Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Dead Rising

Dead Rising: Chapter 11

by Spyash2 0 reviews

The 'Mysterious Five' resolve their problem of not being able to teleport off the island. They proceed to go after the Staff of Ice in Iwagakure...

Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Characters: Naruto - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-01-14 - 9221 words - Complete

Dead Rising

Chapter 11

Nodding Samantha closed her eyes glowing yellow eyes and focused on expanding her senses outwards. She found to her relief that she could do that still. Whatever was keeping her from using her abilities wasn't focused on her sensing powers. She tried to expand her senses further off the island they were on, only to encounter a forcefield of some kind.

So there was a forcefield here. And with what she could tell from this forcefield, was it is keeping her from using her powers more 'advanced' abilities. And the only thing that can be used to render her power ineffective was Element 115. Just like it can be used effectively against the zombies.

And this forcefield, from what she could detect, was powered by it.


Relaying this information to the others, they all came to the conclusion they had to destroy whatever was powering this forcefield so Samantha can safely get them off of the island. Takeo asked Samantha if she could locate the origin of this forcefield, and if possible, lead them to it so they can shut it off. The former antagonist nodded and tried to find out where the contraption powering this forcefield is located. Turns out the location wasn't that far from where they were. Which meant they were brought out in the middle of nowhere, near the temple itself, for a good reason.

Or maybe they were conveniently placed here out of sheer luck? They didn't know. And truthfully, they didn't care for it at the moment. They just wanted to get off this island; and so with Samantha guiding them, and Nikolai using his Hyena Infra-dead to keep an eye on the zombified animals, who were suspiciously keeping themselves away from the five, the group slowly made their way to the device powering up the forcefield.

Takeo and Naruto with their Elemental Staffs were on guard as they walked through the mist. They used Nikolai as their eyes as they could not see anything in the cloud. And as a precaution they kept their wonder weapons fully powered and ready to fire. Just in the case Nikolai spots a significant amount of enemies somewhere and they needed to put them down quickly and effortlessly. Something that thankfully had not happened yet since the animals were keeping themselves away.

After walking for an undetermined amount of time with the unnervingly absent presence of the zombified animals, the five heroes with Samantha leading them, were able to reach their destination.

Unsurprisingly, it was a tunnel that would lead them deep underground. And in order to find out where this contraption was, and to shut it down so they can safely get off of this island, they would have to go inside and explore it.

As they stepped into the tunnel the group were glad to see the mist didn't go inside. So their vision was unimpaired by the thick cloud. Takeo stopped moving for a moment when he thought he heard something moving behind him and looked over his shoulder with squinted eyes. Seeing nothing Takeo frowned slightly in suspicion, before turning to the others and followed them inside the tomb.

"Ah finally we are out of fog. About damn time!" Nikolai said in relieved exclamation. His voice bounced off the walls of the tomb, giving it an echoing sound as it vibrated through the air.

Dempsey snorted before stating blandly. "And we're now back underground in another tomb most likely. Don't see how that is much of an improvement."

As the five heroes moved deeper into the tunnel leading to the tomb Takeo let out an uncharacteristic snort. "Let us keep our volume low. The sounds of our voices could lure our enemies to us." The samurai advised the others in a low tone. He had a look of irritation on his face at how loud Tank and Nikolai are.

"I agree with him." Naruto said lowly as to not allow his voice echo off the tomb walls. "Letting our enemy know where we are will cause us to waste valuable time." The whisker faced blonde turned to Samantha, who was still in her awakened form. "Samantha are you able to tell us if there are any zombies waiting for us in this tomb?"

"Of course I can! Who do you think you're talking to?" Samantha exclaimed in mock outrage. The teenage girl closed her eyes once again and focused her senses on locating any presence infected by Element 115. And she did. "There is a small army that is stationary somewhere below us. They currently do not know of our presence here." She informed them all as she opened her glowing yellow eyes.

"Which means we still have the element of surprise on them." Takeo analysed intelligently as she stroked his bearded chin with a thoughtful frown. "If we proceed ahead stealthily, then we shall be able to remove them silently."

"You kind of forget these undead fuckers are somehow able to know where we are. No matter where we are. So even if we do move stealthily they will still be able to find us." Dempsey and Naruto pointed out, with Dempsey saying the first part of the sentence and Naruto saying the last part of it.

"Not if young Samantha hinders their senses." Takeo countered evenly, while giving Samantha an appraising look.

The girl in question was thinking on that idea Takeo presented. Hindering someone's senses. That was something she had never done before. In theory she could do that. But she had never tried it before.

"I could try and do that." Samantha began, sounding a little unsure. She looked up at Takeo and stared him directly in the eyes. "But I haven't even attempted it before. And so there are a lot of things that could go wrong if I do not do it right."

"What kind of things?" Dempsey questioned. He wanted to gain more information and information was power. If this attempt to meddle the zombies senses make them stronger, or by gods nuts, make a new zombie type then he had to know.

Samantha shrugged her shoulders with a clueless look on her face. "I don't know. Creating a new type of zombie. Weakening or strengthening them. Anything could happen if I try to do this." She replied with a worried frown.

"So on one hand we have zombies that will not know we are there. On other hand we could end up creating new zombie that will be unleashed upon world. It is much too risky to attempt such a thing." Nikolai stated with a look of negativity.

