave his retirement to come teach again during the summer but he declined my offer which of course led me to asking yourself Elder.”

“I see, then why is he here now?” Cologne asked as she settled in the other chair in front of the desk and took the offered tea.

“Yes, well, I believe I was a little hasty in saying no to Albus here,” Horace said with a nervous laugh as he remembered the hell he just went through to get away from the Death Eaters. “Of course I wouldn’t dream of taking the position away from you but perhaps we could… share?”

“Share?” Cologne asked amused behind her tea cup.

“Yes, split the class,” Slughorn said with a smile. “One of us takes the lower years, perhaps up to OWLS and the other the NEWT year students.”

“Hmm…” Cologne half way shut her eyes thinking over the idea. It wasn’t a bad one, it would give her more free time to concentrate on Shampoo and Harry’s lessons. She may even be able to get Ranma to let her teach him a little more. “I think that is agreeable but you will take the lower years. I’ve worked too hard these last few weeks to get the sixth and seventh years caught up.”

“Oh umm yes I guess that would be fine,” Horace said. He had hoped to teach the older years himself but quickly took what was offered since he wanted to stay protected at the school.

“Wonderful,” Albus said with a smile. “I’ll have a House Elf prepare you a room Horace. I think your old chambers are still available. And I’ll announce you rejoining the staff at dinner.”

“If that is all, I have homework that needs to be graded,” Cologne said as she put the cup of tea to the side and headed toward the fire place. She called the name of her and Shampoo’s rooms after tossing in the Floo powder and was whisked away in a flash of green.

“So Albus, I was thinking of restarting the Slug Club as well,” Horace said as he turned back to his old friend.


“Ryoga!” Harry called as he jogged down the hallway. Ryoga, who had been following Ranma down to the Great Hall for dinner, stopped and turned at hearing his name. Ranma went on ahead, wanting dinner, and figuring that Harry could lead Ryoga the rest of the way.

“Harry-chan,” Ryoga said. “Where’ve you been all day?”

“Hiding from the masses in Padfoot’s rooms,” Harry said softly so no one would overhear him. “Do you… would you mind coming with me to eat in the kitchens instead of the Great Hall?”

“S-sure,” Ryoga said happy to get any alone time he could with the other boy. Harry grabbed Ryoga’s arm and led the larger teen down to the hallway that contained the kitchens. Harry reached up and tickled the pear on the painting. It giggled as it wiggled then turned into a doorknob. “They have some strange ways of getting into rooms here,” Ryoga remarked as they entered the kitchen.

“They do, sometimes I’m still shocked by some of it,” Harry said. “But I still love it, it’s so weird and… and magical.” He smiled happily at the thought, no matter how crazy or bad things got Harry still loved magic and the wizarding world even if there were a lot of people he could do without in it.

“Master Harry Potter sir!” Dobby called as soon as he saw his favorite human in the whole world. He left his station and threw himself at Harry, his body arms wrapped around Harry’s legs in a hug.

“’Ello Dobby,” Harry said with a smile, the House Elf always managed to bring a smile to his face.

“Whats is Master Harry Potter and Harry Potter’s Ryogas doings here?” Dobby asked once he let go of Harry’s legs. “Cans Dobby be getting Master Harry Potter anythings?”

“Is it alright if we eat dinner in here Dobby?” Harry asked.

“Yes yes,” Dobby said nodding his head so fast his floppy ears looked like they could let him fly. “Cans sit at visitor table. Follows Dobby.” He waved his hand for the two boys to follow him across the kitchen. Many of the other House Elves looked up at Harry and Ryoga but seeing that odd little Dobby was taking care of them went back to putting the finishing touches on dinner for the rest of the school.

“So where’s Kreacher?” Harry asked as he looked around, not seeing the bitter old House Elf anywhere.

“Nasty old Kreacher on toilet duty,” Dobby said with a smirk. “Moaning Myrtles makes her bathroom nice and dirty just for nasty old Kreacher.”

