Categories > Cartoons > All Dogs Go To Heaven

Mental Dysfunctions And LSD Or "Acid"

by Branch40Mcintosh 0 reviews

I come fromBosnia Herzegovina

Category: All Dogs Go To Heaven - Rating: PG - Genres: Parody - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2016-01-26 - 369 words


Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is a powerful substance that alters users' perception of the truth of the world. Individuals who consume LSD have 'trips', which can be delightful or can end up being really horrific. LSD is an illicit drug, and is extremely dangerous if taken with other sorts of substances.

LSD or "acid" consequences/outcomes

People who consume "acid" might genuinely feel overjoyed and excited, and yet they may also feel suspicious or paranoid and experience auditory and visual hallucinations, in which these people hear and see things that may not be really there.

The effects start up approximately one hour after using "acid". No one could predict whether or not they will encounter a bad or positive trip, or how profound the sensation will end up being. It relies on their mood, their mental state not to mention where they are ingesting it.

A bad trip can certainly involve horrifying hallucinations. Individuals on a negative trip can wrongly asses high risk scenarios and do things they would otherwise not do, such as try to fly or try to kill themselves.

Trips could continue up to twenty-four hours. Coming down from a trip takes two or three days. Individuals who are coming down frequently truly feel nervous and low-spirited. A few suffer from anxiety attacks.

Cognitive/emotional issues

Routine abusers eventually suffer from flashbacks, in some cases weeks, several weeks or years after stopping the drug Some of these flashbacks only last for a couple of minutes but may still be unsettling.

LSD could provoke or intensify mental issues like schizotypal personality, despair and anxiety.

Frequent users also are more likely to have public, job functions and financial disorders.

Walking away.

Long-term use could trigger psychological dependence. It can be difficult to come off, as symptoms of withdrawal include cravings, fatigue, easily annoyed and not really feeling much enjoyment.

LSD is a powerful drug which transforms the users conception of reality. Men and who abuse LSD struggle with 'trips', that can be enjoyable or could be incredibly frightening. LSD is an illegal drug, and is terribly unhealthy if used with other sorts of drugs. The effects get started approximately one hour after taking LSD.
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