Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Knives - Frerard

EPILOGUE: It's always darkest before the dawn.

by banditseven 2 reviews

POV Frank; Niagara Falls

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2015-09-06 - 1529 words

Ray stirred beside him. Frank knew how uncomfortable his best friend was about his decision. Even though Frank lived alone now, with a job and a cat, Ray was still fiercely protective over the thirty-two year old man. In all honesty, Frank was unsure about doing this himself, but he couldn't express a shadow of a doubt, because Ray would have turned the car straight around and driven back to Oklahoma.
Frank hadn't spoken to another man with any romantic intention for seven years. Yes, he had experienced general sexual tension with other susceptible gay men on public transport, but that was nothing. He had waited it out, and here he was, pulling up to a desolate section of Niagara Falls.
Ray's kids had been heartbroken to hear that their dad wasn't coming to Disneyland with them, and so was Frank, in all honesty. He explained to Christina how much Ray had been looking forward to it, and maybe they could move the day backwards, but Ray's wife of five years was having none of it. She knew nothing of Frank's past with Gerard Way, so she did not understand how greatly important this road trip was. The Toro household had been one of tense argument for months now.
Frank's heart jolted into his mouth as Ray pulled up beside the only other car present on the cliff edge.
This has got to be it, Frank thought, barely believing that the day had finally come. He was so eager to see what had become of Mikey and Gerard, oh God, Gerard...
“Now,” Ray exhaled, a concerned expression taut on his face. “I want you to wait a se-”
But Frank had waited too many seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, seasons, years. Before Ray could even huff his disapproval, Frank was out of the car and pacing like a madman to the other car. His chest and stomach were hollow; he'd barely eaten for days. His nerves were tearing his tummy apart, and his head had a residue ache. A few times he'd feared the drive north would trigger migraines that he hadn't experienced for nearly a decade, but his fears had been for nothing. Frank was simply a mixture of apprehension and utmost, uncontrollable, incessant excitement. He felt like a child on Christmas morning (not that his childhood Christmases were anything of note).
As Frank hurriedly circled the back of the other car which he hoped belonged to the Ways, he drew a shaking hand back through his long, black hair. It was not unlike Gerard's used to be, in fact. Frank hoped Gerard wouldn't think he was being creepy.
Who are you kidding, Frankie, he sighed inwardly. He'll know you dyed it because of him.
Frank rounded the back of the beaten up 'Rover. The scene that revealed itself before him was one of concern.
Mikey Way stood facing away from him, a dozen feet from the car. He was standing where Gerard and Frank had cradled each other all those years ago. Frowning, heart racing, Frank looked around desperately for Gerard. The lump in his throat was growing and his torso was tightening in foreign places.
As if he had sensed Frank's presence -well, he probably heard Ray's car engine turn off- Mikey turned around to face him.
Seven years had treated Mikey well. The last time Frank had seen the younger Way brother, he had been twenty-six. Now at thirty-three, Mikey's hair had also changed; it was now honeycomb blonde and slicked back, revealing his hollow, contoured face. His body was more toned, and he seemed altogether better put-together than he had been once escaping detention. However, Mikey's expression did not promise a happy reunion.
Frank had been wary of Mikey for the few days he had known him. There was something about his stature that didn't invite warmth or comeliness like Gerard's did. Now, though, now Frank was grown up, independent, and somewhat more confident. He could speak to this man. “Where, where's Gerard, then?” Frank asked, his chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath.
Mikey chuckled and smiled sadly, looking at his feet which were clad in steel-toe boots, scuffing the unhealthy grass of the cliff-top. “I knew you'd only come for him, Frankie.” His voice was deeper.
The sound of his name being addressed made Frank's stomach lurch. He said nothing.
