Categories > Original > Fantasy

Stranger Allies

by NezzSan 0 reviews

A Paladin who is strong, rigid, and anti social, must team up with a Warlock who is arrogant, clever, and antisocial. Together, the two loners find that loners make the strangest/best allies, and g...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Published: 2014-12-21 - 12310 words


Warlock Series: Stranger Allies - Sieg's Origins

Quick Prologue

"You're mad!" the young Paladin exclaimed.

He stared incredulously at the giant paper airplane the Warlock Crim had constructed. The building of the thing was already crazy enough, but what they were about to do with it was sheer madness.

From the top of a tall marble cliff, Sieg looked down at the great battle below.

Countless Magic practitioners were engaged in an all-out battle royale in the courtyard. Lightning flashed through the air. Fire incinerated everything, running rampant like a wild beast. Frost covered the ground as razor sharp ice shards rained from the sky. Whole marble boulders were carved out of the floor and used as cover.

In the middle of the chaos, stood a certain tower. Atower that the Paladin and Warlock needed to get to.

Sieg, again, looked apprehensively at the paper plane.

"Surely you jest, Warlock."

"No, but I'm sure we'll laugh about it later. Get on!."

As the Paladin prepared for the worst, he could not help but feel his heart thump rapidly. Sparing a glance at his strange ally beside him, Sieg saw that Crim had a thrill seeking smile painted insanely on his face.

Involuntarily, the Paladin felt his excitement grow at the sight.

/What an insufferable fellow, he thought fondly./


Journal Entry

My name is Siegfried. From the day I was born, I was immediately disowned by my parents. My Mentor told me that they were a young couple that, under certain circumstances, were unable to raise me. Others said that they were Mage Heretics that abandoned me because I was unwanted. I know not of my true origins, nor do I care.

Raised by the Church, I was trained in the Elite Paladin Holy Arts. I learned the scriptures and engraved them into my very soul. Some verses were burned and tattooed into my flesh. I had my bones slowly replaced with Blessed Steel so that I would one day serve as a true Paladin. The body reinforcement finished when I was eleven, but took an additional four years to allow my muscle tissue to adapt and support it. The Way of Light is painful, but strengthened my resolve and spirit.

From that point onward, I was given numerous missions by the Church. With my twin hammers and Light Arts, I traversed many battlefields. Defeated many foes as well as protected countless lives. Given heavy responsibilities at a young age, I rose to every challenge and bore every one of them. I have no regrets, and live a fulfilling, justful, life.

Unintentionally, I became one of the more reliable up and coming Paladins in training. My peers grew jealous, but I could only feel pity for them. We are the righteous arbiters of the Way of Light. Jealousy is not something that should influence us so. I do not stray from what is Right and act strictly and unwaveringly by our teachings. All this I owe to my great Mentor, Valor.

In his prime, he was one of the Church's Ten Holy Guardians. Elite Paladins that possessed the authority and might of generals. Even now, he still holds a position in the upper echelons of the Church. He took me in and oversaw all of my training. He was my teacher, my idol, my father.

Now he gives me another hard lesson. Another test that tempers every fiber of my being.

-Siegfried Paladin Apprentice Rank B 1st Class

Twin hammers were being swung in a deadly fury. Each hammer the length of its wielder's forearm. Sailing through the air, they gave a low hum of an unstoppable force.

Siegfried was in the middle of his daily training when he was suddenly summoned by the council.

Another mission?

The Apprentice quickly went to dress in his formal white robes with shining chain mail underneath, as is the style for Paladins. Siegfried, walked through the great white halls and arrived at the tall wooden doors that led to the meeting chambers.

His Mentor stood in front of the doors, waiting for him. Valor's long robes were colored in splendid red, white, and gold. He had agreat head and beard of dark grey hair. Numerous cuts and cracks from fierce battles, covered his face. Beneath his garments still lied a muscular body of aholy soldier, despite his advanced age.

"Mentor." Siegfried greeted and bowed.

Valor bowed back in acknowledgment.

"My Apprentice. I wish to give you a word of advice."(Valor)

"Yes, Mentor."(Siegfried)

"The officers in charge would have you refuse this mission, but I believe it is for the best that you do not. For your growth and for the good of the Church, you must be the one chosen."(Valor)

"Why would they find me unsuitable?"(Siegfried)

Valor stroked his beard embarrassingly.