"I have to agree with Nikolai Tak. It IS too risky to attempt such a thing." Dempsey added in agreement with Nikolai.

"There are a lot of things we'll have to do that will not give us a lot of options. And this is one of them. Either risking strengthening the zombies or creating a new type of zombie. But I think that the risks are worth it." Naruto said as he took Takeo's side to meddle with the zombies senses. As he said before there are not a lot of options they can take at this moment. And sometimes they have to make the difficult choices.

"So we're tied. It's down to you Samantha. Your vote will decide what we choose: messing around with the zombies senses and risk strengthening them, or creating an entirely new breed of zombie. Or leaving them be. No pressure." The marine added after an awkward of momentarily silence that did nothing to calm Samantha's nerves.

After everything that she had done to them. All the troubles they went through because of her. Samantha's answer was easy. "Considering all the problems I have caused for you all already, I do not want to add on to it. I am going to have to side with Nikolai and Tank on this decision."

"Okay." Naruto said with a nod, respecting his friends decision to not meddle with the zombies. "Since it's two against three, we're not going to mess with them." Dempsey and Nikolai were satisfied with the result while Takeo was disgruntled with it. "However-" The teen added, getting everyone's attention at the firm tone in his voice. "-we are going to need you to tell us if they know we're here or not though. We can't exactly be going in blind and have them blind side us without warning."

"That I can do!" Samantha exclaimed in a soft and eager tone with a look of satisfaction on her face.

Another undetermined amount of time later the group found themselves in a chamber of some kind. To their confusion and great suspicion, there was a LOT of modern equipment strewn about the room. A great many crates were stacked together. Many obsolete and modern weapons were in racks and with how much dust there was on them, they were on those racks for a very long time and most likely unusable. There were even shelves, cupboards, beds and closets! All of them had collected dust from the lack of human activity. Near the back of the room was a single door that was partially covered up by dusty crates.

Dempsey rubbed his eye to make sure he wasn't seeing things. He wasn't. Walking up to a random closet the American opened it and found clothing. Long jackets you would see on a scientist. Breeches with a red line running down on the outer side of the fabric similar to Richtofen's. And a lot of army boots. All of them had collected dust as well.

"What the hell...?" He was understandably confused about all this.

"Guys! You need to see this!" Naruto called urgently, getting everyone's attention. Turning they all found Naruto on the left side of the room, in front of a desk that had pictures pinned to the wall above it. "This is a Group 935 Facility."

Takeo who along with the others were standing beside Naruto were staring at the pictures with a look of disbelief. Right there in front of them were the pictures of Group 935 experimenting on people. Pictures of people with forehead protectors baring the insignia of Konohagakure, Kumogakure, Takigakure, Iwagakure, Kirigakure and many more being dissected. To go with the pictures were notes and letters that had writing in German.

There were a few dozen more with the scientists experimenting on corpses in ancient samurai armour with Element 115. That explains why there's zombies roaming around on the island.

There were also a few schematics of few wonder weapons, some of them were pretty recognisable to them such as the Monkey Bombs, the Ray Gun, the Wunderwaffe DG-2 and the Thunder Gun. One schematic was of an odd looking generator that, from what they could make out, has some kind of aura around it.

Samantha had no idea how this was possible. She knew a lot of things about Group 935. But she had no idea they were here in Naruto's dimension of all places! If they were capable of inter-dimensional travel... then where else did they go?

Now that she thought about it, this did explain why there were highly advanced generators here and why in Naruto's words, they're more technically advanced in some areas. And if she really thought about it, they ended up in Naruto's dimension by using an inter-dimensional teleporter back on their planet. Which was in a Group 935 facility. Not to mention they were researching in teleportation and managed to somewhat succeed in that area.

"So Group 935 have found their way here." Takeo stated in a grim tone. Remembering his promise to wipe out all members of that organization after he and the others were tricked into destroying the Earth. "This does not bode well for us."

"It does explain why there are zombies in this place." Dempsey said referring to the pictures that had German scientists experimenting on ancient samurai's. "And why those stone coffins were broken the way they were. Those idiots didn't break the sarcophagus's because of greed. They broke them because they were experimenting on the corpses!"

"And when they probably didn't get enough results from that, they resorted to kidnapping living people from the Hidden Villages!" Naruto exclaimed in revelation.

Dempsey felt something was off about all of this however. "But where did they go?" He questioned. "If they were here, then, where did they go? Because there is definitely no sign of them anymore."

"Maybe they got out by using the same thing we used to get here?" Nikolai suggested, referring to the inter-dimensional gateway they had used to get to this dimension.

"And leaving all of this behind?" Samantha said gesturing to everything in the room with an unconvinced look. Group 935 weren't sloppy that's for damn sure. They may have caused a lot of problems wherever they went, but they were good at covering their tracks. Tank, Nikolai, Takeo and Naruto had to piece together clues they found at different facilities to get to where they are now.

In Shi No Numa, they discovered the number 115 and 935 and that the people there were researching Element 115. They also learnt of a man called Peter who was sent to infiltrate an organization of some kind.

In Der Riese, they learnt the organization was called Group 935. They were researching super weapons and super soliders by using Element 115 as the base. They also learnt they had created the zombies entirely by accident and started to use tests on them. They also learnt they were experimenting on teleportation and were mainly unsuccessful.

