Categories > TV > Lost > Taken care of


by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Juliet goes into labor and then Kate arrives at the medical station with a warning that the Black Smoke Monster is coming.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Sawyer - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2016-02-08 - 2077 words


Juliet is giving birth in four days. I want everything ready by then. If Ford resists kill him. Take Jack. He’ll be useful in doing our research. But we have convince him that he’s doing ‘good’.”

Ben’s malicious smile rose to his eyes and resembled something twisted and evil. Nodding Ben knew exactly what he was supposed to do.

“We’ll be ready to ambush them sir.”

The Black Smoke monster gave a grin only the evilest of things could give.

“Got you a mango blondie. Here. Take a load off and put your feet up.”

Sighing Juliet settled her feet up on a pile of old cushions from the plane.

“You know James this really isn’t necessary…”

Her hand shook as she took a bite of her mango. She’d woken that morning to a stiff back and lower back pain. She thought nothing of it as it had come and gone. Four days is
four days until these little one’s come out. Taking another bite she looked up to find Jack staring at her with a concerned expression crossing his face.

“You’re looking a little pale Juliet. You feeling ok?”

Shifting uncomfortably Juliet knew she couldn’t fool Jack. She was exhibiting the same body language Kate had right before Megan was born.

“My back has been bothering me all day. But come to think of it, it’s getting a little harder to ignore. I’ve probably been in labor most of the day. You would think I’d recognize the difference between gas pains, a backache and contractions. It’s so much different when you are on the receiving end of it and not someone else. I think this is it.”

Sawyer’s eyes grew wide with nervousness as he gently pulled her to her feet. Putting his left arm under her shoulders, he guided her towards the tree line. Once in the jungle, Jack stayed close to Juliet, acting as a kind of spotter in case she tripped on a rock, tree root or fallen tree.

“Take your time Juliet. There’s no rush.”

Juliet glared at Jack as she stopped dead in her tracks, grabbing for a low tree branch in her path. Jack didn’t take offense, he took everything in stride.

“Oh god I feel like someone’s socking me in the stomach with a sledgehammer!”

Jack stayed close but managed to keep a little distance away from Juliet. He put his hands up to reassure her.

“Take a breath and blow through the pain. Don’t go against it. It’ll only make it worse.”

Juliet now understood the women she helped on this island. She was always sympathetic towards them, but she couldn’t reciprocate the pain that they felt. She knew that now and
all she wanted was the two of these babies out of her. Contraction subsiding, she tested the ground below her. When she was sure she could walk, she moved forward with Sawyer’s help.

“How much farther to the medical station?”

A sympathetic sort of smile danced across Jack’s lips as he turned towards Juliet.

“Just beyond those palm trees there.”

Taking another breath Juliet pushed forward, letting go of Sawyer’s hand and pushed his helping hands away.

“I am not a child James, I can walk by myself.”

About to protest Sawyer opened his mouth to say something, but Jack shook his head no at him.

“Don’t argue with her Sawyer. That’s the last thing she needs right now. Just agree with her.”

Sawyer however didn’t agree with Juliet. But she was ready to use every four letter word in the book just to keep him quiet. He saw her sigh in relief when they reached the foliage
covering the hatch doors to the medical station.

“Ice chips would be nice right about now.”

Jack sighed, that was one thing he couldn’t provide to help ease Juliet’s dehydration.

“The saline will have to do. No ice on this island unfortunately.”

Juliet looked away and sighed. Her eyes roamed the monitors that she was attached to. Shifting she tried to make herself comfortable.

“I don’t think ice would make much of a difference.”

Jack put a hand on Juliet’s shoulder.

“I think it would. You get some rest. You’re going to need all your strength for these two.”

No sooner had those words come out of Jack’s mouth did another contraction bite through Juliet. Reaching for both of Sawyer’s hands she held them tight. Sawyer reciprocated and held on. He felt slightly out of place. He swallowed when she let out a scream. Her nose flaring she yelled through the pain.

“Ah! Son of a bitch! Get me that epidural Jack! Right now!”

A hand on her shoulder, Jack shook his head and turned his attention towards the monitors. Looking each one of them over carefully he gave a sigh of satisfaction.

“Listen to me Juliet. I need you to relax and breathe through the pain. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Once the contraction comes back down, I’ll check to see if you’re at six centimeters. If you are, then I’ll give you the epidural.”

Juliet was done playing games though. She wanted results and she wanted the pain to disappear. Blowing through the last of the pain she closed her eyes and threw her left arm
over her face. When she was finally able to breathe again, she uncovered her face. Sawyer was there wiping the sweat away.

“Nothing to it blondie. You’re doing great.”

She fiddled with the tape on her hand covering the iv.

“Don’t play with that Juliet. When you’re nervous you pick at things.”

Folding her hands over her stomach Juliet stared up at the ceiling.

“I don’t expect you to understand what I’m going through Jack. Yes I know medically speaking you know, but you don’t really know.”

Jack smirked and looked directly at her. Juliet could tell he was faltering with his bed side manner.

