Categories > Movies > Ella Enchanted

Ella's Hard Life

by Cartoonboy2009 0 reviews

This is a poem I wrote about how Ella's life of obedience could had been harder then many would imagine

Category: Ella Enchanted - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Parody - Published: 2015-02-20 - 139 words

Ella, she was the girl cursed by obedience.

Oh, how hard that must had been.

Oh, what a kind and beautiful girl she was.

That fairy Lucinda, the one who gave her that horrible gift.

Did nothing to help Ella,

As she begged her to take the gift back,

In her darkest moment where she was about to stab Char;

Lucinda said nothing to help her with the situation.

Now that Ella is free from the spell,

I'll bet she has ambition.

And determination to get revenge on the ones who made her life hell.

Starting with Lucinda, then her two step sisters.

One day, she will meet Cinderella,

And tell her what she encountered was nothing,

Compared to what Ella faced.

She will also have the movie remade.

So then, it will no longer get so much criticism.
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