Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Paranormal Affair

We Gotta Escape From This Place

by PansyAngel 0 reviews

They have only been in the haunted mansion for less than an hour but the group of friends desperately needed to get out, Amber was injured as was Frank, it was dangerous in there, they needed to es...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2015-04-29 - 6563 words - Complete

OMG guys I'm so sorry this has taken so long but a few months ago while I was writing this I was hit by a severe case of writers block which I am still trying to plough through now, I've kinda had to fight my way through to finishing what was left of writing this chapter and I have to admit that I'm not too happy with it but I needed to get it posted.

I know I didn't explain why I hadn't posted anything in an A/N but I personally don't like to do them because I think they look really messy and unorganised so here's my explanation, I hope you can all forgive me. But anyway, here is the last chapter to the story, I'm not entirely happy with it (especially with how I wrote the ending) but I still hope you like it.

BTW There are going to be some misspells and words extra words that shouldn't be there because I've already tried to upload this once and I correct it as I read through it again. I got right to the end before my computer decided to crash and I couldn't be bothered to do it again, sorry for the long A/N but I hope you like the story.

Bob and Elly walked back down the hallway they had been walking down before as they headed back to the main area where there sat the grand staircase and large wooden doors, they were walking side by side and in silence but silence wasn't very entertaining and Elly was still recording so she asked her friend.

"Do you think the others will be back yet?" Bob gave a shrug before he said.

"I'm not sure, we'll just have to wait and see." Elly then turned the camera to him to say.

"Well, we have been gone for a while, so surely at least one of the others will be back." Bob gave another shrug before he spoke.

"Maybe, but they might have also been as stubborn as you." She gave a noise of shock before it showed in her tone.

"Bob!" He laughed before she added. "You can be very mean sometimes." He gave a scoff before he spoke.

"Sometimes?! I thought I was mean all the time." She laughed in reply before she said.

"Shut up." But their conversation was cut short as they heard a distant shout and they both looked at each other for confirmation, they had both definitely heard it, now they just needed to find out what it was so they both shouted in unison.

"Hello!" They both heard another shout and guessed it was one of the others so started walking slightly quicker wondering why they could possibly be shouting. They heard shouting again and made out their names so Bob shouted.

"Guys!" And soon enough they saw someone approaching in the distance, it looked like they were running, they soon made out the figure to be Ray and quickened their paces so they could meet with him half way. Finally Ray reached them huffing and puffing so Elly asked.

"Ray what's wrong?" Ray had to take in a few deep breaths before he could reply.

"Guys, we need to get out of this place now." They were both worried at that point so Bob asked.

"Why?" But Ray spoke in an urgent tone.

"Come on, now." And started jogging back down the hall, the way he had just come from. Bob and Elly looked at each other in confusion before they turned back and started running after their friend, when they caught up with him Bob asked.

"Ray, what's wrong?" He was breathless and struggling to even speak coherently so just said.

"You'll see." Bob and Elly decided not to question at that point and just follow him, after what he said, 'they'll see'.

Back in the main area Sarah was looking over Frank with a torch to search for any injuries he may have sustained that weren't obvious, he didn't have any cuts or anything so that was out of the question but he did have some bruising, and she noticed some especially in one area so spoke her worry to her friends.

"Guys, Frank has bruising around his neck, almost like finger marks." She looked at Mikey and asked. "Is there any way he could have gotten this?" She was trying to rule out paranormal activity but Mikey shouted.

"Are you accusing me of attacking my friend?!" She raised her voice in urgency.

"No, I'm just trying to think of another explanation, something logical that could rule out any spiritual activity." Gerard gave a groan before he asked.

"Why are you even trying?" They both looked at him in shock before he continued. "Haven't you seen enough tonight that can't be explained?" Sarah sighed before she replied to her friend.

"I'm just trying Gerard, someone has to." But he cut her off with a shout.

"Oh, just shut up will you!" She raise her voice to defend herself.

"No I won't shut up!" She was about to continue but was cut off as they heard shouting coming from the corridor Ray had gone down so they stayed silent and waited, soon enough they heard running footsteps and their friends came into view. Gerard gave a sigh before he said.

