Categories > Books > Harry Potter

It Was All A Dream

by lindsay_dawn 1 review

What if Hogwarts and Harry Potter never existed? What if it was all part of some drunken dream?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Characters: Harry - Published: 2006-08-17 - Updated: 2006-08-17 - 299 words - Complete

disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, if I did, I'd be rich.

"Harry!" "Wake up, mate!"

"Huh? Hmmm?" Harry slowly rose from his spot and looked angrily for the person who had woken him from his slumber.

He found a sandy haired boy around his age that was looking at him with a humorous look on his face. The strange thing was, this boy looked exactly like Ron, with the exception of his hair color.

"Who the bloody hell are YOU?" Harry shouted, confused.

"I'm your best mate, whose trying to help you stay out of trouble!"

"My best mate? But I don't even know you!"

"Just how much DID you drink last night?"

"Whada ya mean? I don't drink!"

The strange boy laughed at him as if the fact that Harry didn't drink was the funniest thing in the world.

"DON'T DRINK? I have never in my life seen someone drink as much as you drink!"

"Where am I, and why aren't I in Hogwarts?"

"Hogwarts? What the hell is Hogwarts? Tom, mate, I think you are still dreaming!"

"My names not Tom! Its Harry, Harry Potter!"

"No, your name is Tom Riddle, and I have to get you home in ten minutes unless you want to be grounded again."

Slowly, Harry-or Tom as he was starting to realize, remembered who he really was.


"Finally! Now, I highly recommend you stop drinking so much. This is the second time this year you have woken up not knowing who you were, last time you thought you were Gaia, and it was quite funny when you realized you were a guy, not a chick."

"Now c'mon! Lets get your drunk ass home!"

They then proceeded to head to Toms' house, Dean laughing all the way over his friends confusion.
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