Mikey looked back up at the wavering Frank. His eyes were sad, so distraught.
Oh God, Frank thought in a panic. No, no no no.
“Frank...” Mikey sighed again. “Gerard, he's uh, he's indisposed.”
“Pardon?” Frank asked worriedly, disappointment washing over him like boiling tar. “What? Where is he then?” He felt himself beginning to anger. “What's so important that he can't be here?”
Mikey frowned. “You misunderstood me, kid. He's missing. He didn't choose to be absent. In fact, he was looking forward to today for well, seven years.”
Frank's chest was wrenching with onset anxiety. He shook his head, deniable. “What do you mean? How can he be missing? He's Gerard.”
“You might think you know him well, Frank,” Mikey sounded bitter all of a sudden. “But this is serious.”
That confused Frank even more. “What, I, I never, I don't-”
“Let's cut to the chase.” Mikey stepped closer to the man who was now panicking on Niagara Falls for the third time in a decade and a half. “You either help me find him, or you don't. You don't have to feel obligated, but you don't have to be unsure either. I could use your help, I guess,” Mikey looked downwards again. “He's my big brother, you know.”
Frank's mouth opened and closed but no words escaped. “I, I know-”
“What's happening?” Ray's voice sounded behind Frank. “Where's the other one?”
Mikey glared at the newcomer. “Oh for fuck's sake... and Gerard, I think you meant to say, is a missing person, and I am asking Frank here whether he would help me look for him.”
Frank, who was breathing heavier than a labouring woman, was not listening properly.
“What?” Ray catechized. He looked between Mikey and Frank. “Well, can't you ask the police or something? There's no way you're taking Frank again.” He crossed his arms.
Mikey scoffed incredulously. “Ask the police, to find a long-term 'wanted' serial killer? Yeah, good one, 'fro.” He gestured to Frank. “And he, is a thirty-something year old man. He can do what he wants.”
Ray turned to his best friend, already knowing what the boy's decision would be. “Frank?” He spoke softly.
“Let's go,” Frank whispered shakily. “He found me, so I'll find him, simple.” He stared wide-eyed at nothing in particular. Suddenly, he turned to face Mikey properly. “Did he find them? The people that kidnapped me? Kel and Trent?” The names still set waves of panic inside Frank.
However, Mikey said nothing. He simply stalked to his car, sat in the driver's seat, and waited.
Frank didn't need much time to decide.
Ray chased after Frank as he ran to the car-going-on-truck. “Think about this Frankie! You only just escaped death the last four hundred times when you were with these men. Stop! Think! What about your job?”
Frank, now with the back car door open in one hand, turned to Ray. “It can wait.”
Ray growled frustratedly. “He isn't worth it-”
He helped me, for no reason at all. Doesn't he deserve my input?”
Ray frowned, his eyes creasing. “He's a killer.”
Frank hopped in the car, doing his seatbelt up as was now his habit. He looked Ray in the eye once he was finished. “No, he's Gerard.” He held their eye contact steady before Ray suddenly slammed Frank's door shut and hurried away.
Before Frank expected it, Ray stormed around the back of the land rover and hopped next to Frank in the back seat. Mikey's surprised expression reflected through the rearview mirror.
“Ray,” Frank caught Ray's attention as he shut the door closed. His heart was beating with exultation.
“What?” His eyes were wild; half with exhilaration, half with what Frank thought was anger.
“What about Chris? And the kids?” Frank asked.
Ray finished doing his belt up, then grinned at his childhood bestfriend as Mikey revved the car. “They can wait.”

A/N: Well... that's the end of that then.
I've been writing this for two years (on and off) so it's gonna be really weird not updating anymore. Thank you so much for reading this! Depending on demand, I may or may not do a sequel. I don't know.
Anyway! Tell me what you think happened to Gerard? And what you thought of the ending? (It's pretty awful I'm so sorry)
No more updates then (unless I do a sequel and I'm giving you info on it).
So there we have it. No more The Sharpest Knives. Thankyou so much once again for reading.
ALSO this is a very weird place to self promo but it would make my entire life if you could check out and/or subscribe to my Youtube channel! I just basically make crappy montages. It's cool.
Molly xo
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