"Thank God you're back." They were all fine but Ellen soon noticed their two unconscious friends and asked in a panicked, worried tone.

"What happened?" Sarah's the one who answered.

"Amber fell down the stairs, Frank got trapped in a room, it looks like he was attacked in there." But Ray raised his voice to ask.

"And Amber, she definitely just fell?" Gerard sighed before he said.

"We don't know." It went silent for a second before Mikey raised his voice to say.

"Well, no offence but this isn't really getting us anywhere, let's get out of here." They all gave nods before Mikey moved over to the door and tried the handle only to find that it didn't work, he tried them both but it was the same so he shouted.

"Not this again!" Sarah raised her voice in worry.

"What is it?" But Mikey again shouted.

"It won't open! The stupid doors won't open!" Ray quickly walked over and tried it himself, it didn't work for him either so he said.

"Mikey's right." But Bob strode over and tried himself anyway and in the background Ellen started to panic.

"Oh god, we're trapped in here." Gerard shouted.

"No we're not, we can't be!" But this time Bob thought of a logical reason.

"Holy shit guys!" They all raised their voices in question.

"What?" He looked up at them with an emotion in his eyes that they couldn't read as he continued.

"Jake was riding his bike, he had the chain and padlock in his bag so he could lock it up later." It all dawned on them then, their friends had locked them in. They all stayed silent in shock for a few minutes before Gerard shouted.

"Those fucking dickheads! I'm gonna kill them when we get out of here!" But Sarah raised her voice in panic to ask.

"How are we gonna get out of here? We need to get out, Amber and Frank are hurt and they've locked the doors on us." Ray shouted in return.

"I don't know but we have to think of something!" Bob gave a laugh before he then said.

"I'm telling you now, I wish I didn't have to admit this but right now we need the smartest and the most creative minds here... and let's be honest they're both unconscious." They all laughed before Mikey spoke.

"I think I agree with you there, the one time we want them and they're not here." After their exchanges Gerard raised his voice to take control of the situation.

"Ok guys, we need to think of a way to get out of here, we can't exactly break the doors down, they're solid wood, so what else could we do?" They all thought for a second before Mikey said.

"The windows, if we can break the glass and somehow break the wooden board we can get out through there." Ray shouted in reply.

"That's a great idea, but we have nothing to do that with, we can't exactly use our bare hands and we didn't pack anything to deal with this kind of situation because we didn't expect it." Sarah then spoke up to say.

"So we need to find things that will help us." But Gerard spoke in distress.

"We can't go off alone again, have you seen what happens when we do that?" Sarah again spoke to try and make him see sense.

"We have to Gerard, we can't get out of here without any equipment and there is nothing around us." He gave a sigh then before he said.

"Fine, but we stay in groups, some of you look around for equipment, the rest of us stay here." She nodded before she looked at the others and questioned.

"Are we all ok with that?" They all gave words of agreement before they went silent for a second and Ray said.

"Ok, I think some of us should go upstairs and down Amber's corridor, she didn't go into any rooms so it only makes sense we go there first." Bob raised his voice to say.

"I'll go up there." Sarah then said.

"Me too." Ray then spoke to say.

"I'll go as well, that makes three of us so I think that's a good number." But Gerard spoke to jump in.

"Not to put a spanner in the works but maybe one of you should switch with Mikey or Elly, no offence to you two but they're both terrified and I'm not sure if leaving two terrified people together without anyone else is a good idea." Bob spoke to say.

"He has a point." But Sarah spoke up.

"They have you here." He scoffed before he spoke to her in an annoyed tone.

"I'm not sure if you've noticed Sarah but I can't exactly move at the moment!" He took her slightly off guard before he continued. "What do you expect me to do if they start panicking?!" Sarah looked up at the others and Bob just shrugged his shoulders, basically saying 'what do you expect me to do? He's right', but Ray spoke up from beside them.

"I'll stay down here." He then turned to Mikey before he said. "Mikey, will you be able to go up?" Mikey was hesitant but finally nodded before he said.

"Yea, I'll go up." Ray gave a nod before he spoke.

"Ok." He then turned to speak to Bob and Sarah before he addressed. "Well let's get this done quick, we need to get out of here and the sooner the better." The three of them nodded before they moved for the stairs and Gerard shouted after them.

