Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood and Darkness


by DarknessBliss 0 reviews

Sloane organizes the party plans

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2014-11-04 - 1186 words

Sloane finally reached to the little church in Canceler's Forest. She walked up the path, listening to the sinister voices coming from inside.

A blonde girl wearing a white novice gown was taking in her last hallowed breaths while two vampires were biting and drinking the remains of her blood. A female vampire with fire-colored hair had her mouth clamped down onto the sweel of her breast while a brown-haired male vampire was biting her wrist.
The male vampire stopped drinking and yelled at the other vampire, "Quit hogging, Hayley! I'm barely getting any!"
The other vampire, now known as Hayley, stopped drinking long enough to glare at and give him a bloody middle finger, "Oink oink, Brandon!"
At the end of the church, three vampires were busy chopping, tearing, and sawing off limbs from the rest of the congregation.
One vampire turned to one chopping a leg from the priest with a lumberjack's axe, "Mike, make sure you're making a pile for the legs and arms and another for the torsos. We gotta bag them and toss them in the sea later."
Mike nodded, "Okay, Billie Joe. But what do we do with the heads?"
"Squeeze out any excess blood from them and smash them with the sledgehammer," Billie Joe suggested. "We'll plant the pieces in the ground."
Mike started to twist off the heads in a ripping motion. Billie Joe smiled and nodded in approval.
Then he turned to the other vampire, "Tre, you're seperating which is the dead blood and which is the good blood? I don't want to drink from a bag and end up in a wheelchair or dead."
Tre smiled and held up two blood bags. One of them had a big black band around it, "You bet. The black band's the deadly band."
"Good," Billie Joe said and then he walked over to Hayley and Brandon, "You guys done with the novice? She's the last to dismember here."
Hayley pulled back and let the novice's body drop to the ground with a 'thud'. She turned to him with a blood-smeared grin, "Pretty much. She tasted pretty good actually."
"Says Miss Piggy," Brandon sulked and recieved another glare from Hayley.
"Now, Brandon," Sloane's voice said from the doorway. "Hayley's still a growing girl."
Both of them stood up while Sloane came inside and went up to Billie Joe.
Billie Joe bowed his head as a 'hello'. "Sloane Margete. I haven't seen you since you left Vienna. What do I owe the pleasure of this surprise visit?"
"Is Ville here?" she asked.
"He's outside with his first victim for the evening," he told her.
"Well, I need to speak to him," she said. "Actually, with all of you."
"And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for me with all your heart," Ville's voice echoed through the congregation hall.
Everyone in the church turned their eyes to the altar and there was Ville with a sly smirk on his face.
"I thought it would be an approperiate greeting in a church," he explained to Sloane as he walked down to her. "My dear Sloane, how are you this evening after your little jealously stunt?"
Sloane ignored the jab and said, "Lousy. You would be too if you found out that the message was only enough to scare them."
"So naturally, you came to me," said Ville.
"For all of you," Sloane corrected. "How would you all like to have a party at the only house in Ophelia's Field tomorrow night?"
"Cool" Tre replied.
Mike raised an eyebrow, "Isn't that where Gerard Way and his group live?"
"And what if it is?" Sloane said and crossed her arms. "All you guys have to do is go there, wreck the place, take down the others, and get Gerard and Helena."
"Why?" Brandon asked, scarathing his head.
"Yeah, why should we help you?" Hayley retorted.
Sloane heard this and was absolutely shocked by it, "You say you won't?"
Billie Joe came over to Sloane and explained, "Well, it's not like the old days when we can attack other vamps for petty reasons. We have rules now so we don't start a Vampire World War. Attacking a vampire and his covent because he broke off his engagement with you through ancient law would rule out as 'petty'."
Sloane turned to Ville with a look that asks He is right?
"It would make you look bad in vampire society," he said simply. "Your father's power would be in question if this go out."
Now Sloane was enraged; though she didn't show it. Then a idea came to her. A way to have them help her without making this a petty cause. She laughed bitterly, "Make me look bad? Have you all forgotten the two most important rules of being a vampire? Of course you haven't. You're all bona fide pureblood vampires. As am I and Gerard Arthur Way.But Gerard has broken the second and most highest rule. Remember what that is?"
They had. The first was never to drink the blood of a corpse or you will their deah onto yours. The second was to never have any emotional relationships with a human. Gerard had indeed broke that rule.
Sloane continued, "This isn't about breaking my engagement or refusing to obey the Lord of the Vampires. This is about him letting his emotions get into his judgement by that former human temptress Helena and not only allowed himself to love a human but give her our blood and turned her into a vampire That is a betrayal to all of us!"
She looked at everyone and saw that they were nodding and agreeing with her. She had a wicked glint in her eye when she added, "Now, Iask you all. True pureblood vampires, will you help me help Gerard get back to his roots by destroying his home and covent?"
"YEAH!!!" Everyone yelled and rallied in the church. All except Ville.
Soane looked at Ville with determined eyes. "Well Ville? You, out of anyone, should understand the pure vampiric laws. Will you help me and lead your devoted group?"
Ville remained quiet for a moment and then said, "On one condition. If you are taking Gerard, then I want Helena."
Sloane was flabbergasted, "But she's-"
"And I want her as my personal plaything," Ville interrupted. "There's nothing against the rules that I can't have turned vampire as a pet. Is there?"
Now Sloane was nervous. How can she explained to Ville that she already promised Niccolo that he would have Helena? Especially since Ville has a burning hatred for vampric freaks.
"I'll see what I can do," she told him. It wasn't really lie but it wasn't entirely truthful either. "Providing that you'll help."
Ville smiled and bowed to her, "At your disposal, ma'am."
Everyone cheered and Ville looked over at his covent, "Well, I'd say we plan our arrival for tomorrow."
Everyone whooped and hollered as they quickly finish up their massacre in the church.
A/N: Well, here it is. As promised. Next chapter's coming up quick. R&R
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