Categories > Original > Romance

Bal One Shot (Disney's Descendants)

by whatgoesupmust 1 review

A moment between Mal and Ben after his coronation.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2015-08-21 - 499 words - Complete

Author's Note: Hi. So this is my first time ever really writing anything and actually publishing it so I apologize profusely if it sucks.

As fireworks exploded in the sky, Ben grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a small group of trees a few yards away. “C’Mon. I want to show you something.”

After walking down a short path, we came to a wide opening with a single bench facing the moon. We sat down in comfortable silence and he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer. A few minutes passed before Ben spoke, “Mal, We’ve talked a lot about me and my feelings but I want to know more about you and how you feel. Will you tell me something? Anything?” My heart felt like it would beat out of my chest as I turned to look at him.

With a sigh I started to tell him all about me and my crazy life. Starting from Evie’s sixth birthday I told him about what it was like to live on the island, the quest my mother had sent Jay, Carlos, Evie and I on only 2 months before, what our parents had sent us to do and even that the love potion had originally been used to get closer to the wand. He’d listened to my story with very few interjections but what he said after I was finished surprised me the most. “I’m so sorry Mal.” I met his eyes, a gasp escaping when I see the tortured look on his face.

“Wh-?” I started to ask when his finger brushed my lips, signaling he had more to say.

“I’m sorry you had to grow up in such an awful place. I’m sorry that you had to deal with all of this and that you didn’t get the childhood you deserved.” The sincerity with which he spoke sent shivers down my spine. I’d never experienced the feeling of being loved until I’d met him and I was still adjusting.

“Ben,” I started, my voice cracking as a tear slipped down my cheek, and my hand reaching up to touch his face. “You have nothing to apologize for. If it wasn’t for you, I’d still be on that island with my mother and I’d never have met so many amazing people. I wouldn’t have become friends with Lonnie or Jane and I wouldn’t have fallen in love with you.” It was his turn to gasp as he realized exactly what I’d just said. I laughed nervously, “I love you, Ben.”

His mouth lifted in a goofy smile and he whispered “I love you, too, Mal.” before he pressed his lips against mine in a breathtaking first kiss. My eyes fluttered shut and I responded immediately. After what felt like an eternity he pulled back, and placed his forehead against mine. Our breath mingling as we stared deeply into each others eyes.
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