Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Lost in the not so great Outdoors


by GrimCameron 7 reviews

I hate summarys.....just read my chapter.

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2006-08-25 - Updated: 2006-08-25 - 550 words

Author's note: I just got back from french camp!:) I love french! Ok so all of the teenages got captured so just because Atlanta is my fav charater, I'm starting off with her. My budgie was sick!:( She spit up on me it was funny that I had budgie barf on my hand but so sad that Cameron wasn't feeling good. Shes better now though!

Disclaimer: I'm eating a jolly rancher and my sister is making chicken fryed rice(ymmmmmmmm) oh yeah and I don't own Class of the Titans.

P.s. Oh yeah, TwoStriedSocks of course the gryffon was not flying. gssh, that would take some sirius talent.


chappie quatre(Four): Atlanta


"So now all they have to do is kill them. Laughed Cronos.
"And that won't be hard now."
EVIL LAUGH but wait Cronos starts choking on his spit...and falls over dead! Ok that didn't really happen, I'm just messing around.


The cetaur threw Atlanta to the ground. Atlanta was tired from the long ride but was happy to kick this thing's dariaire. She took out her bolos and as the centaur reared she threw them and right on target, wrapped around it's hind legs, causing it to come smashing down hard in the dirt.

"This is easy." Atlanta whispered to herself.

the centaur broke free on the bolos easily and rose, looking very irritated.

It charged at Atlanta, and then after punching her hard in the stomach, it smacked her in the face, making Atlanta fall flat on her side.

"I guess its not as easy as I thought. Atlanta said rubbing the blood from her nose. But now its my turn."

Atlanta rose aiming her laser crossbow at the centaur's face. But the centaur dodged it every time, and run up to Atlanta giving her anothor smash in the face, but when Atlanta fell she hit her wrist on a rock causing the laser crossbow to shatter as she felt her wrist start to burn. So now all that she had to fight with was her own fists and feet.

Atlanta in alot of pain, but she had to keep fighting and knowing Atlanta she wouldn't give up.

After getting a brused cheek,(and I mean her face)Atlanta was really angry. She did mange to trip up the centaur somehow and it cut up it's front legs on some rocks it fell on. And the centaur was getting tired. It charged Atlanta, but she jumped out of the way and fell on the ground again cutting her arm on some rocks. The centaur came back around and right in front of Atlanta, it reared and came down on Atlanta shoulder with all its might. Atlanta screamed as loud as she could causeing the centaur to back off. Atlanta's shoulder was gusing blood(sorry if I speeled gusing wrong) and looked kind of wierd. A braclet on the centaur's wrist, shatter when Atlanta screamed(yes I know a braclet couldn't shatter just because of a scream but.. JUST READ!)

The centaur shook her haed and looked down at Atlanta who was laying the with her eyes shut tight and tears rolling down her cheeks(FACE!).

"What have I done..."


well I have to go go get my hair done now but R+R.
Merci Beaucoup.
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