All those clues they had pieced together on their own. Had thought up their own theories and opinions on what they wanted to do.

Dempsey threw in his theory. "Maybe they planned to come back and collect it when whatever happened here blew over?"

"Only to find themselves in a zombie outbreak in our dimension. Or they possibly ended up some place they did not intend to go." Samantha added on with a thoughtful look.

"That schematic right there." Naruto began as he pointed at the schematic with the generator on it to show the others what he was talking about. "Would that be the thing we're looking for?" He asked before looking at Samantha with an expectant look.

"Let's see what the notes say." Samantha took a minute or two to read the notes. They were in German so the others were basically relying on Samantha for a translation. "Okay, I got it! The generator is powered by Element 115. It is meant to create and maintain a forcefield once it has been powered up." She frowned a bit. "The forcefield is designed to keep anything and everything related to the experiments here within and is what is stopping me from teleporting us out of here. Ohhhh... that's interesting..."

"What? What is it Sam?" Dempsey questioned her.

"The mist surrounding the Land of Water? It's being generated from this generator." She revealed to them. "It is designed to keep the zombies bound to it. If they venture out... well... you know all saw what happened."

"Clever..." Takeo muttered under his breath while looking resignedly impressed by its function.

It was pretty clever if you thought about it. Having the zombies dependant on the mist kept them limited on where they could go. If the mist were to shrink, then the zombies would have to fall back in order to keep themselves from burning to death. It is also a deadly weapon since viability is almost non-existent and no one would know where they are going or who is in the mist with them.

"If we shut it off then the mist surrounding the Land of Water would disperse." She finished.

"So, another generator hunt." Naruto said with a tired sigh. "Only this time we're shutting it off instead of turning it on."

"We would have to destroy it beyond repair as well." Samantha added. "To keep others using it for their own agenda."

"That is what I was going to suggest." Takeo said looking at Samantha with approval.

"Do any of these things say where it is?" Nikolai questioned as he sluggishly gestured at the notes and letters.

"Probably." Samantha replied as she began to read one of the letters she had taken off the desk. "It will take me a while to translate all of this. Give me a moment."

"Alright. You do you that. Naruto, Takeo, Nikolai and myself will be searching the room to see if we can piece together what happened."

Samantha who was getting into reading the letter nodded absent-mindedly. "Don't hesitate to call me for help."


An hour later.

"Well that's not good." Samantha said dully as she put the letter, along with several others that were continuations on the desk in front of her.

Takeo and Nikolai, Dempsey and Naruto were sitting cross-legged behind her, and were playing a game of 'catch the baseball'. After hearing her speak the three men, plus teenager looked at one another before getting to their feet.

"What'd you learn?" Tank asked.

With a sigh Samantha turned around, and pinched the bridge of her nose with a look of irritation. "It turns out this facility has several floors. The floor the generator is on is at the very bottom. Which is a problem for us." At the inquisitive looks she was being given, Samantha elaborated. "Between us and the generator are the zombies I told you about, remember?"

"Ohhhhh..." The four men said simultaneously in realization. They kind of forgotten about the zombies since they've been sitting there for the past hour playing catch with a baseball.

"That's bad." Naruto added with a sense of despair. If there are zombies between them and the generator, then they will have to fight them off. And if they had to fight them off, that would mean they would burn through their ammo quickly. And Naruto was definitely sure they did not have enough ammo for all of them.

"I don't see how that's bad." Dempsey said. "Can't Samantha just use her power to put down weapon outlines, the perk machines and the floating icons for us to use?"

Naruto nodded his head in confirmation. "Yeah, she could. If her powers were not being blocked by the forcefield being generated by the generator several floors below us." He replied evenly, before his tone became dry towards the end.

"Oh yeah. I kind of forgot about that."

Naruto had a look of astonishment on his face. "How could you forget something THAT important?"

"Hey! A lot of things happened in a small amount of time."

Naruto's astonished expression gave way to one that was expressionless. "We were playing catch for an hour." He said, with the tone of his voice matching the expression on his face. "That isn't something that can cause you to forget."

"The American is stupid, young one." Takeo stated aloud prompting Dempsey to stick his middle finger up in the classic 'fuck you' gesture. The samurai easily shrugged off the insult as he had faced many, that were not as tame in comparison to the American.

"The American is much smarter than me. So he is not THAT stupid." Said Nikolai as he came to Tank's defence. Although that wasn't saying much anyway in the intelligence area considering the type of person Nikolai is: adrunken idiot.

"Instead of arguing with one another, perhaps we should try and get ourselves ready to delve deep into this facility?" Samantha ever the considerate one said to remind them of their new objective. And it was successful. Takeo and Dempsey, Naruto and Nikolai all got themselves ready. Those who had put their weapons aside went to retrieve them.

"Okay. So do we know where 'bouts the stairs are?" Dempsey questioned.

"There's actually a nearby elevator that will bring us several feet underground." Samantha piped up helpfully.

"I can sense a 'but' coming."

"But...from what the letter's I have read have said, there's only a railing to keep us from falling off of it. And it's slow. And noisy."

"Which means the zombies will know we're coming and will rush at us." Naruto finished off with a dead look on his face, with the tone of his voice matching it too.

