Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance


by Millonic 0 reviews

Party Poison and Kobra Kid have the best bromance

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2015-09-29 - 341 words - Complete


Poison looked up from his ratty sketchbook and shined his flashlight at Kobra. "Kid? What're you doing up?"

Party absentmindedly shut the book he was writing in, and put aside the pencil. "That's what I came to ask you. And get that light outta my face." Kobra shielded the light away from his eyes.

"Oh, right." Poison shut off the light. "What's up?" Poison watched Kobra as he stepped forward and sheepishly sat down next to him.

"Nothing, I mean, well, yeah. I'm tired, and.." Kobra took a deep breath to compose himself.

"And?" Party put his arm around him and waited patiently.

"I keep having nightmares. Jet was already sleep, I didn't wanna bother Ghoul, cause he had that.. cycle to work on.." 

"Wait, nightmares? Kiddo.."
"Shut up, I know it's dumb." He rubbed his eyes.

"You shut up. It's not dumb, I'm just wondering why you didn't come to me sooner." Poison messed up Kobra's hair and offered him a hand up.

He took it and got engulfed in a hug. "Big brothers protect little brothers from nightmares, Kid." Kobra grinned, muffled against the dank feeling of Poison's shirt.

"So you'll take the time to lay with me?" Kobra mumbled, half smiling at the answer. "Fuck yeah." Kobra felt him grin and mess up his hair some more.

"C'mon Kid."

Poison walked his brother towards the sleeping bag strewn on the floor and pulled him down.

Kobra sighed and closed his eyes a bit longer than a standard blink. It hurt when he closed them, like he was so exhausted it actually hurt. He felt Party lay beside him and pull him into his warm embrace. He wasn't as lanky as Kobra so it was a bit awkward, but he let him anyways.

It was like Party knew what he was gonna say, after all this time of traveling together. "Do you want me to sing to you?"

Kobra hummed and shook his head. "I won't stay awake for it all."

Party laughed at that.

"Sleep," he said.
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