Categories > Original > Humor > 5 Ways to Break Up With Your Girlfriend

5 Ways to Break Up With Your Girlfriend

by TheDoctor65 0 reviews

This is 5 possible ways to break up with your girlfriend so boys - and girls - pay attention!

Category: Humor - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Published: 2015-10-17 - Updated: 2016-01-22 - 111 words - Complete

1) The honest break up. Honesty is (sometimes) the best policy.

2) Cheat on her. Believe me, if you don't know what that means, you don't wanna know.

3) Kill her (last resort).

4) Let her kill you (last resort - VERY last resort).

5) Scare her so badly, she'll move outta town (and might bring you, uh-oh).

6) Peck her with a bird.

7) Say a video game is more important than her.

8) Set up a pool party and say you'll be in a minute, but run for your life (and independence, but also pizza. Yum Yum!)!

9) Play an XboX all day and pay no attention to her.

10) Get a job on TV and move far away.
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