Categories > Cartoons > Teen Titans > To the End of the World . . . and After

The Warning Revealed

by DrT 1 review

The meaning of the warning becomes all too clear to the League and the Titans

Category: Teen Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Raven,Robin - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2016-05-31 - 3368 words - Complete

To the End of the World . . . and After
A Teen Titans fic, by DrT

Chapter IV – The Warning Revealed
The meaning of the warning becomes all too clear to the League and the Titans

“How is she?” Robin asked.

“She’s actually asleep,” Cyborg replied. “I’m guessing from exhaustion. I don’t know what that ball of green energy was, but it must have been intense.”

“It is difficult to be certain, but I believe, from its trajectory, it may have left the atmosphere,” Starfire put in. She looked at Robin. “I am sure you will obsess throughout the night, perhaps contacting the League of Justice. Therefore, I shall be with sister Raven.” She looked at Cyborg and Beast Boy. “You two should rest.”

From her tone, there was no question that Starfire was in her rare ‘princess mode’ and her statements were best treated as orders. The young men looked at each other helplessly and then did as they were told.


Raven opened her eyes and squinted. The room was far too bright. Why had she left the blinds and curtains open?

Then she remembered.

“You are awake, but it does not seem as if you are at ease,” she heard Starfire say from the bottom of the bed.

Raven turned over and saw that Starfire was lying behind her, although as usual her head had been hanging off the bottom of the bed. “You were only restless once, and it is just after dawn,” the princess stated as she sat up.

Raven nodded. “Something very bad is going to be happening. I’m not entirely certain what it is, but this may be as bad as when my father came.”

Starfire merely shrugged in return. “We will not be alone in facing this threat. If it is solvable, it will be solved.”

Raven again, and then went to use the bathroom.

When Raven came out, she was replaced by Starfire. Seeing that her friend had already dressed in casual clothes, Raven did the same. When Starfire reappeared, the pair went down to the hotel dining room. Breakfast was a large buffet, featuring both traditional Mexican dishes as well as standard fair for the various American, Canadian, and European guests the hotel primarily catered to. While Starfire was not happy with the unavailability of enough mustard to use as a beverage, she was pleased at the spice level available in the local fare – most of the food served in Titans Tower was just too bland for her tastes. Raven combined cuisines a bit, picking up two tortillas and slathering them with English clotted cream, adding a few strips of bacon to her plate, and made herself some tea. The pair then went to the small private dining room reserved for the team.

They were unsurprised to see Cyborg was already at the table, the waitress just removing two dirty plates while he was starting on another two plates piled high. The three women exchanged rolled eyes before Raven and Starfire sat down and the waitress left.

“You feelin’ better this morning?” he asked Raven.

“I don’t know,” she replied honestly. “When I’m done here, I’m going to mediate and see if I can figure out exactly what happened. Well,” she admitted, “I know what happened, just not what exactly was going on.”

“We guessed some big message from Azar,” Cyborg replied, before digging into the biscuits and gravy that covered one of the plates while keeping his eyes more on the other plate filled with corned beef hash and three types of sausage than on his team mates.

“Exactly,” Raven agreed. “Whatever or whoever the Clatorian might be, it seemed as if the Lantern Corps missed something. But that’s all I know.” She looked over her shoulder. “Robin, do you know anything more?”

Robin came in, carrying a plate that, although with smaller portions, echoed the meat-laden choices that Cyborg had made. Behind him, Beast Boy had a plate filled with fruit. When Beast Boy came into the room, Robin shut the door for privacy.

“No, I don’t know much,” Robin answered as he sat. “Apparently, the Lanterns were about to report they hadn’t found anything when your message hit them. The leader looked very angry, but not at you, but because they might have missed something. As difficult as it might be, we need to try and relax today; a call to the Watchtower or Justice Hall could come at any time. We might not have another chance for a while.”


The ‘call’ did not come until shortly after the Titans returned to Jump City. Even so, not all the Titans were invited to an ‘emergency general meeting of the Justice League and representative associates.’ Only Robin and Raven were to be transported to the Watchtower. Robin guessed, partially correct as it turned out, that this was because there were no members of the League to spare to watch over Jump City in place of the other Titans.

