Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of

Stopping a disaster

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

In a flashback early labor seizes Kate and Juliet and Jack both try to fix the situation.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate,Sawyer - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 1966 words

Flashback: 3 months and 2 days ago…

Kate had decided to soak her feet in the water along the shoreline when pain gripped below her belly. Excruciating and deep-set pain entrenched her entire belly, making it extremely difficult to call out for Jack. However, she managed. A strangled call issued from her throat.

“Jack! HELP!”

Jack dropped the half-filled water bottle he’d been filling from the water trough and ran towards Kate.


One of Kate’s hands found Jack’s left one and held on tight. She let out a scream and dug her feet into the sand.

“Jack it’s too soon! Please help me!”

Gathering his strength, Jack did his best to scoop her up into his arms.


He didn’t see her emerge from her tent at first. He was sure his back would give at any moment but Juliet showed up to help.

“We have to get her to the medical station. She’ll need to be on monitors and be given drugs to stop her labor. This is bad Jack. From here on out everything will become unpredictable.”

As the two passed the tents with a screaming Kate, Sawyer looked on with wild and frightened eyes.

“Anything I can do to help doc?”

Jack shook his head vigorously and shifted Kate’s weight trying to be as gentle as possible with her.

“No Sawyer. You’d just be in the way. This is private.”

Sawyer knew not to say anymore but looked on as Juliet and Jack carried Kate into the jungle. Jack was running on pure adrenaline, he had no time to be scared or worried. His mind was practically on autopilot. His movements were clumsy yet somehow fluid as he and Juliet carried Kate through the jungle towards the medical station. It was their only hope in saving her. He watched Kate belt out another blood-curdling scream as she placed both hands on her belly. Jack looked to Juliet who had Kate by the legs. Jack held her up by her arms.

“Her contractions are coming 20 minutes apart Juliet.”

Nodding Juliet kept a hold on Kate as the foliage covering the medical station’s hatch doors came into view.

“If her contractions stay at the 20 minute mark then I can reverse her labor. But if it gets down to five minutes there’s nothing I can do.”

Jack brushed aside a dark thought that just consumed his mind. Cradling Kate in his arms as Juliet opened up the hatch doors he wiped some sweat away from her forehead.

“Everything’s going to be fine Kate. Juliet will stop the labor and you’ll be on bed rest for a few days.”

Kate was so consumed by pain she hadn’t noticed a thing Jack said to her as they carried her inside the medical station and into the hidden room behind the lockers in the locker room. Setting her down cautiously onto the parked gurney in the middle of the room Kate shivered as they removed her clothes and helped her into a gown.

“Jack I can’t… breathe.”

Shaking his head, he helped her lie back.

“Look at me Kate everything’s going to be fine. Just try and relax ok?”

Juliet frowned and let her gaze wander towards Jack. He was still trying to piece together the puzzle when Juliet interrupted.

“Shortness of breath Jack. That’s one of the symptoms. Now if I can’t get this labor under control and stopped, it’ll continue. Once I’ve stopped the labor she’ll need another injection. Give her some oxygen. No not the nasal cannula. The oxygen mask.”

Taking the order Jack turned on the o2 tank and placed the oxygen mask over her nose and mouth. He refused to let the fear in. He had faith in Juliet. She could do this. He
watched as she placed leads onto her belly then handed him some to place onto her chest monitoring Kate’s heart.

“Ok the baby’s heart rate is a steady 142. I’m going to give you something to stop your labor alright Kate?”

Kate was fighting to keep her tears from leaving her eyes but two escaped. Jack followed Juliet with his eyes as she rifled through the drawer nearest to her.

“I’m afraid the only thing I’ve got on hand is Terbutaline. It’ll do the job and stop her labor.”

Jack placed a hand on Juliet’s. Then smirking and letting out a humorless laugh.

“A little outdated don’t you think?”

Juliet eyed Jack and removed the cap from the syringe. Inserting it into Kate’s IV in her hand, she cautiously watched her heart rate.

“It may be a little outdated but it still works. If you haven’t noticed, I haven’t been out in the real world practicing medicine in 8 years. You haven’t done so in 5. So can we call it even and help Kate?”

Satisfied with Juliet’s answer Jack went back over to Kate and helped her move farther down on the bed. Kate shook her head no and held onto Jack. Kissing her crown, he comforted her.

“Shh. I know you don’t like the next part. It’s uncomfortable. Juliet will make it quick. I promise.”

Kate winced and looked away distracting herself with watching the lines on the machine, which monitored her baby. Meanwhile Jack looked at Juliet expectantly. Relief washed
over his face as she sighed.

“You’re at 5 centimeters. I’d be more worried if you were at 7. The drugs I gave you should start working its magic within another 20 minutes. I’ll get you something for the pain.”

A red warning light flashed across Jack’s mind eye. Voicing his concerns he spoke.

