Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan

Freedom at Last

by WiseMuffin 0 reviews

When Mikasa couldn't save Eren from a terrible death at the hands of a Titan, she hates herself because she didn't react fast enough. How does this affect her afterwards?

Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-02-15 - Updated: 2015-02-16 - 418 words - Complete

Mikasa looked around the blood-stained town. Dead comrades hung from buildings and Titans roamed free from all angles. She stood at the edge of a roof and looked on in horror, her tattered cape billowing in the wind. She watched on in dismay as an all too familiar face stared at her from inside the hand of a Titan. His gaze hardened as blood dripped down from his forehead.
His sword still in hand, he tried to rip from the Titan’s grasp, but it simply gripped him tighter. Eren’s eyes bulged and he stopped struggling.
Mikasa was transfixed to the spot- unable to move. So horrified about what was happening she had no idea what to do anymore.

What are you doing?! Mikasa thought to herself frantically. He’s still alive! Save him! She activated her maneuver gear and swung around to the nape, just as a deafening crack split the air. She turned around only to see-
Mikasa shot awake and snapped upward, hitting her head on an ill-placed shelf. Damn it... She thought bitterly as she rubbed her throbbing forehead.
“Why didn’t I save him that day? What held me back?” she whispered. “He’d still be here if…” her voice broke into a sob.
Stop that, it wasn't your fault, Mikasa urged herself. She glanced out the window to see the moon high in the sky. Mikasa stood and propped her elbows up on the windowsill and opened the window, making the curtains swirl in the soft breeze. She looked down to the ground level; far below her room.
Don’t do it! A voice shrieked inside her head. Don’t give up! The only way to live is to fight! Eren would have died for nothing!
“He didn’t die saving me; he died because I couldn’t save him!” Mikasa snarled. “I’m a coward… an idiot!” Two birds cawed, flapped their wings, and flew over the wall.
Freedom and death are one in the same, Mikasa thought to herself. She clambered up onto her windowsill until she was sitting and watched the birds switch from beyond the wall to inside it; taunting her. She smiled weakly and reached out her hand. She felt herself slipping further and further until-
“Mikasa, what are you doing?!” Armin’s frenzied voice sounded from behind her as a door creaked and blasted open.
She turned back with her feeble grin still plastered onto her face. She pushed off the sill with shaking arms.
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