"Just be safe up there!" Mikey was the one who shouted back down.

"We will be." And they started up the stairs and upon reaching the top turned right and headed down the corridor Amber had gone down before, once they started walking down the corridor Mikey asked Sarah.

"So, why have we come down this hallway again?" Sarah who was holding the camera spoke in answer.

"Because this is the hall Amber came down, you two haven't seen her footage and we only watched it to find out how she ended up at the bottom of the stairs, but in the footage she only opened one door and instantly backed off as rats came running out." Bob gave a scoff before he said.

"So she's the only one who saw sense and didn't enter a stupid room." Mikey quickly agreed with a small.

"Definitely." But Sarah spoke to dispute their claim.

"But she's the one who decided to speak to dead spirits, she's the one at the bottom of the stairs." They stayed silent for a second before Bob spoke with disappointment in his tone.

"Have a bit of concern Sarah, she's really hurt down there, she isn't even conscious, she didn't expect to find herself at the bottom of a staircase." Sarah gave a sigh before she said.

"I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do, I'm so confused." But Mikey spoke up from beside them.

"I don't know which I would have preferred, her falling down that staircase or getting shut in that room like Frank was." But Bob quickly spoke in reply.

"If she had gotten trapped in a room no one would have been there to help her, no one would have known she was hurt... still doesn't mean I preferred her falling down that staircase though." Sarah quietly raised her voice from beside them.

"At least me, Gerard and Ray heard her fall, we got to her almost as soon as it happened." Mikey gave a small noise of relief before he said.

"Good thing too, I've seen Gerard holding his hoody against her head, I'm guessing there was a nasty gash." Sarah gave a sigh before she spoke.

"There was, I'm pretty sure it will have stopped bleeding now but the fact that she's still unconscious is worrying." Bob then turned to her and asked.

"How long ago was that?" She thought for a long minute before she replied.

"About half an hour ago, forty minutes tops." Mikey gave a look of surprise and it then showed in his tone.

"Wow, that is a while, let's just hope she wakes up soon." Bob also quickly spoke from beside them.

"More like let's hope we can get out of here soon, both her and Frank are hurt." He then turned to Sarah to ask. "Couldn't you have called for an Ambulance?" Sarah replied in defence.

"No we couldn't." Mikey then asked her.

"Why not?" She raised her voice in an almost annoyed manner.

"The same reason why we couldn't just call you guys, we have no signal in here." Bob gave a sigh before he decided to get back to the job at hand.

"Well, we didn't come up here to have a cosy chat so we're gonna need to go into the rooms to see if we can find anything we can use." Mikey spoke up in hesitance.

"Do we have to?" Bob replied in almost annoyance.

"Do you want to get out of here Mikey? 'Cause if so then you need to get over this fear and get on with the job at hand." Mikey swallowed the hard lump in his throat but eventually nodded his agreement.

Sarah wasn't exactly happy with the way Bob spoke to him, but she had to be honest and say that it had to be done, Gerard was right in saying that him and Elly were both terrified, and it may be selfish on her part but she does kinda wish Mikey was down there and Ray up here, at least with Ray up here things would be getting done, but back in the main area Gerard was kinda glad that he wasn't because it was relatively calm, up until Elly starting asking in a weary tone.

"Gerard, has anything been happening in here?" Gerard gave a small shrug before he said.
"Noises, creaky floorboards, nothing that can't be explained with something reasonable." But she continued to ask.

"So you haven't captured anything on camera?" He gave another shrug before he spoke.

"I haven't been using it constantly, I've needed to put it down every now and then, but no, I haven't seen anything." She again asked.

"Do you think it will have caught anything when you've put it down." He gave a groan before he spoke in an annoyed tone.

"Elly, just drop it will you? I haven't seen anything, I haven't heard anything that doesn't have a logical explanation, you're just kicking up a fuss for nothing." He was really glad Mikey wasn't down here, he wouldn't have been able to contain the panic of them both and thankfully Ray joined in to try and calm her.

"Elly he's right, and you're not making yourself feel any better by doing this, just stay calm." She gave a small sigh and said.