"Yeah..." She said sounding a little awkward. "Pretty much."

Nikolai summed up what the others were thinking at that moment. "...Well fuck."

"That can't be the only thing that can get us down though can it? There's gotta be something else we can use? Like, a staircase or something?" Dempsey questioned the girl with an imploring look on his face. Because as much as he liked killing zombies even he was getting sick of it.

Samantha shook her head negatively. "There is nothing else for us to use."

"That is complete bullshit!" Dempsey exclaimed throwing his arms, including his weapon, up above his head in outrage. "Who makes floors without a staircase!? FUCK!" He bellowed in annoyance before letting out a pained curse when the weapon he tossed above him, dropped on top of his head before falling to the ground.

Samantha covered her mouth as she sniggered finding the sight to be amusing. Dempsey who was holding his head in his hands glared at the girl weakly and told her to shut up. Which then prompt her to laugh uproariously hard that almost had her falling to her knees.

"Hilarity aside; do you know where the elevator is in terms of where we are?" Naruto dryly asked as he switched his gaze from Dempsey to Samantha.

"It should be through that door over there." She answered as she pointed to the only door in the room. The others nodded and with Samantha following them they made their way to the door at the end of the room. They quickly moved the crates out of the way and opened the door and found that there was indeed an elevator on the opposite end.

However this elevator wasn't powered by electricity. It looked like an old mine lift that requires two people to manually work. At the right side there was a lever pump that required two people to manually handle by moving it up and down individually on both sides. And like Samantha said there was a railing on the ledge of the lift to keep them all from falling off. There were gears with metallic ropes attached to them on both sides of the platform to help the elevator move up and down. And from how rusty and dusty it is, it looked as if it hadn't been used for years. Which isn't far from the truth.

" least we know why it's slow and noisy. It looks like it hasn't been used in years." Naruto said as he cautiously walked onto the platform. The teenager, rather stupidly, lightly jumped on the balls of his feet to test the strength of the elevator. It creaked a little from disuse but was otherwise sturdy.

Naruto stopped his bouncing when he felt a firm grip on his shoulder. When he turned to see whose hand was on him he found Takeo sternly looking down at him."Doing that is not wise, Naruto." The man reprimanded him. Looking at the elevator the teenager had to agree with the samurai.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Dempsey stated as he too cautiously got on the elevator. "But we gotta do it." He added with a little reluctance.

"This Russian is not liking rusty piece of crap!"

"You and me both, Nikolai. You and me both." The older blonde said in agreement. Dempsey looked at the lever and lightly elbowed Nikolai on the waist to get his attention. The American pointed at the two man lever pump and asked, "You wanna help me move this thing?"

Blinking at the question Nikolai looked at the two man lever pump and shrugged his shoulders. "Yeah. Sure. Not like I have anything better to do." With that said Nikolai took the left pump and Dempsey and took the right.

Now that they're in place Dempsey turned to the other three and as the leader of the group – although he wasn't much of an effective one (most of the time) - he proceeded to give them orders. "Naruto, Samantha and Takeo, I'm going to need you three to get ready just in case the zombies come rushing at us."

"You got it!" Naruto said with a military salute. Then he and Takeo made their Elemental Staffs dematerialise into particles before grabbing their primary weapons. Samantha who was still in her awakened form kept an eye on the zombies in order to give them a heads up in advance.

With everyone knowing what they're doing both Dempsey and Nikolai grabbed their side of the lever and began to move it up and down alternately between them. The elevator creaked in protest as the gears began to rotate, and the elevator slowly started to descend deeper underground. Making a lot of metallic and creaking noises as it did.

For the first few minutes as they moved there was nothing. It was silent. It was tense. And then they heard it. They heard the deadened moans and yells of the undead horde echoing through the tunnel that resided the elevator as they were alerted to their presence.

Naruto looking up noticed a problem. There was nothing covering their heads. So once they reach a floor that had zombies once they get past that there was no stopping them from getting on the platform.

"Guys, there's no roof above us!" Naruto said to them in exclamation.

"It's a bit too late to turn back now!" Dempsey yelled in response over the loud noises of the elevator. "Just make sure they don't get on the platform!"

Takeo, Samantha and Naruto all shared a look with one another. A look of uncertainty on their faces. They didn't like this. Not one bit. Nevertheless they did as they were told and got themselves ready. Since they had no cover to use the three of them adapted and knelt down where they stood. This way they could brace themselves a little better if something were to happen. Not to mention they would be able to aim more accurately this way than aiming while standing up.

A few long feeling minutes later and they finally reached the first floor. To their relief there was no zombies waiting for them. Naruto and Takeo let out quiet sighs of relief at that and waited for the next floor to come by. Samantha on the other hand, while calm on the outside was nervous on the inside. She knew which floor the zombies were on and knew how many of them there were. But it wouldn't be for another two floors until they encounter them.

For some reason the former residents of this facility decided to dump the bodies on the lowest floor in this facility. Which is also where the generator is located.

Fucking idiots.

The second floor went by and the sounds of the zombies were getting closer now. Samantha also decided to point out the obvious to them, and tell them that the zombies would be on the third and final floor. She also told them to get ready for a fight because there was a small army waiting for them.

The second they reached the third and final floor all of them saw a large crowd of zombies waiting for them. The room was massive. Easily the largest of the other two they'd seen when the elevator was still going down. At the back of the room was a corridor that would lead them to the generator.