"I am afraid to say, it is because you have me as your Mentor, Hahaha!"(Valor)

"What?" Siegfried could only respond in confusion.

In the beginning, they assigned him numerous missions /because/he was Mentor Valor's Apprentice and that his reputation carried such weight.

"Do not lose to your emotions, Siegfried. To be frank, many have faith in my battle prowess and your inheritance of it. The same cannot be said about my teachings of philosophy or method of thought. They would rather have a blunt instrument that does their bidding, instead of an intelligent and free thinking Paladin. And I must also add that I am barred from supporting you, offering advisement, and any other such, for I am a biased party."(Valor)

"But Mentor... Are you not doing so now?" the Apprentice asked hesitantly.

Valor only gave me a wry smile.

"Siegfried. Very fixed in your ways are the teachings of the Church. This is not an error, but never let it cloud what you know to be Right./That/ is the true Way of Light. Trust in the morals of your heart and spirit. If I have taught you anything, I hope I have taught you that."(Valor)

"You have, Mentor." Siegfried quickly responded. "I am moved by what is Right and what is Right alone."

"Good! I cannot help but marvel at my luck to have picked up such a fine Apprentice. Hahaha!"(Valor)

He had a great voice that boomed and resounded from his muscular center.

"But, yes, know that my advisement was against the Church's rules... but it is for the greater good that I do what I do now."(Valor)

Siegfried's heart was still confused, but he nodded firmly.

Mentor would never do such a thing, unless for good reason

Valor turned and went into the chambers. Siegfried waited amoment before going in himself. He stepped into the circular room with anticipation gnawing at his nerves.

What trials await me?


The meeting chambers had rows of circular seats facing the center. There in the clearing sat two chairs. One was taken by a fellow student of higher rank. Siegfried recognized the one that was three years his senior. The colleague Apprentice glanced at him and then quickly looked forward without any sign of greeting. Siegfried bowed respectfully in greeting and took the remaining open seat.

As the room forced the audience to face the center, the Apprentices could not help but feel countless eyes closely scrutinizing them, measuring their worth.

The meeting leader called order. He was the High Priest Midas, and was in charge of this covenant division. Siegfried had heard rumors that his Mentor and he had clashed on various subjects all through their careers.

The High Priest banged his gavel, which resounded like thunder throughout the room.

"We are here for the assignment of an Apprentice Paladin to the confirmation of Holy Artifact coded Black S XII. Said Artifact was formerly in possession of Church Figure coded Priest Black and possesses an A rank hazard threat. Upon these premises, the Church is to confirm the existence and reclaim the Holy Relic as it is under our affiliation and the fact that the object is too dangerous in hands less moral. Candidates for the mission are Paladin Apprentice Rank B 1st Class Siegfried and Paladin Apprentice Rank A 2nd Class Rass. Normally, we would send one of our top agents on such a mission, but the information is... vague, at best. Therefore, we have elected to send a trainee to confirm the legitimacy of said Artifact and if possible, procure it in the name of the Church. Would either of the candidates like to refuse consideration now?"

The High Priest eyed Siegfried but never once looked towards Rass, as if declaring their ranks was a passive hint to usher him out of the mission. Normally, Siegfried would nod to the suggestion but he had other priorities.

Who is to say I am truly unqualified, anyway?

""No, High Priest."" The two candidates responded.

"Very well. You must know that while this is not a high priority mission, it is highly valued. We expect it to be undertaken by the most qualified individual. If you choose to partake in this mission, know that there are infamously dangerous heretics after the Artifact. As a sub priority, you must be ready to eliminate them without hesitation and without question. This is absolute law. The potentially existing Relic is dangerous and must come into our possession at all costs. Should the object have even a miniscule possibility of ending up in the wrong hands, you are to sever those hands without mercy."(Midas)

Absolute elimination? I'm starting to understand, Mentor.

Throughout his training, Siegfried was taught never to take lives unless absolutely necessary. Paladins are protectors. Soldiers that worked for the greater good. They are not to freely take lives without thought or question. These words circulated in his mind.

"Now, we shall review the candidates. Apprentice Rass, Apprentice Siegfried. Please stand."(Midas)

They stood up at attention.