"Ok, I'll stay calm." Suddenly they heard a bang from across the room and turn in its direction, Sarah quickly spoke with panic back in her voice.

"What was that?" Gerard gave a sigh before he turned his attention away and looked back at Amber before he spoke.

"It was just a noise." He again set his camera down for a second and grabbed the torch so he could again look at her injury, it had stopped bleeding a little while ago but he couldn't help but keep checking, once having another good look he again switched the torch with the camera before Elly again spoke in panic.

"But what caused it?" Gerard was again annoyed, they had only just gotten her to calm and now he had to deal with this again.

"Elly calm down!" She looked taken aback by his sharp words before he continued. "This is an old building, expect it to make noises, especially with those three upstairs." Ray spoke from beside him.

"He has a point Ell, just stay calm, you're not helping our situation by doing this." But after Ray said this they heard stirring from beside them, but it wasn't paranormal, it was their friend Frank and he was waking up.

They heard this and Elly rushed to his side and spoke.

"Frank, are you ok?" He wasn't completely there yet, he was only just waking up so couldn't really give any coherent answer and that showed as he replied with a mumbled and slightly slurred.

"What?" But he stirred some more and slowly started coming back to the world of the living, after a little while he sat up slightly and looked around, of course he couldn't see anything but my still lit torch was letting off some light so he rubbed his eyes before he asked in confusion.

"What happened?" Ray then asked him with worry.

"You can't remember?" Frank didn't reply though and Gerard knew he must be confused so put his camera down for a second to grab the torch and hold it in the direction of his friend before he said.

"Here, use this to look around." Frank looked at the object that was being held out to him and took it before he used it to get a good look around the room, once Frank had taken the torch from his hands Gerard reached back for his camera and starting using that again, but Ray turned to Gerard to ask.

"How are you going to check on Amber properly without it?" Gerard looked up at him before he answered.

"The gash stopped bleeding a while ago, there's nothing really to keep an eye on anymore." After Gerard and Ray had finished discussing this Frank turned to Gerard and finally saw Amber and spoke in question, his voice less slurred then it was before.

"What happened to her?" Gerard looked at him and answered.

"She fell down the stairs, hit her head badly." Frank looked at him in shock before he said.

"Fuck." He then raised his eyebrow in confusion as he then asked. "And what happened to me?" They all looked quite shocked before Ray questioned.

"You don't know?" Frank replied in confusion.

"No." But Gerard added to the question.

"You don't remember?" Frank again answered with confusion.

"No." The room stayed silent for a second before Ellen spoke.

"Guys I don't like this." Gerard sighed before he replied.

"Ell, he was attacked by something in there, he must have banged his head or something and that's why he can't remember. His memory will come back soon though, just let his mind recover." Ellen sighed before she finally said.

"Ok." She gave another sigh before she lowered herself to sit on the floor and she asked. "Do you think the others will have found anything yet?" Gerard gave a sad, slightly sarcastic laugh before he spoke.

"If they had they'd be here by now, let's just hope they find something quick, we can't wait around here forever." And the three of them were left in silence after that. Upstairs however, Sarah, Bob and Mikey were getting ready to enter the first room, that hadn't chosen which one yet so that's what Sarah asked.

"So, which room are we going in first?" Bob shrugged his shoulders before he said.

"Let's just go for the first in the line." Sarah also gave a shrug as she replied.

"Makes sense." It went quiet for a second before Mikey hesitantly asked.

"So, who's gonna go in the room?" Bob turned his attention to him before he decided to take control of the situation.

"Ok, for a start we don't want what happened to Frank happen to any of us so one of us needs to always stand in the doorway between the door and the door frame, that way it has no chance of slamming shut on us. Also I think one person should always be in the hall, that way if something does happen they can get the others." Sarah then asked him with apprehension.

"So only one of us will go in the room?" Bob gave a nod before he answered.

"Yes, we never know if anything will happen, the person in the doorway could be pushed out of the way." He then hesitated before he added. "Not to scare either of you, but it might happen, and if it does and they get pushed into the room with the two others that will be the three of us trapped in one room and the others won't know about it." Both Sarah and Mikey gave nods before Bob continued to say.