Takeo, Naruto and Samantha all threw grenades into the zombie crowd to make their job of getting to the generator easier. The grenades went off one by one, re-killing many of them. Some had their legs blown off forcing them to crawl. Others had their arm and parts of their torso blown off. Showing off their rotting insides. With the grenades doing its job of lessening their opposition, Takeo and Samantha and Naruto all opened fire.

The three of them all aimed for zombies' heads. Knowing that was their one weak spot that can kill them instantly. And given how they need to be careful with how they use their ammo, they were gladly abusing the zombies weakness. Several dozens of the walking dead had fallen before the three of them had to reload their guns. With the platform now on the third floor Dempsey and Nikolai both let go of their lever' and joined the others in shooting the zombies that were trying to got on the elevator they were defending.

Naruto reached back into the pouch that contained his monkey bombs. Taking one out he round it up getting the monkey to clap the cymbals in its hands together for a short moment, and then threw it over the zombies to one of the corners in the room. The monkey began to jump around, clamping its cymbals together while music was sounding out of it. The remaining zombies distracted by the monkey bomb ran over to it. The five heroes with the zombies distracted briefly by the monkey bomb all rushed to the back of the room and ran down the corridor. All the while Takeo and Naruto and Samantha reloaded their weapons with a fresh magazine.

Samantha was the last one to enter the corridor. And just as she went inside the monkey bomb had reached the end of its song and exploded. Taking many more zombies down with it. The remaining zombies now that they were no longer distracted followed after the heroes into the corridor. In a scene reminiscent to Der Riese, Takeo and Nikolai, Samantha and Naruto and Dempsey all stopped and turned around with their assault rifles and sub machine guns aimed at the zombies' heads.

Dempsey and Nikolai and Samantha, who were at the rear of the group opened fire on the zombies first. Their bullets tore through the zombies' heads, ripping them off their shoulders. They fell to the trio like wheat to a scythe. Making a large pile of corpses that was getting bigger with each zombie that fell to Takeo's, Nikolai's and Samantha's combined fire power. When they needed to reload, they quickly retreated behind Naruto and Dempsey as they reloaded their guns and allowed the two blonde men to open fire on the zombies. While the zombies were not as numerous thanks to Naruto's throwing of his monkey bomb, and Takeo's, Naruto's and Samantha's throwing of grenades' they were slowly being pushed back.

"Shit! Gotta reload!" Naruto called out when he heard his M-16 click and no longer fire.

"Dammit! I gotta reload too! Fall back to the others!" Dempsey ordered when he used all the ammunition in the magazine he was currently using.

Before Naruto did that however he quickly tossed out another grenade in front of the approaching zombie horde to buy them both some time. Dempsey seeing this knew what Naruto was trying to do, and complimented the teenager on his quick thinking.

Both Naruto and Dempsey made a hasty retreat to the others who were waiting a ways away up the corridor. Not a moment too soon the grenade exploded. Killing several more zombies while removing the legs and arms of several others. When they got behind the three of them Takeo, Samantha and Nikolai all took aim and opened fire.

Luckily the zombies were coming in one direction. Otherwise they would have been overrun by now. Several minutes of shooting, retreating, shooting and retreating the zombies began to thin out. Several of them in the corridor were without legs and were slowly crawling after the five heroes. However, before they got within ten feet they were put down by a well placed shot to the head by Samantha and Takeo while the others took care of the walkers. The rest of the stumpy's were still in the room that had the man-operated elevator. And were just making their way into the corridor the heroes were in before. They were ignored as they were far away from the group to be of any threat to them.

Not to mention they were so slow! So there was no worry of them biting on their shins.

After several minutes of running through the corridor that turned out to be just one long hall the group had finally reached the end of it. Only for them to be blocked by a closed door. Fortunately the door had a window for them to peer through. The four of them looked through the glass and found that the room they were looking for was right in front of them.

The generator was massive. It was easily the size of a double decker bus. It had cables connected to it on the top and sides. With electricity being channelled into the machine through the cables that went up and into the ceiling and to the surface. They could see and hear the electricity crackling and sparkling as some cables were lying on the ground unconnected to anything. On the front of the massive generator was a large control panel. It had a screen displaying a series of numbers and technical mumbo-jumbo that only an engineer would know about. And directly in front of the screen was a keyboard that was connected to both the screen and the generator itself.

Dempsey turned the handle and finding it unlocked opened the door. He and the others quickly entered the room before the door was closed.

"I'll cover the door." Dempsey said to the others as he took position on the left of the door. "Those freakbags might break it down once they reach it."

"I shall help you, American." Nikolai exclaimed as he took position at the right side. Aiming his PPSh-41 at the door. "No one should take on guard duty alone!"

"Thanks." Dempsey reluctantly thanked the Russian for his help.

While the American and the Russian stood guard at the door, Takeo and Samantha and Naruto went to the generator. Standing in front of the control panel both Naruto and Takeo were trying to make sense of what was on the screen. Samantha was looking at the cables connecting to the generator with a light frown and narrowed eyes.

"So what do we do?" Naruto asked Takeo, looking a little unsure on what to do.

"The original plan was to destroy it. But with us stuck in this room with our only exit blocked by the undead, our situation is grim."