“I’m sure she’s having a blast,” Harry said with a laugh and a shake of his head. Harry and Ryoga quickly sat at the table Dobby had lead them to, the House Elf leaving to get them some dinner.

“Heres we are,” Dobby said as he quickly laid out several platters of food on the table. Another House Elf had followed Dobby over, setting out plates, goblets and a pitcher of pumpkin juice on the table’s surface.

“Winky?” Harry asked as he got a good look at the second House Elf. Winky was a House Elf that had worked for a man named Barty Crouch Senior until the summer before Harry’s fourth year at Hogwarts. Her old master had freed the unwilling House Elf, as House Elves did not like freedom and preferred to work for a family unless your name happen to be Dobby, after she had disobeyed his orders to keep his captive son Barty Jr. under control. Winky had since worked at Hogwarts, or at the very least lived there. Harry couldn’t say he had seen her do much work, she was usually in a deep depression and drunk off of Butter Beer. In fact he hadn’t seen her at all the previous year and hadn’t been sure if the female elf was still alive until now.

She didn’t look as bad as she been, but at the same time she didn’t look all that great either. Harry had a feeling she was still hitting the Butter Beer pretty hard.

“Yes Master Harry Potter?” Winky said turning tired eyes to him. Harry winced slightly, definitely hitting the Butter Beer, her eyes were bloodshot.

“How are you?” Harry asked.

“Winky sad that Master Crouch is gone and that Master Barty…” Winky shook her head, she missed her beloved family she had served so faithfully for so many years as had her ancestors before her. But most of all she missed being bonded to a family. She finished setting up the table and quickly left.

“Winky still not adjusted to beings free,” Dobby said. “Winky wants a family to serve but nos family wants disgraced drunk elf. Enjoys your meal.” The House Elf rushed off after Winky to make sure she didn’t get into the Butter Beer again.

“I feel sorry for Winky,” Harry said as he turned to his dinner.

“What’s the story with the House Elf anyway?” Ryoga asked. He listened as Harry explained what had happened at the World Quidditch Cup his fourth year and then how Winky had ended up at the school, depressed that her family let her go.

“Crouch wasn’t a nice man,” Harry said with a frown. “What he did to his son was just as bad as what Barty Jr. did when he worked for Riddle. Winky was devoted to her family like any other House Elf, and she liked her family unlike Dobby. I can tell she doesn’t like being a free elf, something that Hermione can’t get her head around. I wish I could help her but I’m not really looking to hire a House Elf and even if I did I think Dobby would be insulted if I didn’t ask him first.”

“Well… maybe my family can take her,” Ryoga offered wanting to help.

“Really?” Harry asked. Ryoga shrugged his shoulders slightly as he answered.

“Mom and Dad aren’t home that often, Mom makes it home more that Dad does but not by that much.” Ryoga scratched the back of his neck as he explained. “Checkers can do a little house work, but as smart as she is, a dog can only do so much to keep a house clean. I think Mom might be happy to have some help keeping up the house work, getting lost while you’re trying to dust the house isn’t great, and I think it would ease her mind if someone was watching the house while we were gone.”

“Do you think your parents will go for it?” Harry asked.

“It wouldn’t hurt to ask,” Ryoga said. Harry nodded, stirring his dinner slowly around his plate with his fork. He would worry about Winky and finding her a family later, right now he had something else on his mind and he wanted to talk it out with Ryoga before his lost his nerve.

“Ryoga… there was a reason I wanted us to eat alone,” Harry said softly. “I… I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Nani?” Ryoga asked as he lowered his chop sticks.

“I… sorta heard you and Luna the other day in the library,” Harry said. Ryoga paled greatly, he hadn’t really planed on bringing that up with Harry no matter what Luna had hinted at, Ryoga didn’t want to lose Harry to a little crush.

“Lo-look Harry,” Ryoga tried to explain himself. “I-“

Harry held up his hand to stop Ryoga.

