Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Free fall

Call it a miracle

by panda_1418 7 reviews


Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-08-18 - Updated: 2006-08-18 - 860 words

... Delilah?

Julius could hardly believe his eyes. She was dead! He had seen it in another dream, Al and Scarlett gave up! But ... here she was, perfectly alive.

Delilah smiled at him. "I found you," she whispered.

Julius made a great effort to speak. "I thought you were dead ..."

Shaking her head, Delilah laughed. How good it made Julius feel to hear that - like a cool breeze on a hot day. "So did most people, apparently. I came around after Al and Scarlett had left ... but I was dead ..." Her eyes had a faraway look in them. "You've no idea what it's like to be dead ... I can hardly explain it ... I was drifting up and away ... The only thing that brought me back was the thought of you ..."

She got on her knees and pulled him to her level. She hugged him tightly. "I couldn't leave you."

Julius wished the moment could last forever, but he was afraid Dr Dismay would wake up and they would be cooked. "Er, D, shouldn't we ... go?"

Delilah looked embarrassed. "Yeah, yeah, you're right. Up we go."

She pulled Julius to his feet and they began making their way out of the cave. As they reached the exit, Julius stumbled and kicked a rock. The noise was minimal, but it was enough to wake both Dr Dismay and Nurse. They cried out in alarm at the sight of Delilah and Julius escaping.

"Nurse! After them!" Dismay howled as he reached for a needle.

Delilah ran out of the cave, moving as fast as Julius could. His muscles were still unsteady from the repeated doses of the sleeping drug. Nurse was gaining on them. Fast. Delilah was too focused on helping Julius to notice.

But he did.

With all the effort he could muster, he kicked out at Nurse, sending her sprawling. It was then that Dr Dismay came racing down the slope, even faster than his silent assistant. He was upon the pair in a second. Dismay kicked Delilah in the back, making her stumble. Julius slipped from her grasp, and she began rolling down the mountain, unable to stop. Julius fell to the ground, with out his partner's support.

"Delilah!" Julius shouted, but she was gone.

Dr Dismay pounced on him, stabbing the needle in his neck.

Oh no, not now! was all Julius could think as he slipped away into his mind.



As she rolled down the slope, Delilah felt something jab her in the side. And again. She reached into her pocket and came out with a small pocket-knife. Without a second of hesitation, she flipped the knife out and jammed it into the snow. It didn't stop her, but she slowed down enough to get up.

Delilah raced up the mountain. She had let go of Julius. She shouldn't have dropped him! He was as helpless as a newborn kitten!

A few seconds later, Delilah spotted her fallen partner. He was out cold, and Dismay was dragging him to the edge of the slope. No! With a burst of speed, Delilah barreled into the doctor, knocking him flat. He kicked his leg out and sent Julius sliding off the edge.


Forgetting the criminal, Delilah through herself flat. Her hand latched on to Julius' wrist. He stopped sliding. Delilah sighed with relief as she hauled him back to the safety of the slope. Judging by the puncture wound in his neck, he had been injected with more of the drug.

Draping Julius' arms over her shoulders, Delilah began the painfully slow decent down the mountain.


Al could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw not one, but two figures come stumbling down the mountain slope. He and Scarlett ran out to Delilah and Julius. Al took the unconscious agent and rushed him to the helicopter, while Scarlett supported Delilah, who was exhausted. Soon, Delilah was out cold.

The two agents were rushed back to the nearest hospital, where the doctors determined that the Academy was the best place for them.


[Academy's recovery room]

Julius could feel himself coming awake. He wondered what he would find when he regained his senses. Would he be back in the clutches of Dr Dismay? When Julius' eyes slowly opened, he was surprised.

I'm at the Academy ...

He turned his head to the bed next to him. There lay Delilah, still sleeping. She looked extremely tired. When Julius was able to move, he stepped out of bed and stood next to her. He ran his fingers through her brown hair, smiling.

Soon, Delilah began to wake. As she opened her eyes, a grin spread across her face. Her voice was hoarse and tired.

"Hey," she whispered.

"Hey," he replied.


[the next night]

Julius lay on his back on his bed, waiting. Delilah had said she had a surprise for him and would meet him later. Well, it was later, where was Delilah?

Suddenly, she popped out of no where, and stuck her face in his. Julius sat up in surprise.

It was then she dropped six ice cubes down the back of his shirt.

The end.


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