"Ok, I think I'll go in the room, recording isn't exactly a priority and I'll see better with this torch." He then looked at the other two before he said. "Sarah, I want you to stay in the hall, and Mikey, you stand between the door." Mikey asked in surprise.

"Why do you want me between the door?" Bob was trying to be patient but was slowly losing his cool.

"Because you also have a torch and you can switch it between the two rooms, so if I need more light you can help, if Sarah needs light you can also help, it's a win-win situation." Mikey gave a sigh before he hesitantly agreed.

"Ok fine, I'll do whatever I can do to help." Bob gave a smile before he said.

"Good." So he continued to speak to his friend in command. "Now come over here and stand between this door." Mikey then gave a heavy sigh as his nerves hit him slightly but he walked and stood between the door just as Bob walked through it and into the room. After a few quiet seconds Mikey looked into the room and asked.

"Is there anything in there?" Bob gave a small noise of grief before he spoke.

"Give me a chance Mikes, I've only just got in here." Mikey gave another sigh, he wasn't going to deny that he was scared and he honestly just wanted to get out of there, but they need to find something to actually be able to get out of the building so they need to do this, he knew he needed to be strong.

It went silent after that, all they really heard was Bob moving around inside the room, that is until he appeared at the doorway and spoke again.

"There's nothing in here, we have to keep looking, let's go to the next room." Both Mikey and Sarah nodded in reply before Bob walked past Mikey and out of the room, he then started to walk down the hallway so Sarah and Mikey followed after him.

Downstairs the others were all surrounded in silence as they silently thought, they were each thinking of different things but also of the same thing, that they needed to get out of there so Ray finally raised his voice to say.

"Ok, we can't just stand here waiting, we need to at least do something." Frank looked up at him and raised his voice to ask.

"Like what?" Ray looked around in thought before he replied.

"They're upstairs trying to find anything that can help to get us out, but we still need to find somewhere where we can get out, we should have a look around." Ellen then asked him.

"At what?" He looked in her direction and spoke.

"The window's, they're bordered up but if we can find any loose section then we could easily pry the wood off and we can escape out the window." Gerard raised his voice in reply.

"Ray you are a genius, but what if the others can't find anything that can do the job?" Ray looked at him before he said.

"Then we search again, we need to get out of here and if that means I have to search every room in this damn building I will." He then looked carried on to say. "But first of all we need to check those windows." Ray then turned and looked over at Frank before he asked.

"Do you think you'd be able to help?" Frank still felt quite weak and woozy but he wanted to do something to help so replied to his friend in a certain manner as he moved to stand.

"Of course I can, it's not like I can't walk." He completely stood up and wobbled slightly but kept his balance and Ray was happy with that so said.

"Good, then you and Ellen can both help me look at the windows, we need to look for any weak spots or cracks in the woodwork." They both gave nods at their friend and they all spread out to look at the windows that decorated the front wall of the building, once looking majestic bit now just ugly and an obstacle that they needed to break through.

The three of them looked across the windows and it was Frank who finally shouted.

"Guys, over here!" Ellen and Ray both looked at him before they jogged his way and he showed them what he saw through the light of his torch. "Look, the corner of this one is has been chipped away leaving a gap, if we can get something between that we can pry the wood off." Ray gave a laugh before he spoke.

"I think we've got ourselves a plan guys." But not soon after Gerard shouted from behind them.

"Guys, Amber's waking up!" They all turned and looked in shock before they all ran towards him and indeed their friend was starting to wake. Upstairs however their friends were still searching through rooms to try to find anything to help them escape, they had searched through another two rooms but had come up with nothing so they quickly moved onto the next. Sarah raised her voice to say.

"We need to find something soon guys, the others are waiting and we need to get out of here." It was Bob who replied to her.

"We know Sarah and we're being as quick as we can be, but we need to be careful, we can't have any more casualties." He paused for a second before he continued. "Let's just hope we'll find something soon." She nodded her agreement and Mikey spoke to urge the group along.

"So, onto the next room." Bob gave a nod before he agreed.

