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The Summer Before The Chamber.

by Starfish17 0 reviews

Decripshion: The story tacks place as soon as Harry is off the Hogwarts Express. All throughout the summer before the Chamber of Secrets harry is located in dugleys second bedroom. Harry is only le...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry,Ron,Ron - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2015-07-30 - 546 words

The Summer Before The Chamber. A Harry Potter Fanfiction.
Chapter 1: Returning to the Dursleys.
Decslamer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters in this story. I only own the plot. The rest belongs to JK Rolling.
Decripshion: The story tacks place as soon as Harry is off the Hogwarts Express. All throughout the summer before the Chamber of Secrets harry is located in dugleys second bedroom. Harry is only let out for chorus but that doesn't last long when Harry axeadently uses under age magic to protect himself from his uncle: Vernon. Will Ron and the Wesleys be able to save Harry before it's too late? Wornings: Major Child Abuse, NO RAPE, NO SLASH, just vary hurt Harry Potter.
Ch. 1
As soon as Harry got off of the Hogwarts Express he said goodbye to Ron and Hermione and quickly headed to the muggle side of London because he knew that his uncle will be waiting for him their.
"Maybe Uncle Vernon won't be their to pick me up. That would be nice." Harry thought hopefully.
"Get over here Boy!" Uncle Vernon screamed across the muggle streets of London. His face already turning purple at the sight of Harry.
Like Harry said it was just a hopefull thought. So Harry not having any way out of what was to come when he reached the Durslys house. He picked up the handle of his supecase and slowly ever so slowly walked over to his Uncle. He thought about running the minute he got out of the car in the Durslys drive way. Then he all but remembered what Dumbdore had told him when he asked him if he could not go home for summer break. "Now Harry you have to go back. the words will protect you so you won't be in danger. Do you understand, Harry?" "Yes I do sir... but...." " Now, Now Harry. No buts, now run along or you'll miss the train." "Yes, Sir."
The only option left: when he gets to the Durslys house run upstairs as quickly as possible to try to avoid a beating, and lock the door behind him. "That sounded like a good idea... Not really though, but it's worth a try" Harry thought.
Harry was so deep in thought that he didn't realize it was to late to put his plan into action. He was already a Number 4 Privit Drive and Uncle Vernon was pulling Harry out of the car and onto the sidewalk. It was too late to make a run for it when his Uncle punched him in the head throughly nocking Harry out. The last thing Harry remembered was being dragged up the stairs of number 4 Privit Drive.
In the next episode of the summer before the chamber. Will Harry last the night, and what's wrong over at the Burro? Toon in to find out on the next episode of the summer before the chamber chapter 2: Where am I? And nomes in the garden!
A/N: So how did you like the first chapter of the story. I know it's a short chapter but I don't judge by the length of the chapter. Please tell me what you liked, and didn't like. Thanks for the support. Please Read and Review thank you.
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