“Is there any bleeding?”

Juliet shook her head no, removing her gloves and putting on fresh ones.

“No there isn’t, and that’s a very good thing. It means I can reverse this.”

Through all the commotion in the room, tubes and wires Juliet and Jack hadn’t noticed Sawyer standing in the doorway. That is until they heard him speak.

“Is she going to be ok?”

Juliet nearly whirled on her left heel to face Sawyer. Face becoming serious, she let herself become stern.

“James please leave. Jack and I have everything under control. Please just give us some privacy.”

Jack shielded Kate from Sawyer’s view and he averted his eyes towards the floor.

“Alright doc, I’ll go. I’m sorry I followed ya here. I just wanted to know how she was doing and if she was going to be ok.”

Temper flaring Jack nearly threw himself at Sawyer but opted for grinding his teeth.

“Does she look ok to you! That’s none of your concern anymore is it Sawyer?”

Sawyer’s face darkened and his jaw became tight with anger. Inside he still had feelings for Kate, but he knew it was over between the two of them. He had Juliet to think about
now. Juliet snapped the two men out of their little temper tantrum.

“Knock it off you two! Do I have to separate the two of you and put you in a time out?”

Kate interrupted the three other occupants of the room with another scream and she grabbed a fistful of Jack’s shirt.

“Jack! I need you to focus right now! Get me something for the pain… NOW!”

Jack seemed to snap out of his little tiff and he apologized placing the oxygen mask back over her face.

“I’m sorry sweetheart. Just lie back and relax. Keep breathing.”

Sawyer had never seen Kate like this before. She was always so strong. However, Jack was taking care of her now. He disappeared out the door and didn’t return. Jack turned back
to Kate when he heard Juliet say something to her.

“Kate I need you to stay absolutely still. All right? I’ll get you that epidural I promised.”

Shutting her eyes and then opening them, she found Jack staring at her with concerned eyes of his own.

“Would you like a blanket? You look a little cold.”

Kate didn’t even have to tell Jack with words her shivering told it for her.

“Is that better?”

Staying still under the blanket Kate sighed as the contraction wound down.


Jack ran a hand over her forehead and saw that she was still struggling to catch her breath. Juliet held a sympathetic gaze towards Kate but she kept her eyes on Jack.

“Jack can you help me turn her over onto her side? I want to give her that epidural now. The pain will only continue to get worse until the contractions have stopped.”

Swallowing a terrible taste that rose from his stomach Jack helped Juliet turn Kate onto her side and threaded his own arms under Kate’s to hold her in place. He heard her whimper slightly. It was muffled behind the oxygen mask.

“No more needles Jack.”

He hated himself for this happening to her. For six months, she’d been poked, prodded, and checked and Juliet had promised him that she would do everything in her power to
save Kate and their baby.

“Just stay still sweetheart. Juliet has to insert the epidural into your lower back all right? I know it hurts but it will be over in just a minute. I’m right here. I won’t leave you. I promise.”

Kate tensed as Juliet began to insert the needle into her back. Juliet tried not to sound exasperated but the sigh escaped.

“Relax Kate. I promise this’ll only take a minute. Take a deep breath in and relax your muscles. That’s it.”

Staring into Jack’s eyes was helping ease her racing mind. Jack felt her relax slightly in his arms. He leaned in and whispered into her left ear.

“Ok the epidural is in. You can relax now. Juliet and I are going to place you onto your back so you can rest.”

Even the slight motion of putting her onto her backside was dizzying.

“Jack I’m dizzy.”

Worry creased his forehead and he looked to Juliet for guidance.

“Didn’t you say that was one of the other symptoms?”

Juliet could see Jack was tense but she also knew in this particular case it wasn’t something to worry about. Kate seemed to be recovering just fine.

“Jack, her equilibrium is just a little off. Didn’t you ever spin around really fast as a kid and get dizzy when you stopped?”

A small ‘oh’ escaped his mouth as he ran his hand through Kate’s curly dark hair.

“Well yeah. Did we move her too fast?”

Kate was tired and Jack could see her eyes drooping.

“I feel better now.”

Kissing her temple, Jack reclaimed his seat next to her. She drifted off into a semi-peaceful sleep. She would need her strength. Juliet put a hand on Jack’s shoulder.

“Once she’s had a little rest she’ll need another injection. There are still more symptoms that may arise in the next three months. But I feel I’m very close to fixing this problem. Kate is my control patient.”

Jack hoped Juliet was right. He’d sit there all night if he had to. His family was very important to him. He would help Kate through this and their family would thrive. Juliet had to
be onto something. He could feel it.

“Juliet this is going to work right?”

Fear seized Juliet but she couldn’t let that stop her from doing her work.

“Jack I will do everything in my power to make this work. You have my word.”

To Be Continued…
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