"Onto the next room." And they again walked down the hall an towards the next room, they then followed the same routine they had been before as Bob entered the room, Mikey stood between the door and doorframe and Sarah stood in the hall. Mikey and Sarah heard Bob rummaging around in the room before he shouted.

"I've got something!" They both looked up shocked and it only took a second before Bob appeared beside Mikey with a small metal pole in his hand, they didn't know how they were going to get out yet but that could definitely help in finding a way so Sarah spoke with enthusiasm.

"That's brilliant Bob." Bob smiled and him and Mikey stepped out of the doorway only for them to hear a loud creak down the hallway and Mikey asked in a panicked tone.

"What was that?" Bob didn't answer, he instead just said.

"Let's get back to the others." Mikey and Sarah both gave nods at his words and the four of them actually started to run down the hall and away from what had possibly been behind them, enough had happened to them today and they didn't want to deal with any more. As soon as they reached the staircase and saw the others they shouted to grab their attention.

"Guys!" They took the other four off guard and Bob continued to shout as they descended the stairs to reach their friends.

"We found something, we found this in one of the rooms." He ran up to Ray and showed him the pipe and Ray also shouted.

"This is perfect! Come look at what we've found he signalled to his friends to follow but Sarah and Mikey noticed Frank, who had been formerly unconscious, standing straight in the centre of the room so they shouted.

"Frank!" And they both ran up to him and took him off guard before Mikey asked him.

"Are you ok man?" Frank gave a small laugh before he said.

"I'm fine, just got a bit of a headache." But Gerard and Ellen's attention was still on Amber as she stirred slightly and let a small, pained groan escape so Gerard asked her.

"Amber, are you ok?" But she didn't reply, couldn't reply, she still wasn't quite in the room yet as the bang to her head had left her feeling disorientated and dizzy, she didn't actually know where she was, but this led both Sarah and Mikey to look over and Mikey asked.

"Is she waking up?" Ellen looked up at her quickly before she replied.

"She waking up, but she isn't responding to us yet." Sarah raised her voice in an obvious tone.

"Of course she isn't, she fell down a flight of stairs and banged her head. What do you expect? Line dancing?" Ellen let out a groan of annoyance before she spoke.

"We don't know what to expect Sarah and that's the point, what are we supposed to do?" But Bob shouted from in front of the window Ray, Sarah and Frank had pointed out earlier.

"Guys, come gives us a hand! We're gonna try pry this board off of the window!" The five all looked over before Frank, Mikey and Sarah started to approach Bob and Ray to help as Elly stayed with Gerard to try and help Amber.

Sarah, Frank and Mikey all walked over to Bob and Ray before Bob asked.

"Ok, which one of you three do you think is the strongest and the lightest?" Frank and Mikey both spoke up instantly and in unison.

"Sarah!" Sarah looked at both of her friends in shock before she spoke in sarcasm.

"Thanks guys." Bob ignored this exchange as he then asked her.

"Do you think you'll be able to pry this wooden board off of the window with this pole if we lift you high enough?" She gave him a small shrug before she replied.

"I'm sure I can try." Bob liked that reply and that showed in his tone as he then spoke.

"Great! Now come stand over here and put your camera down so me and Ray can pick you up." Sarah started walking towards them so Bob then turned his attention also to Frank and Mikey who were both holding torches. "You two hold your torches up so that Sarah can see what she 's doing." They both nodded before Sarah reached Bob and Ray and Bob handed her the pole before him and Ray holstered her off of the floor and Frank and Mikey both used their torches to light up the which Sarah needed to use the pole to try and pry the wood off of the frame.

Once Sarah was in the air she found the large gap in the corner of the wooden board where a chunk of wood had obviously broken off and quickly slid the pole into the gap before she started to try to pry it off of the wall, it was taking a while and Bob and Ray were getting a bit weak from holding her up before they heard a small 'crack' and Sarah shout.

"It's working!" So Bob shouted back.

"Keep going then, and be quick!" So Sarah kept going and more and more cracks were heard as she slowly pried the board away from the window and eventually she pulled enough down for Bob to say.

"Ok, I think we can pull the rest down by hand." The others agreed with nods and Bob and Ray lowered Sarah to the ground before she said.