“I’m not mad,” He said softly. “Honestly, it’s been on my mind for days now. I… don’t have a good idea how relationships or anything works. I only had a crush on one person before and that turned out to be terrible. I… umm… I also can’t put that near kiss out of my mind,” the teen admitted with a blush. Ryoga blushed as well, looking down at his plate.

“Then what…” Ryoga trailed off not sure what to ask.

“Hogsmeade weekend is coming up soon,” Harry said. “Maybe… we could go together? As in a date?”

“You… want to go on a date with me?” Ryoga asked surprised. Other than Akari, he hadn’t much luck on the dating scene. In fact, he hadn’t that much luck with Akari either, he had defeated her prize sumo pig when the swine attacked him after a fight with Ranma. Akari, who had been told by her grandfather to find a strong man to marry, had used the pig Katsunishiki to attack people to judge their strength and chose Ryoga after his triumph. They really hadn’t gone on many dates, and while Akari was sweet, Ryoga couldn’t stand pigs or being compared to one. Luckily, Akari had picked up on how much all this bothered Ryoga and set him free from the engagement. This was also the first time anyone had asked Ryoga on a date.

“If… if you don’t think it would be weird,” Harry said. “And wouldn’t ruin our friendship if it didn’t work out.”

“Please?” Ryoga said. “I promise it won’t get weird.”

“Alright… so Hogsmeade then?” Harry asked with a shy smile. A silly grin plastered itself on Ryoga’s face as he nodded, he couldn’t believe how lucky he was!


Meanwhile in the Great Hall, Hermione looked around trying to spot Harry.

“Oh where is he?” Hermione asked. She hasn’t seen her friend all day; he mentioned he was going to take a break from all the staring in Sirius and Hedwig’s rooms. “Do you think he’s still in Snuffle’s rooms?”

“Hermione, quit worrying,” Ron said around a mouthful of food. “Harry’s fine, he either got caught up in somthin’ or he’s just taking his time.”

“Ronald, swallow your food before you talk,” Hermione said in disgust.

“Yo,” Ranma said as he joined them, sitting on Ron’s other side and started piling up his plate with food. He was never one to be picky about what foods he ate since he learned to eat what he could growing up or Genma would devour it, as such he was used to eating anything from normal Japanese dishes to American food, and everything in between. “What’s with the long faces?” Ranma asked when he saw Hermione’s worried look.

“Harry hasn’t shown up for dinner,” Hermione said.

“Oh, he’s with P-chan,” Ranma said with a wave of his chopsticks. “You know that Porker won’t let anything happen to the kid.” Hermione sighed but she did feel a little better.

“Well I wonder where they are then, they’re missing dinner,” Hermione said.

“If I could have everyone’s attention,” Albus said halfway through the meal, tapping his spoon against the side of his goblet to get everyone to look up at the head table. “I would like to welcome back Professor Horace Slughorn,” Albus turned and politely clapped as Horace stood and a smile, giving everyone a small bow. “Professor Slughorn had decided to come out of retirement to return to molding young minds. As such, Professor Cologne will now be only teaching sixth and seventh years while Professor Slughorn shall be teaching first through fifth.”

“I will now have more time to provide all of my sixth and seventh years help should they feel that they need it,” Cologne announced. “Come to my office during the posted times and we shall work something out.”

“Yes, thank you Professor Cologne,” Albus said with a smile then sat down to allow the students to return to their dinner. A hushed conversation started all over the Great Hall as they discussed the sudden change in the staff.


Ayako Hibiki sighed happily as she sunk down to sit on the couch in the living room of her home. She had been gone for days, lost as always just like her husband and son, and after camping that whole time it was nice to relax in the safety of her own home.


Ayako blinked and looked up at the sound, standing in her living room was a House Elf dressed in a ragger looking pillow case.

~Can I help you little one?~ Ayako asked in Japanese.

“Mistress be excusing Winky,” Winky said in English. “Winky not be understanding.”

“I said can I help you?” Ayako repeated as she sat up straight, switching over to English easily.

