Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Oh How We Were Wrong When We Thought Immortality Meant Never Dying

Chapter 4: Blank.

by SluttyJacketPotato 1 review

Chapter 4

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-04-27 - 625 words

Blank. There was nothing going on in my head. Just empty whiteness. I wondered if i was actually dead, then, my vision cleared again. I was still in the hands of the men dressed in black. No questions were generating in my mind. I wasn't wondering who they were of why they did what they did, i was only staring at my mom's lifeless body.

"Alright, take the body in the van. Knock this kid out, we set the house on fire, looked like an accident. No witnesses, blah blah blah" The man who shot my mother ordered.

My mind was still just blank. The men lowered me to my knees, making my head point to the floor. I felt a blow to the side of my head, then i saw black.


I woke up coughing, smelling smoke and hearing flames. My eyes peeled open, and i looked around. I was lying on the floor, next to the blotch of blood from where my mother got shot. The flames were rising up all around me, slowly trapping me in a circle. I was covered in ash and soot, staining my hands and presumably my face. I tried to move my leg, when i felt a piercing pain. I looked to it. It had been burnt. My skin had boiled and peeled off some of my leg. I tried to ignore the pain, slowly picking myself off the ground. I coughed and coughed, it was so hard to breath. I looked frantically for an escape. There. The doors to the back garden. I ran straight for it, trying to turn the door nob. It was locked. Luckily for me, the door was made of glass. I kicked through the glass and it shattered completely, giving me a doorway to escape. I jumped through the doorway, running down the road, tears streaming down my face from the pain in my leg. I ran as fast as i could from the flames. It was already getting dark. How long had i been unconscious? it was only half past 9 in the morning when i got home...

Why would they have waited until i was stirring to burn the house?

Why did this happen?

Why did they kill my parents?

The questions were finally generating in my mind as i ran. Even if i didn't know what these people wanted, I had to get out of town. I doubted they wouldn't come back to check if i was dead. It scared me that people could come after me, trying to murder me.

I checked my pocket. Thank god, my phone was still there. I picked it out as i ran, calling 911. I explained to the operator what had happened and she asked me where i was.

"I'm in the park" i said, sitting at the bench that i had sat at just that morning. "I-i don't know if they're coming after me"

"It's going to be okay" She said. "Just keep your head down until the police arrive"

I did as she asked, hanging up, and pulling my (burnt) hood up. It still smelled of ash.

Then it hit me. My life has just been obliterated. My parent's are dead, my home had been destroyed, everything i had ever known had been snatched away from me. I started crying silently. I felt empty. Like an old backpack that had never been used.

I heard a car pull over, it was the police. I looked over at them and waved to signal i needed them. They nodded, walking towards me. There were only two of them.

Then, piercing gun fire shot through the air. A hail of bullets hit the policemen. I let out a scream, running in the opposite direction.
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