"Just watch out for nails, we don't want any of you boys getting hurt." Sarah then moved over and once again picked up her camera so she'd also be able to see as Bob and Ray moved over to the window and started trying to pull the rest of the board off by hand, once again Frank and Mikey lit up the area so they could see what they were doing and after another minute of so the board gave a final crack as it was completely removed from the window. It was Bob who spoke.

"Yes! It fucking worked! Now let's get the fuck outta here!" He then looked at Sarah who was still holding the metal pole before he asked.

"Can I use that pole?" She looked at the pole in her hand before she gave a nod and spoke as she passed it over.

"I'm not exactly using it." He quickly took it from her before he turned to the rest of his friends and asked.

"Is there anything I can use to throw through the window?" Frank and Mikey used their torches to look around as Sarah used her camera and Ray also picked up his camera to join in on the search, which was a good thing too because after a minute he spoke up as he announced.

"I've found a brick here, that should do it." So he walked over to Bob and passed over the brick, Bob looked it over for a second before he stepped back and launched it through the window and they all heard the massive smash of breaking glass. Most of the glass had shattered and fallen away from the frame but Bob walked up to it and used the pole to knock of the sharp reminisce so that no one would get cut, he then shouted back to two of his friends.

"Gerard, Elly!" They both looked up at their friend and he again shouted. "Come on, let's get out of here!" Gerard and Elly both gave nods at their friend before Elly turned to Gerard and asked.

"Do you think I should ask one of the guys to help us?" Gerard gave a shake of the head before he answered.

"No, I can handle it." He then thought for a second before he said. "Put my jacket over her face, we don't want any glass falling into her eyes." Ellen nodded at her friend before she did as he said and took the jacket that had been formerly covering her injury and instead rested it on top of her face to stop any possible debris from causing any harm.

Gerard then slowly stood from his spot on the stairs with the help of Elly and they both quickly made their way over to the window to join their friends in getting out of the building, but before they could leave Frank shouted.

"Wait!" And he ran through the building picking up both his and Amber's bags. Gerard then shouted at his friend.

"Is that really important right now Frank?!" Frank shouted back.

"Where else are we gonna put our equipment?! If we're gonna call for help don't you think they'll question the fact that we're all holding camera's and torches?!" Gerard then stayed quiet after that realising that Frank was right, but Bob was becoming impatient so shouted.

"Come on, let's go already!" They all turned and nodded at him before they gathered around Bob to get ready to escape. They were all quick in climbing out of the window, first it was Sarah, then Mikey and Frank, Bob then climbed out as he helped Gerard with Amber, then it was Ellen and finally Ray.

Once they were all out they ran down the path of the house and out of the gates, and they were finally out. They all then quickly pilled their camera's and torches into Frank's bags and started running down the street to try and find help.


Amber laid back on the hospital bed in the pale white room, she was fully conscious now and had no damage other then cuts and bruising which was lucky really, but she did have to stay in hospital for the night due to the loss of consciousness earlier. Her six other friends all stood in her room around her bed as they started to talk about what had happened earlier that night, it was Sarah who spoke first.

"So, that place is actually haunted." It was Frank who replied.

"We know it is, we have proof, it's all on tape." The room went quiet for a few seconds before Ray asked.

"What do we tell the others?" Gerard quickly spoke his answer.

"We're not gonna tell them anything." They were all a bit shocked by his abruptness so Mikey raised his voice to say.

"But, they're gonna ask questions, Amber's in the hospital for Christ sake." Amber was the one to raise her voice this time.

"I fell down the stairs Mikey, it was dark, it could easily be done." It went quiet again for a second so Gerard raised his voice to reason.

"Guys, if we tell them they'll only get jumped up and ask stupid questions, is that really what you all want?" None of them replied which was the only answer he needed before he continued in a stern manner.

"No one can know, agreed?" They all stayed quiet for a second before they all spoke in unison.


Ok guys, I hope you liked it, I really worked hard to finish it off and I'm sorry it took so long but thanks for reading, I really appreciate it. I'm not sure if I'll be uploading anything else any time soon, I have a one shot on the go which I really like but again, writers block, so I'll upload it as soon as I'm over the writers block so it will actually be reasonably good. See you next time guys, I love you all.
S xx
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