Categories > TV > Lost > Echoes of a lost love

Chapter 8: Following an image of what was

by dreamsarefanfiction 0 reviews

Juliet sleepwalks into the jungle following what appears to be James.

Category: Lost - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Jack,Kate,Sawyer - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2016-02-09 - 708 words

Juliet had just seen James walk into the jungle. She had to follow him. But what if it was another trap the black smoke monster was setting up for her? To hell with that! She heard a voice behind her.

“Juliet? Where are you going?”

It sounded a lot like Kate. Without turning to her she spoke.

“I’m going after James. He went into the jungle. He didn’t tell me where he was going.”

She kept walking forward until hands landed on her shoulders. Gasping, she stumbled on some tree roots protruding from the sand below her feet. She heard Kate’s voice again, but it was very far away.

“Jack, I think there’s something wrong with Juliet!”

Becoming confused Juliet stood and looked around her. Even though she’d heard Kate’s voice, she was nowhere near her. In fact, Kate was down the beach hanging her laundry to dry. This doesn’t make any sense. Why am I hearing Kate’s voice when she’s not even anywhere near me? She continued to trip and now she was hearing Jack’s voice.

“Kate, she’s sleepwalking. You didn’t try to wake her up did you?”

Juliet didn’t know what was going on other than the fact that she was falling. She felt strong arms catch her, and she managed to mumble the name of the one man she loved more than life.


Her vision went dark and the voices disappeared. What’s going on?

She woke to a seagull crying overhead her shelter and a dry mouth alerted her she needed water. Gasping and then taking a breath, she opened her eyes only to find herself face to face with Jack. Startled, she curled her fist, but then relaxed it. Jack put his hands up in submission and sat back on his knees.

“Whoa! Juliet relax! It’s me!”

Running a hand over her face, Juliet let out a humorless laugh. Uncovering her face, she apologized to Jack.

“Jack I’m sorry. I was having this wild nightmare that someone came into my tent and tried to kidnap me. When I got a good look at their face, I saw that it was me. What’s that supposed to mean Jack?”

Jack sighed and took her pulse for a moment.

“It was just a nightmare Juliet, don’t read into it. Pregnancy brings about very vivid and strange nightmares, especially towards the latter half. My guess would be anxiety about going into labor. Especially in this place. I wouldn’t try to get up if I were you right now. You sprained your ankle pretty good. Your right ankle got stuck in some twisted roots sticking out of the sand. I wrapped it up and taped it. Keep it elevated and don’t put any weight on it for a few days. I know it’s hard for you to stay still Juliet, but it’s very important that you do this.”

Juliet lie still and smiled at the feel of little feet dancing below her hands.

“I can’t wait until she comes out.”

The smile fell away from her face and she started to cry. Her emotions were off the map, she knew that. She hated feeling so vulnerable. Losing James was like losing a piece of her soul. Jack squeezed her hand.

“Everything’s going to be ok Juliet. We are all here for you. You’re not alone.”

Shaking her head, she looked Jack square in the eye.

“That’s not it. What if seeing James is some sort of sign? Like some kind of warning? What if someone is going to come and take me away?”

Jack sat and stared at Juliet for a moment.

“Don’t you worry Juliet, none of us are going to let anything like that happen to you. The black smoke monster can’t come on the beach; he can only come as far as the tree line over there. We’ll keep you safe.”

But in the back of Juliet’s mind, she knew that nothing would keep her safe from the black smoke monster. What she wouldn’t give for James embrace right now.

To Be Continued…
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