Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > The Stump Adoption

The Interview

by stumpling 0 reviews

Mia meets Patrick and Elisa

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover - Published: 2015-03-06 - 1185 words

Chapter 2: The Interview

Mia's POV

My heart was pounding and my head felt like it was spinning. I kept looking at the couple and it felt like an eternity. Oh my god I'm staring at them! They noticed! They're going to think that I'm weird. Oh fucking hell, Mia you already blew it. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Wait a second... Why do I even care? What about this would ever be so different? It's just an interview. A stupid interview. Just close your eyes and breathe. It doesn't matter. They don't matter. They're just some random people. Screw them. But they can rescue you. Rescue you from here. From this hell. From these people. Brace yourself, Mia. They can get you out and you're blowing it, you stupid piece of...
As I was having a mini internal breakdown, and was trying not to cry, my thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a calm, soothing voice and a light shaking of my shoulders.

- Hey, hey, are you okay? - asked the tiny dude with the glasses.

How the heck didn't I see him getting up from his chair? Was I out for so long? Crap, I know that these internal wars inside my head last quite sometime, but did this one last enough for him to notice. Well shit. Shit, shit, shit.

- Uh, um I'm fine, I guess. I just got a bit distracted. - I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.
- You're Mia, right? Come and sit, we've been waiting for you. - he said as fixed his glasses.

He was a cute little creature, I suppose. With his dumb looking nerd glasses and a very big smile that just looked so genuine. I don't know why. I'm usually not wrong about this stuff. He seemed different. He seemed like a nice person. It was strange seeing a nice person for a change. Or is that what they looked like... I don't know.
I slowly approached the table and sat opposite the couple. After a few seconds, I finally picked up the courage to look at them in the eye. They looked like a really cute couple. But were like really short and tiny. Kinda ironic coming from me, who has always been the shortest.
I looked up and took a deep breath.

- I'm Patrick, and this is my wife, Elisa. - he said.
- Hi, Mia - said Elisa

And she speaks too. She had a cute voice. Kinda high pitched. But cute. Both of them seemed like a ball of sunshine and rainbows. Hard to believe that they'd want someone like me.

- H...h...Hello. - I managed to speak out.

Fucking hell, Mia, GET YOUR CRAP TOGETHER. You can't even speak properly. That's why no one wanted you, because you can even speak, you worthless little piece of...
Before I finished that in my head, he started speaking and asking me questions. I was kinda surprised with his approach. He was calm and very collected. It's like he knew that I was nervous. He didn't even give me a chance to finish my internal self-loathing fest.

- So, you've been here for a long time? - Elisa joined the conversation.
- Pretty much my whole life. - I answered.
- It wasn't fun, was it?
- Not exactly the best thing in the world, especially when you're surrounded with a ton of annoying brats. And not to mention that they treat you like a part of a mass so there is no place for individuality. You're just "kid number whatever". But it's not all bad. I learned a lot of stuff here.
- Stuff like what? - Patrick asked.
- Self control. A lot a lot of self control. I'm surprised that a lot of kids here still have heads on their necks.

Well crap. I had to do it. I had to show how twisted my mind is. I couldn't have controlled myself. Jesus Christ, Mia, Jesus Chr...
My thoughts were interrupted by his chuckle and her giggle. It wasn't that fun of a joke anyway. Wow, these two seem really really desperate.

Before I could notice, I was bombarded with questions about me, and I didn't know what to make up so I started talking about how I play the piano, how I love musicals (but the caretakers wouldn't take me even if I paid them)and how I suck at every sport known to man. All true stuff. And they seemed like they were interested. They laughed at my jokes and they even asked more questions about what I like and what I do. It was crazy. For the first time the couple interviewing me cared about WHO I AM and not WHO I WAS and what my past was.
I didn't even notice the minutes passing by and soon enough I blurted out the stupidest question possible:

- So, if you don't mind me asking: why me?
- I'm sorry, what? - Patrick said, fixing his glasses.
- I mean... You seem like a young, fun, balanced, NORMAL, people. Why are you interested in a 13 year old? Like, don't people like you want small babies and stuff?

Elisa looked deep into Patrick's eyes with a very sad, disappointed look. She sighed and started speaking:

- You know, we've been trying to have our own baby. But it just hasn't been working and considering we're both very busy, we just thought that maybe it's the best we dipped into these waters.
- Oh, I'm sorry, I... - I stuttered.
- No need to apologize, honey. It is what is. - Patrick joined in.

Honey. Someone called me honey. Sadly this has never happened before. It felt like a thousand butterflies dancing inside my stomach. It felt... Like HAPPINESS.

After a while, the awkwardness of my question faded in laughs and more fun conversation. Me telling them about me, them telling me about them... The whole nine yards.
Before I could notice Jenny had walked into the interview room and told me that the time has run out. Nothing in my life has ended as fast as this. I felt so disappointed and I didn't want them to leave.

- Oh, okay... - my voice started shaking.
- Don't worry, sweety, by the looks of it, we'll surely be back. - Patrick said, and reached for a hug.

That hug was one of the warmest, nicest, fuzziest things I felt in a long time. It seemed so genuine. I have never felt anything like it before.
Elisa grabbed her bag and rubbed my shoulder a little bit. On their way out they turned around and smiled at me. She gave me a cute little wink.

I didn't know what to think anymore. I was charmed by two tiny little humans. I met people who weren't complete garbage which totally shook the image that I had about people in general. I mean, I knew that there were good people in the world, but I just never thought they'd step foot in my life anytime soon. Or ever, to be exact.
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