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Snoke and the Legend of Nosferatu

by Vamaslzr 0 reviews

Parallel between Snoke and Nosferatu

Category: Star Wars - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2016-05-02 - 1173 words

This is a theory that Snoke is based on the legend of the ancient vampire Nosferatu, or as he calls himself in the story "Count Orlok". For the remainder of the theory I will refer to him as Nosferatu.

The first time seeing Snoke I thought he looked similar to a vampire. More specifically he looks like Nosferatu and that got me thinking. After some research I came to this conclusion/theory. I will go into what Snoke is (not necessarily who he is), what role Rey will play in the story, and why Luke left.

Nosferatu was the legend of an ancient being that survived by feeding on the blood of his victims. Unlike Dracula who converted people into vampires, Nosferatu slowly sucked them dry until they were dead. Due to the way his victims looked after he was done with them, the townspeople believed that the victims were killed by the Plague.

A man named Hutter is sent to visit a new client named Count Orlok. Soon after meeting him, Hutter cuts his thumb and Orlok tries to suck the blood out but Hutter pulls away his hand, disgusted. Hutter then wakes up in a deserted castle and notices bite marks on his neck. After reading a book about Vampires, Hutter begins to believe that Count Orlok is one of the Vampires of Legend, Nosferatu.

Hutter hides in his room but no way to bar the door, the door opens and Nosferatu enters showing his true form. Hutter continues to hide but falls unconscious. The same time this is happening, Hutter's wife Ellen falls under a trance and eventually has a vision of Hutter unconscious and being threatened by Nosferatu.

In the Legend, Ellen finds a book that describes the way to kill a vampire is for a woman who is pure in heart to distract the vampire with her beauty all through the night so that he his killed by the daylight. Ellen decides to offer herself to Nosferatu in order to defeat him. Nosferatu becomes so engrossed drinking her blood that he forgets about the coming day, and when the sun does come out he is killed, disappearing into a puff of "Smoke".

Now I will go into how Snoke ties in with the Legend of Nosferatu.

After the Empire was defeated, the remnants of the Empire fled into the Unknown Regions of Space. This is where they found Snoke and he was awakened by them. He had been in a slumber healing himself, slowly feeding on the dark side similar to how a vampire sleeps for ages within a coffin waiting to be awakened. When he awoke, he told them his name was "Snoke". After the Sith being destroyed by Anakin/Luke the dark side of the force was greatly diminished. Snoke sensed this right away. He could feel how weak the Dark side had become, and since he is a being that lives off of the dark side he knew he needed to intervene. He tells them that he has great knowledge that will help them become as powerful as they need, most likely ancient knowledge such as StarKiller Base.

Snoke is a Force "Vampire". A "parasite". Not saying that he bites necks, but it is the same basic idea. He is a being that has survived by draining the dark force energy from living things that are connected to the force, the more powerful the better.

Parasites can introduce an agent into the body that makes it easier for them to feed. For example, Mosquitos insert saliva into their victims causing blood to clot and make it easier for them to access the blood. Snoke is so dangerous because not only does he feed on the darkness of others, but he is able to draw out the dark side from people, in a more potent way then simple manipulation.

This is why Kylo was so easily turned against Luke. Kylo being from the Skywalker bloodline has a lot of darkness within him. Snoke was able to exploit this and draw out the darkness that was within Kylo. He is damaged from something in his past, or possibly from something more recent and he needs Force energy to heal himself. Han is right that Snoke is just using Kylo, and he might not even realize how accurate his statement was. He is driving Kylo further and further towards the dark side so that he can more easily continue to drain his Force energy and repair himself to full power. I have no doubt that Snoke has a more grand master plan especially to restore the dark side to it's former power in the galaxy, but this would be a part in his underlying character.

Now we have Luke. Did Luke leave everything and go into hiding because he was simply ashamed of his failure or weak? I don’t believe that is the case, Luke was one of the most powerful Jedi of all time and still is. Luke left because he knew what Snoke is capable of, and he needed to look for answers on how to defeat him and it was too dangerous to stick around and risk giving Snoke more power. Just like Nosferatu tried to drink the blood of Hutter, Snoke tried to feed on the darkness that resided within Luke.

Luke is very aware of the darkness within himself, his mechanical hand reminds him of this constantly. He began to notice when Snoke tried to draw the dark side out of Luke and could sense that he was being drained. Just as Hutter was suspicious after reading a book about vampires, Luke is wary that something does not feel right. Luke's fears are realized when he has a force vision similar to when Anakin would have dreams about Padme, showing Snoke for what he truly is and what he is capable of.

This is why Snoke wants to find/ keep Luke from returning so badly. Not only is Luke the final Jedi and a beacon of strength for the light side, but Snoke realizes that Luke knows what he is, and might now be the only person in the galaxy able to figure out how to destroy him.

The way to kill Nosferatu was for a woman, pure of heart, to distract him so that the sunlight will destroy him. The heroine of this story is Rey. Rey will be tempted by the dark side of the force, but will eventually become pure of heart/pure in the light side of the Force. Snoke has already been seen to be interested in Rey once he found out how powerful she was in the force from Kylo. Rey will "give herself up" to Snoke in order to be close enough to defeat him. He will be engrossed in "drinking" from her dark-side Force energy. At this point Rey will drive the darkness away from herself and will expose him to the pure Light Side of the Force, destroying him from the inside out.
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