Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My heart can't decide

Chapter 1

by LegacyHaddock 0 reviews

Legacy has never been in a relationship because she wants to be independent and free. But when she plays around with two of the fall out boy members she gets in a bit of trouble

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2015-11-16 - Updated: 2015-11-17 - 714 words

Legacy's POV

I finished curling my thick brown hair that I bleached blonde and put on my heels.

I looked at myself in the mirror. Perfect

I was wearing a nice strapless, rose print dress that hugged my curves at the top and flowed down from the waist to my upper thighs, red heels and a red purse.

Little bit elegant for going to a bar but I didn't care.

At that moment Sam texted and said she was outside.

I grabbed my purse and went out to the car.

I opened the front door and was about to go in when I saw a male figure sitting where I wanted to sit.

He gave me a shy wave. I sorta recognized him but I didn't remember

I rolled my eyes and went to the back seat.

"You look sweet tonight legacy" Sam said to me.

I gave her the silent treatment because she made me sit in the back

"Aww cmon don't be sour. You can have the seat next time okay? I almost forgot you were coming but thankfully you were fashionably late."

I scoffed at her statement and smiled. It was a new dress. And I'm not used to my blonde hair yet.

The person sitting in three front talked with Sam a lot and he seemed weird. Always talking about busses and other people. Probably in a band or something.

When we finally stopped somewhere I got out of the car fast. To much of this guy was getting annoying

I walked around the corner and saw a big fat line. Damn why did we choose such a place.

"Cmon legacy up here" Sam and the guy were at a gate i passed and didn't see and were being let in by someone who looked an awful lot like Brandon urie.

When we got inside Sam started off with the guy and she turned back to me

"Legacy I almost forgot. This is Ryan Ross from panic at the disco-"

"And yes that was Brandon urie" Ryan finished off for her

She smiled and left wi her new found prize and I went to the bar.

I saw a cute ginger haired guy a couple about ten feet away as I was walking up to the bar. The bar was empty cause everyone was dancing

I thought maybe he would bye me a drink. I got myself a margarita with an extra shot and slowly started to sip it as I sectetly watched for the ginger to look at me

When he finally did I looked at him and gave him a cute shy wave.

He smiled and moved in to sit next to me

"What's a pretty girl like you doing all alone?" He asked me. Bit cliche but I liked him

"Mmm my friend ditched my for Ryan Ross" I stated simply as I finished my drink.

He chuckled and orders two shots of tequila.

"For bimeg ditched" he handed me one and we clinked them together.

Before throwing his head back and taking in th liquid he smiled at me

I smiled and took my shot. Score on getting free drinks.

He got me a couple more shots and a few other drinks with extra shots and when we were both drunk he took me to the dance floor and danced with me.

He placed his hands on my hip and grinded himself on me. I grinded back as his hands ventured my curves slightly.

After a few songs he got more touchy. He pulled my leg up and ran his hand up my thigh. The ruffles of my dress were the only thing covering me from my ass showing.

I saw another couple kiss and I immediately pressed my lips roughly against his.

He kissed back with the same amount of force and lust and picked me up.

He went upstairs to a closed off area and got us a bedroom.

He gently placed me down and got on tip of me. Pushing my dress up and playing with the hem of my lace panties.

He pulled them off and pushed a finger inside of me quickly causing me to whimper and moan.

From there things got blurry and hot
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