Categories > Original > Drama > Yoshiko Akazaki

Chapter 4

by I_AM_IYAH 0 reviews

Yoshiko and Tomio decided to forget the other day and to try to work on getting to know each other so they could hopefully become friends.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Published: 2016-02-08 - 1482 words

I sat in my bed with my phone in my hand. My notes from school earlier today was spread out before me. I scrolled down through my contacts and stopped on Tomios name. After letting out a nervous sigh, I pushed the call button and it began to ring. The phone rang and rang again and again. Maybe he's busy, I should call back later. I moved my phone away from my ear and just as I was about to hang up I hears Tomios voice.


"Tomio, hi. Sorry I can call back later if you're busy."

"No, it's okay, I was just in the shower and when I turned the water off I heard it ringing so I rushed to answer. I had a feeling it was you." He gave a light chuckle. "I just have to dry off and get dressed. Wait on the phone, I will be right back."

He didn't have to tell me all that.

"Okay." Was all I could say in reply.

A small amount of time passed and it was nothing but silence.

"I'm back." Tomio said enthusiastically. I could imagine a grin across his face as he said it.

I began, "So about the notes, how do you want me to give them to you? Are you gonna be at school tomorrow?"

"I don't think so. My aunt wants me to get an extra day of rest. I was actually gonna ask you if there's any notes for class tomorrow, if you can share those with me too."

"Sure I will call you tomorrow after school. I can make a copy of them and drop them off at your house."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. Thank you, I will see you tomorrow then."

After giving me the address to his house, we said goodbye and hung up. I put the notes away and went downstairs for dinner. Mom made spicy salmon sushi. We ate and talked about our days.

"Actually, I have a favor to ask. A classmate went home sick today and won't be there tomorrow. I volunteered to share my notes, do you mind taking me to drop them off when you get home from work tomorrow? They live with their aunt, who happens to be the principle of my school."

"Sure thing," my dad said, "that was thoughtful of you to volunteer."

That conversation ended and after cleaning the dishes, I headed straight to bed.

The next day, school went by really slow and I ended up having to take more notes from the same class. When the last bell rang I rushed out of the building and made my way home. An hour later my mom and dad got home from work but I was ready and out the door before they finished parking. My parents asked me how my day was and talked among themselves about each others day at work as I gave directions. We reached my principles house after a short distance of two blocks. I didn't know he lived so close.

My dad parked in the drive way and I got out of the car and headed through the gate to the front door. My principle answered right away after I rang the door bell. She had her hair tied in a high ponytail and was wearing an apron and matching oven mitt. She stepped out of the door way and waved to my parents. I saw as they waved back with friendly smiles. I took out the notes I had made copies of and handed them to Mrs. Hirosho. She told me that Tomio was feeling a lot better and had a big appetite so she decided to cook one of his favorite meals.

"Ask your parents if you can stay for dinner and I will take you home no later than 9."

Right away my parents gave permission and drove away. I thanked Mrs. Hirosho and walked into the house.

"Tomio's in the shower, he should be out soon. Come sit at the table, the food should be ready in about ten minutes."

I sat there and watched her cut up stuff, pull stuff out of the oven and mix things together. A couple of minutes past and she stood at the bottom of the stairs yelling up to Tomio that food would be ready in 5 minutes.

"Oh by the way, Yoshiko is here. She is having dinner with us." She yelled again before going back to the stove.

Suddenly I heard a loud thump and then the sound of someone stumbling to the floor. Those sounds were followed by the door swinging open abruptly and Tomio running down the stairs to the kitchen. I kept my gaze at the table center piece until he spoke up.


That was all he said as he sat across from me while keeping his gaze on me. The awkward silence forced me to talk.

"I didn't know you lived so close. Two blocks away, I could have walked. I pass your street every day when I walk to school."

"Yeah, I would walk but there is really no point when my aunt drives and I can go with her."

It was silent again.

"So my aunt invited you to stay for dinner?"

"Yes, why else would I be here?" I replied in a slightly frustrated tone.

Tomio imitated my tone as he spoke. "It was just a question, you don't have to get all self defensive."

I realized I was in the wrong but before I was able to apologize, Mrs. Hirosho spoke up.

"seriously, you two sound like a married couple. Tomio, you really should think before you speak." Then she looked at me. "And you shouldn't get offended so easily, especially with stuff Tomio says."

Although what she said was true, I was shocked that she was lecturing me. She barely knew me. But at the same time, for some odd reason, I appreciated it and it made me respect her even more. Even though throughout the rest of the night conversation continued between my principle and I, her nephew sat quiet. It was 8:30 and we had just finished dessert. I was waiting by the front door while Mrs. Hirosho went to her room upstairs to look for her purse and keys. I started wondering down the hallway and came across family photos hung up on the wall.

Many pictures of the same elderly couple and some old pictures which I believed was the elderly couple in their younger days. Pictures of a recent and younger Principle Hirosho, I could easily tell that the girl was her and there were many pictures of her younger self with her older brother. I also saw some family group pictures, but I only personally recognized two faces. Then I saw more recent and younger pictures of Tomio. There were even some of him with a young couple which I believed to be his parents. He looked just like his father but had his mothers hair and eye color.

"Her name was Omiko but I remember my dad always just calling her Omi. His name, Takahiro. That's how I got my name, part of both of their names put together."

I just stood there staring at the picture of his parents.

"They died two years ago in a car accident. The other driver was committing suicide and ran his car straight on into theirs. They died instantly but the guy was rushed to the hospital right away. They found a large amount of alcohol in his system and text messages to his family, apologizing and saying he won't be a burden to them any longer. He ended up dying that same night."

With tears blurring my sight I was too ashamed to look at him and my gaze fell to the floor. With my knees weak, I slowly made my way to him. At first he seemed hesitant to what I was doing, but it didn't stop me. As I got closer, I grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled myself to him as I wrapped my arms around his waist. Burying my face into the chest area of his shirt, I sobbed uncontrollably. He stood frozen for a second but then I felt his arms slowly and gently wrap around me. He put one hand on my shoulder and his other hand cradled the back of my head.

At that moment Tomio learned of my biggest weakness, overly sympathizing for people. But in this case, did I have the right to? Did I have the right to show such emotion to this Knowledge and deeper understanding of someone I was barely getting to know. Unknowingly to both of us, Mrs. Hirosho was standing at the top of the stairs. Her eyes watered with happiness as she watched the two of us from a distance.
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