"Those in favor of electing Rass. Please raise your hand."(Midas)

No discussion? Apologies Mentor, it appears the High Priest has other plans.

"High Priest Midas, I'd like to offer some words before we make our decision." The voice came from an Elderly Priest beside Mentor Valor."If I may?"

He was very ancient and had a pure white beard that went down to his waist. Siegfried knew him personally. An old friend of Valor's, and a former member of the High Council in the Main Covenant Branch.

Midas seemed wary.

"The floor is yours, Elder Pixus."(Midas)

The old one bowed and began to speak.

"It is to my knowledge that if Apprentice Siegfried is elected, he would have the assistance of a certain artifact /specialist/. This particular specialist is well versed in the manner of object and would no doubt prove a valuable asset on this task."(Pixus)

The audience murmured amongst themselves. Elder Pixus waited for silence before speaking again.

"Because of this individual's eccentricity, he will work with no other except for Apprentice Siegfried. Unfortunately, this means he will not cooperate with the other candidate, Rass."(Pixus)

The High Priest Midas was quick to respond.

"And what is the identity of this specialist?"(Midas)

"... He has asked us to keep his name secret, if at all possible. It is worthy of note that this individual has assisted and procured numerous artifacts for us in the past. He is deserving of our complete trust."(Pixus)

"That is no sound argument, Elder. We cannot be sure as to the true worth of your accomplice's assistance. Regardless, we should not trust any outsider with this mission."(Midas)

From the sound of the audience, most of the voices are in favor of Rass. Siegfried glanced to his side and saw his fellow Apprentice smiling proudly.

Pixus looked at Valor who was unable to voice an opinion. Asubtle nod comes from him and the Elder speaks up again.

"The individual in question is the Warlock Kadaz."(Pixus)

The whole room went silent and Siegfried's stomach twists.

Sir Kadaz is participating in this mission? What exactly isthis artifact?

The High Priest is the one who breaks the silence.

"We cannot trust a Warlock who views Holy Artifacts as mere trinkets."(Midas)

"I assure you, he will work with us at a most professional level and guarantees to hand the Relic over to the Church upon possession. We are all aware of his past deeds, his previous joint workings with us. Having his expertise is invaluable."(Pixus)

"And what does the Warlock want in return? Why offer his hand without any recompense?"(Midas)

The Elder gives a slightly sly smile.

"A proper payment has been arranged between him, Priest Valor, and myself. Nothing that would stain the reputation of the Church of course, but confidential nonetheless."(Pixus)

More discussions erupt from the stands. Siegfried's mind spins with questions. On the surface, he keeps his balance and straight face. In contrast, Rass no longer looks so confident.

The sound of a gavel silences the room again.

The High Priest has a subtle look of displeasement. What was supposed to be a simple short meeting to task a mission for an artifact that may or may not exist, has escalated into a very complicated matter/. /

I wouldn't be surprised if he called the whole mission off and assigned it to a full-fledged Paladin or even a whole team instead. The Order cannot ignore the help of Sir Kadaz. If anything, his offer alone confirms the existence of the artifact itself. The mission changes from confirming the Relic to attaining it.

Midas spoke up.

"We have heard the propositions and now select the best qualified candidate for this mission. Those in favor of candidate Rass, raise your hand." (Midas)

Numerous arms rose up.

"Those in favor of candidate Siegfried?"(Midas)

The vote was close, virtually down the middle. Siegfried took a glance at his Mentor. Bound from voting, he sat cross armed and stoic.

The votes were tallied.

"... Apprentice Siegfried is given charge of the mission."(Midas)


As Siegfried makes his way out of the room, Rass waits for him in the hall.

"Must be great to be so heavily favored. Riding on Priest Valor and Elder Pixus's merits instead of your own."(Rass)

"I do my duty, Rass. I only care about the completion of our missions."(Siegfried)

"You speak such lies with ease. I see your pride, Siegfried. Your overconfidence in yourself."(Rass)

"I do what I do for the good of the Church. My pride is in the teachings this place has taught me. My confidence is my eagerness and devotion to the Way of Light. Nothing is self-centered. Do not try to misconstrue things, Rass. It reflects poorly on you."(Siegfried)

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