Takeo had brought up a very good point of concern for them. Samantha was silent as she tried to think of what to do. She couldn't see an off switch and she didn't know how to turn it off manually. As for blowing it up, they were inside of the room with the generator, and the zombies are on the other side of that door. So doing that would not be the smartest thing of them to do.

Then her eyes lit up in remembrance. "The Gersch Device!" She said in exclamation. Naruto and Takeo both stared at Samantha with questioning looks on their faces, before they too remembered Nikolai had the means for them to escape.

"Good thinking Samantha!" Naruto praised his friend before he turned back to the generator with a small frown. "But how are we going to destroy the generator? Blowing it up would most likely bring this entire island with it."

"I have this remember?" Samantha said, switching out her MP40 in favour of her Ray Gun.

Naruto who was now looking at Samantha again noticed the Ray Gun in her hand. His eyes lit up. "Oh yeah! The Ray Gun! I forgot that was powered by Element 115. Just like the generator." He turned his eyes back on the machine for a moment before turning to his girl friend again. "Will it be effective?"

"It should." The teenage girl replied, tossing the futuristic side arm between her hands. "The Ray Gun does corrode everything it touches after all."

"Alright." The teenage blonde said with a nod. "I'll get Nikolai to get his Gersch Device ready."

Takeo, Samantha and Naruto all turned to Nikolai when they heard him call out, "Did someone say this Soviet's name?"

"Yeah!" Naruto replied in response. "I need your help Nikolai!"

Dempsey looked over his shoulder at the three beside the generator before he jerked his head toward them. "Go on. See what the kid wants." He told the Russian. With a nod Nikolai went over to see what Naruto wanted his help with.

"What is it comrade?"

"Nikolai, we're going to need you to get a Gersch Device ready." Naruto told him getting straight to the point. "Because us being in this room and the zombies on the opposite side of that door, blowing up the generator is not the smartest thing for us to do."

"So you want the device to be used as a getaway." Nikolai said perceptively. When seeing Naruto nod his head in confirmation, Nikolai made a sound that sounded like a grunt of approval and reached into the bag that contained the contraptions. "I can do that. Is easy, no?"

Taking out the Gersch Device Nikolai readied it by pressing several buttons. All he had to do now was throw it and jump through the black hole once it formed. Seeing that Nikolai had his Gersch device ready Naruto turned to Samantha and gave her a nod. Who nodded in return and took aim at the generator.

Meanwhile Dempsey narrowed his eyes and leaned toward the door. He could hear footsteps, moans and groans on the other side. Scowling the former United States marine slowly backed away from the door. Knowing how unnaturally strong the undead are Dempsey knew the door won't be able hold them back for long.

"Guys! Whatever you are planning to do, do it now! There's a new wave of zombies on the other side of this door, and it won't hold them back for long!" Not a minute after he said that, everyone else could now hear the zombies' moans and groans seconds before they banging their fists on the door.

Samantha scowled upon hearing the zombies banging on the door. There was no way she was going to die here. Scowling even more she opened fire on the generator. The green rays hit the surface of the machine just above the monitor. Quickly corroding it until the internal mechanisms were exposed. She kept firing in the same spot. The Element 115 powered rays corroding the inside of the machine as well.

As the generator was shot the tenth time an alarm started blaring throughout the entire facility. The monitor attached to the generator changed to a block of numbers as it flared from green to red. Meanwhile the generator was beginning to overheat. Steam started to shoot out of the generator while the electricity powered cables fell loose.

Because Samantha is able to detect Element 115 she knew the generator was beginning to overload and overheat. Which is a problem as Element 115 is powerful enough to power four 1000ft tall giant robots. And is able to power entire armies for an eternity.

Which should tell you just how dangerous Element 115 is when it is used wrong. And since the generator, which is also powered by Element 115...the explosion will be similar to several nuclear bombs going off at once.

"The generator is about to explode! We need to get out of here!" Samantha yelled to the others over the siren.

Nikolai quickly tossed the Gersch Device to the ground. Once it settled a black hole opened up above the contraption, and began to pull anything that was not alive in. Seeing there was a means of escape for them in the room Dempsey abandoned the door and ran to the others.

"Everyone jump in together!" Dempsey yelled. Heeding his words Takeo and Samantha, Naruto and Nikolai and Dempsey all ran to the black hole before jumping into it together. Just as the door keeping the zombies out gave way, and allowed the zombies to pour into the room. Only for them to get dragged against their will toward' the black hole where they met their end.

The generator exploded. Violently. Wiping out the zombies and the facility in the blink of an eye. The cables that were connected to the generator had transferred the overheating and power overload to the other generators on the island. Causing them to explode with the force of a nuclear bomb too. As they were powered by Element 115, like the main generator that was underneath the ground the explosions wiped out everything in three miles.

The generators that were near the temple exploded, the temple was almost wiped off the face of the planet.

The force of the explosion coming from the main generator had uprooted the ground the facility was built under, with the force of several nuclear bombs. The shockwave could be heard throughout the Land of Water. Shocking and frightening many people with the sudden explosion.


In Kirigakure the Mizukage, startled with the sudden sound of an explosion looked out of the window from her Kage tower. To her utter joy she found the mist outside of her village walls was lifting. She along with everyone else bore witness to several mushroom clouds raising in sky from one of their islands across the sea.