“The best thing for you is stay calm. Two more centimeters to go before I can give you that epidural.”

Giving a frustrated sigh Juliet restrained herself from rolling her eyes.

“Only four in 22 hours? You’ve got to be kidding me.”

Jack could see Juliet was scared, but she used frustration to skirt around it.

“I know your frustrated Juliet, but this is going to take some time. They are both still pretty high up there. First time births often take the most time. Right now, your only about 20 percent effaced. You’ve got a ways to go. Get some rest.”

He turned when he heard the familiar sound of Kate’s heavy footsteps enter the room.

“Hey, where’s the baby?”

Kate smiled and approached Juliet after she washed her hands.

“Relax Jack. Megan’s with Claire and Charlie. Besides I want to help. She did so much for us, helping me, and Megan, I think I should repay that kindness and help her out.”

Juliet waved her hand at Kate and gave a small smile.

“Kate that’s not necessary. I was only doing my job. That was to make sure you and Megan survived. Too many firemen and enough hoses already. But I appreciate your kindness.”

Kate felt out of place at the moment, and clearly she was. Nodding in agreement she stepped out of Jack’s way. Before she left the room she turned back to Juliet with a smile.

“I bet the first one out will be Cara. Then Andrew.”

Sawyer scoffed at Kate’s remark. He was still betting on his son to come first. Kate had completely retreated from the room and Juliet sighed shutting her eyes. She somehow felt
exhausted even though she hadn’t reached the end of her labor yet. She knew she was still in the early stages of it. Drifting in and out of a light slumber, she could feel a damp cloth on her forehead. When her eyes opened again she let them wander to the iv stand next to where she was lying. Jack was replacing the empty saline bag with a new one.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. This should help keep you hydrated for a little while. How are you feeling?”

Licking her parched lips Juliet took in a breath.

“Tired. Can’t we speed this up? I want to walk around. Is that ok?”

Jack took a moment to consider Juliet’s request. Nodding he watched the monitors for a few seconds.

“Sure. I don’t see why not. I’ll have to take the catheter out. Take a breath in and relax.”

Juliet blew out a breath through her teeth and rolled over onto her side.

“You would think the supply companies that make these would put a warning label on the packaging and ones that don’t hurt either.”

Jack cast an apologetic gaze at Juliet.

“Sorry. Remind me to give you something to numb your bladder again before I put another catheter in. Need a hand up?”

Juliet accepted Jack and Sawyer’s hands and planted her feet on the floor.

“Thanks. I need to stretch my legs anyways.”

Jack kept a hand on her shoulder to steady her in case she fell.

“Do you feel nauseous?”

Swallowing Juliet waited for a minute and then shook her head.


Discarding the used catheter into the bio-hazard bin just behind him Jack turned when he heard a squishing sound by the door.

“Jack their coming!”

Jack helped a struggling Kate who had an arrow in her leg just above her right knee. Megan was screaming behind the old airline blanket.

“That thing that calls himself my father? Where did you see him?”

Kate took a seat on a nearby stool and winced.

“He chased me from the beach. I took Megan and ran. Charlie, Claire and Aaron were right behind me. We have to find them.”

Sympathetic eyes roved over Kate and an understanding nod came from Jack.

“You do remember that Juliet is in labor don’t you? I can’t leave her.”

Kate sat and tried to stay still as Jack cleaned around the end of the arrow. She could see he was holding his breath. He soon let it out as he found that this injury wasn’t life-threatening.

“Looks like the arrow didn’t hit any major arteries. I’m going to clean the wound, cut out the arrow and dress it. Now is she hurt?”

Jack gestured towards Megan who was still screaming.

“I don’t know. I tried to shield her when the arrow came towards me. I fell.”

Pulling the blanket back Jack looked at the screaming face of his daughter. Keeping her calm would prove difficult until he found any injuries or if she was just frightened.

“Hey baby girl. Daddy is going to check you out ok?”

It broke his heart every time he heard Megan cry. Especially when she was scared. He felt his muscles relax as he found everything in order. Relaxing even more when she reacted with normal reflexes Jack smiled and rubbed Megan’s tiny stomach.

“Aside from being scared, the only thing she came out of this with is a scrape on her left temple and a cut on her right hand. Nothing a little peroxide can’t fix.”

Juliet locked eyes with Kate and then they wandered to the giant vault door behind her.

“James shut the door. Ben can’t get in from the outside. This is the same kind of door used inside a bank vault. Virtually indestructible. Bullets can’t get through it. Not even dynamite. Shut it and lock it.”

Sawyer nodded and made his way over towards the door. It took all of his strength to shut the door. Hearing the lock click into place he went back to Juliet.

“You got it blondie. Now what?”

Fear glossed over her face as she gripped the countertop.

“Now we hope that it holds. I will not let them take Cara and Andrew. I will give my life for them.”

This would take more time. Jack knew they couldn’t stay in there forever, but it was the safest place at the moment.

To Be Continued…
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