“Winky be bringing letter to Mistress,” Winky said, handing over the letter that had been clutched in her hands. Ayako hummed to herself as she opened it, recognizing Ryoga’s handwriting right away, musing that her son had the most wonderful calligraphy.


This is a House Elf I met at Hogwarts, Harry-chan told me that she was dismissed by her old master over a stupid reason and now she’s really depressed. I told Harry I would ask you if it was ok if we took Winky in since she really wants a family to work for instead of being a freed elf. She could keep an eye on the house while you and Dad are gone.


Ayako blinked at the letter then looked over at Winky, their family had never had a House Elf before, the magical branch of the Hibiki’s just never bothered. Usually whoever married into the family was the one who took care of the home since those with Hibiki blood was always lost. But since Ayako married her distance cousin Ryoichi, both of them were always lost and almost nobody was at home.

So Ryoga’s suggestion was a good one, though Ayako could tell Ryoga had brought this up more for his little friend Harry’s sake than anything.

‘Ah, young love,’ She thought with a smile. “Do you know what this letter is about little one?”

“Winky be told that mistress might find Winky a new family,” Winky said. She had been elated when Harry Potter had told her that there might be a family in need of her, Winky wanted a family to work for so badly.

“Well my son seems to think you would like to bond to our family,” Ayako explained. “But you need to know something, our family is under a very old curse. I, my husband and our son as well as the rest of our blood relatives all have no sense of direction. We get lost very easily so we’re not at home very often. So you wouldn’t really have much to do, just keep the house clean and look over it and the dogs.” Ayako nodded to the side where Checkers sat and watched Winky, surrounded by her puppies.

“Winky’s old master,” Winky stopped for a moment with a look of grief on her face as she thought about the Crouch’s, “is not being at home much when Winky work for him. Winky took care of Master Barty but Master Barty is gone now. Winky take good good care of house, look after doggies. Winky even stop drinking Butter Beer.” She gave Ayako a pleading look; she really wanted a family to take care of again. She would take good care of her Mistress and Masters, they would never have to worry under her care.

Ayako sighed and blew a piece of hair out of her face. She felt really bad for the little House Elf and couldn’t say no to that pleading and hopeful look.

“Well alright,” She said at last. “I guess it would be nice to have somebody to help around here and look after the house. Come here,” Ayako waved Winky closer to her as she sat on the edge of the couch. When Winky was close enough, Ayako held out her hand and gave Winky a small encouraging smile as the Elf shyly placed her hand in the woman’s. Ayako placed her other hand over Winky’s and let her magic flow over the young elf. “Do you, Winky the House Elf, accept to bond with the Hibiki clan and serve our family faithfully until either the day your die or until you are presented clothing?”

“Winky swears to take good care of Hibiki family for rest of Winky’s days,” Winky swore, the Elf gasping as Ayako’s magic swirled around her then cried as she felt the bond to her knew family form.

~Can you understand me now little one?~ Ayako asked in Japanese. Winky looked up at her new Mistress with wide eyes.

~Winky be understanding now,~ She said in awe. Ayako grinned, it was one of the marvelous things about the bonding magic between a family and an Elf, the magic allowed the small being to instantly understand their family so they could better serve them. In this case, it allowed Winky to understand and speak Japanese.

“Now, there is a western style bathroom upstairs. I want you to go get cleaned up, you’re filthy little one,” Ayako said as she let go of Winky’s hand. “In the hall closet we have extra towels and pillowcases, choose either one you like and make yourself a couple of new uniforms. Afterward we’ll discuss where your room will be. And welcome to the Hibiki family Winky.”

“Thank you Mistress,” Winky said as her eyes started to get teary, her new Mistress was so kind! She quickly bowed, then popped out of the room to go get cleaned up.


Author note: As you can see my hiatus is done ^_^. There is more than likely a bunch of grammar and spelling stuff that I missed, if anyone sees any and feels the need to point it out just drop it off in the reviews or something.

Beta note: I did my best but like she said, if you see something I missed, let us know please!
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