The door to her office was slammed open as one of her subordinates rushed in. "Lady Mei! There's-"

"An explosion from one of the islands that are part of the Land of Water? Yes. I know." Mei Terumi said, finishing what she knew her subordinate was going to say. She turned around to look at the nameless ninja over her shoulder. "That is where the Mysterious five was located. I can only assume they were the ones that caused the explosion and the ones who made the mist surrounding Kirigakure no Sato and Water Country vanquish."

"You truly believe this was caused by them?"

"But of course!" The woman exclaimed turning to look out of the window again and stare at the mushroom clouds. "We all felt the strange energy associated with them twice in the past few hours. The first one was on the border of Water Country. While the second one was to the North West of the Mainland. Besides we all know the rumours of their advanced weaponry. Who's to say they didn't use one of those weapons to cause that?"

Mei smiled a faint smile when she felt another pulse of foreign energy from another one of their islands. And everyone throughout the Elemental Nations most likely felt it too. While the energy she felt was not on the island the explosion came from, she knew they were alive. And if what she heard about them vanishing without a trace, then they would be gone by now.

"Yes. There are many things surrounding the Mysterious Five that remains a mystery to us all."


Samantha and Naruto, Nikolai and Dempsey and Takeo all grunted as they fell on their behinds as they reappeared inside of the plain, white, endless void. The tactical map was still in the same place as it was when the five of them went to the Land of Water.

Getting to his feet Dempsey looked around. "I never thought I'd be happy to see this place again." He said light-heartedly, when he found himself back inside of the void-like dimension with the others.

"I'm just glad we all jumped inside the Black Hole at the same time." Naruto said with clear relief in his voice. "Who knows where we would've ended up otherwise?"

It had been proved that jumping inside the Black Hole, made by the Gersch Device one by one, would eject them all in separate locations. Since they went in at the same time however, all five of them had been ejected at the same place. With the generator stopping Samantha from using her powers destroyed, she was able to use her powers to get them out of there the second they all exited the Black Hole.

Which is how they ended up here.

"Let us not think about it." A now normal looking Samantha said to Naruto with her natural accent back. "Ve vere successful in our objectives' no?"

"Yeah." Naruto replied as he willed the Staff of Lightning to materialise in his hand. He had a satisfied look on his face as he looked the mechanically advanced staff over. "We got what we came for; freed Gersch from where ever he was trapped; and destroyed the generator that was creating the mist around the Land of Water! I'd say that was a tactical victory!"

Dempsey had a smile on his face as he nodded. "Yeah. I consider that to be a tactical victory for us too." He said before turning to the tactical map with an inquisitive look. "Looks like the Land of Water has gone back to normal for the most part."

The others looked at the tactical map and saw the same thing as Dempsey had. The mist that had the residents at the mercy of the zombies was quickly and steadily vanishing. However a mist like cloud still lingered; but thankfully enough was not thick enough for the sun to be blocked out. On the island they were on they could see several mushroom clouds.

"Damn." Naruto whistled, impressed on seeing the multiple mushroom clouds on one island. "They're not going to be able to go there for a while."

"I pray this will not have repercussions for us in the future."

The others all looked at Takeo quizzically. "Why would you think this is going to bite us in the ass, Tak?" Dempsey questioningly asked the samurai.

Takeo however instead of answering Dempsey's question, asked one of his own. "What is Element 115 known to do to corpses?"

"It brings them back to... Oh..." Nikolai trailed of in realization. Dempsey, Naruto and Samantha widened their eyes as they came to the same conclusion as he did.

Takeo meanwhile was nodding his head in confirmation as he stared at the mushroom cloud, covered island with narrowed eyes, a light frown and his arms crossed against his chest. If the dead were to get reanimated then they would have another army to deal with.

"If the corpses on that island we were on gets reanimated, then we'll have to step in before they have the chance to go out there and infect the living." Dempsey declared, driving his fist into his palm with a look of determination.

"You have a point there Tank. But we have to remember that in this place time goes by faster than it does on the outside." Naruto reminded him.

Nikolai after taking off his sack and taking out a bottle of vodka, made a drunk groan as he scratched the side of his head in thought. "1 hour in here, is one day out there. Is that right, comrade?" Nikolai questioned before removing the cork and bringing the tip to his lips.

"Yeah, it is Nikolai. Good job on remembering!" Naruto replied praisingly before deadpanning when he saw the Russian was drinking. Shaking his head with a sigh of irritation Naruto turned to the others. "So we can't stay in here for long otherwise more time would pass by."

Dempsey scrunched up his face. "How many weeks did we unknowingly lose in this place anyway?"

Taking the bottle away from his mouth, Nikolai put the cork back on the lid, and, as he placed his bottle of vodka back inside of his sack he said, "I think it is around 2-3 weeks? I have no idea."

The others looked at Samantha for confirmation. Since she is the one who is in control of the place they're in. She nodded her head in confirmation and said, "Ja. Zhat sounds about right. 2-3 veeks is around zhe amount of time ve have lost in here."

"Alright. That doesn't sound so bad. We lost around 2-3 weeks in here. Considering what we've been through, losing that amount of time is tame. It's not like we're missing the years by the decades." Dempsey was very optimistic about this. And he had a right to be. Considering they went decades into the future, and found from their destinations that their planet was slowly becoming fucked beyond all recognition; this is pretty tame in comparison.

"Truer words have never been said." Stated Naruto.

"Let us look at map. See where we go next, no?" Nikolai suggested.

"Might as vell." Samantha said with a shrug. "Ve vere looking at it anyway."

As Samantha made the map zoomed out of the Land of Water, the image that had the Staff of Lightning shooting out lightning had vanished from the country. The images of the Staff of Ice and the Staff of Wind were the remaining ones left. They noticed there was something going on in the Land of Earth. Samantha letting her curiosity get the better of her made the map zoom in on the country to see what the situation there was. The others did not protest to this as they were just as curious as she was.

"That's bad isn't it?" Naruto questioned as if he were in denial.

The others nodded in confirmation. "Oh yeah." Dempsey said with wide eyes. "That's very bad."

The Land of Earth was completely overrun. Zombies were everywhere. The rocky mountain range running across the border had kept anyone from getting outside help. The landscape was rotten. Decayed. There was no sign of life anywhere. No trees; no bushes or grass; no flowers. Nothing.

The tactical map then went to Iwagakure no Sato. The Hidden Village of the Land of Earth was empty; it resembled nothing more than a ghost down. They knew when it happened; when they were occupied in the Land of Water. And given they were there for a few hours, the country was overrun fairly quickly. And under the noses of everyone else it looked like.

"Are there any down there that still live?" Takeo questioned, staring at the overrun Hidden Village with a serious look on his face.

"It does not appear so." Samantha replied sounding and looking equally as serious as the samurai. "Zhen again, appearances can be deceiving." She added on thoughtfully.

"We're going there next. But this time, I don't want you coming with us Samantha." Naruto said much to the surprise of Takeo and Dempsey, Nikolai and Samantha.

However Samantha was the only one who protested against it. Mainly because the others were too surprised to say anything, as they never expected Naruto of all people to want Samantha to sit this one out.

"What?! Why don't you want me to come with you!?" She demanded protestingly, glaring daggers at her friend.

However Naruto was completely unaffected by it. "Two reasons: one if there is something similar to the generator we blew up in the Land of Water, then I want you outside of its area of effect. Two: I want to experiment with something. And I want your help with that experiment."

Samantha visibly calmed down at hearing the first reason. And was curious, and a little bit wary about the experiment. "...Vhat kind of experiment?"

"It's nothing like he-who-must-not-be-named. So don't worry about that." Naruto said slightly easing Samantha's worry. "I just want to see if time would go faster in here if one of us were to stay, and the others were to go."

"Zhat is... actually not a bad idea." Samantha rubbed her chin with a look of intrigue. "Ja. I can see zhe benefits of us experimenting vith zhis."

"Just so I understand what is happening; the four of us..." Dempsey gestured to himself, Takeo and Nikolai and Naruto. "...are going to go down to the Land of Earth. While you..." He pointed at Samantha this time. "...are going to be staying in this place, to see if time goes faster if your the only one here?"

"That is what they just said, American." Takeo said with a bland tone.

"Just wanted to make sure I didn't miss anything."

"Send us down Sam." Naruto told his friend.

Samantha complying with Naruto's order sent them down to the surface. She used the tactical map to keep a close eye on the four of them. She wasn't going to let any of them die.

Not on her watch.

It wasn't long until she realised Naruto's theory was right.

Time did run normal while she was still here and they were on the planet.


When their vision cleared they found themselves in the middle of a seemingly deserted Hidden Village. The built in mountain houses were devoid of life. The very ground they were walking on was covered in blood and gore. If that wasn't troubling for them then nothing is. Knowing that being silent would be the means to their survival the group conversed with one another through using hand gestures, signals and whispering.

The Staff of Ice is somewhere in all of this. Zombies being the only thing – hopefully! - that is standing between them and their prize.

Tank, Nikolai, Naruto and Takeo shared a look of unease when they felt the ground shake. Like there was a miniature earthquake. Then they heard a rumbling, crackling like noise as if something with a lot of weight on their body was heading toward them.

Simultaneously the four turned in the direction they heard the noise coming from. Their weapons raised and ready to fire. Their eyes slowly opened from shock at what they were seeing.

It was a zombie. The glowing eyes being a dead give away. But it wasn't one they were familiar with at all. First of all it was gigantic; really, really tall being around 8 to 9 foot in height. It was missing most of its face, as if it had been torn off violently. You can literally see its rotten muscle and skull. Its stomach had been torn open, with its intestines hanging out, flailing around with every step it took. On its forehead you could see it wearing a forehead protector with the symbol of Iwagakure displayed.

It wore a bloody and ragged red outfit, that with the zombies' height, looked several sizes too small, and a brown flak-jacket that had claw like tears. It was barefoot. And it had a dark brown/greenish aura around it. The earth around it was decaying at an alarming rate; turning from a healthy brown to a sickening oil like black.

And it was coming at them with a vengeance.

However they all knew what the thing in front of them was. It was the most dangerous zombie type you can encounter. A zombie that is so tough, that you would need some high tier weaponry to just to have a chance at fighting them.

And that's if you're lucky.

"Oh fuck!" Dempsey exclaimed in alarm. "A Super Zombie!"
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