They were directed to a small auditorium, although it was the largest the League currently had on the station. When they entered, Robin looked around and said, “I guess I can see why we weren’t all invited.” The Justice League had over fifty full members, and well over a hundred associates not counting those associated with the Titans, while the small auditorium seated just over a hundred. It was clear it was going to be full, although most people were still milling about.

Taking a quick glance, Raven forcibly led Robin down the center aisle to seats just off the aisle, in a currently-empty row. “Why here?” Robin asked as he sat, a bit uncomfortable with her choice.

“Most will want to sit in the back row, where they can have a wall to their back. When those are full, they will bicker until we are called to order, then they will rush down the outside. This should be as far back as we can get without getting run over as they try for preferred seats and still have a good view of the screen.”

Over the next ten minutes, Raven was proven correct, as the pushing, rushing, and grumbling took place once Batman called for everyone to sit down. Finally, Batman nodded and went to sit in the front row with most of the other founders and leaders (none of whom looked happy with their seats).

While John Stewart was the Green Lantern primarily currently assigned to the Earth’s solar system, three others were assigned to the sector of space the Earth’s system was in. The audience stirred when not only all four of those Green Lanterns came out on stage, but eight others. Those that knew more details about the Corps were shocked when three of those turned out to be Guardians, who rarely left their home planet.

After allowing the information on who the little blue Lanterns were to spread around the auditorium, one of the Guardians stepped forward. “I am certain most of you know what pocket universes are. For those who don’t, the scientific explanation can come after this meeting. Briefly, there are many universes, or dimensions which contain universes; perhaps an infinite number. All are of various ages; ours is currently about average for those we know of. For varying reasons, between these universes, energies and matters may be swept into dimensional areas of a wide variety of stabilities. A rare few of these mini-dimensions are large enough and stable enough to be considered true mini-universes. Most are incredibly unstable, tiny, or both. A few are in-between.”

The screen behind the Guardian turned on, and a small, somewhat humanoid creature appeared. “Perhaps thirty billion years ago, long before this universe came into being, in a stable pocket universe where matter consisted of a super-sized globular galaxy and physical laws nearly the same as ours, these sapients, known as the Clatorian, evolved early on. In terms of the evolution of this universe, they would have evolved at the equivalent of perhaps eight billion years ago or so. In any event, they quickly mastered the physics of their universe, and over six billion years, finished taking over their universe while having evolved into creatures which, while having a physical basis, were now more organized energy than matter.” The image on the screen changed, now showing a yellowish glow in vaguely humanoid form.

“They had long been aware that their dimension was not growing because of its composition, and so entropy was already catching up to that universe. Therefore, they sought and finally found a way to invade other dimensions. Although they are still in the form shown, they seem to enjoy taking the shape of sentients occupying planets they are invading while spreading a form of energy which will build a large-scale bridge into that dimension from whatever dimension they are invading from. Once they have a planet under their control and the bridge is firmly established, the bridge cannot be destroyed. At that point, it generally takes them about two of your years to convert the host solar system into an even larger bridge. From there, they move out, taking over more and more, shredding native sentients and reforming parts of them into their life forms – that seems to be how they reproduce – and eventually leaving dead dimensions behind them as the energies of them are diverted into invading the new universes. Let me state it again, once the dimensional bridge is complete, no known force can stop them. Destroying the planet it is on or even the solar system it is in does not damage it once that first bridge is complete. The only known exception was when they tried to invade a very small pocket universe, which was largely self-aware. It was able to destroy itself rather than letting itself be taken over.”

That brought total silence to the room. “The Clatorian have tried to invade this universe at least twenty-three times, using variations of their usual plans, and we have stopped them every time, although sixteen times we had to destroy the planet they were taking over before the bridge was complete, as there was no other way to stop them. When we were warned about a possible takeover here, we were surprised as none of the triggers we now have to safeguard the universe from them were triggered, but we looked anyway. We found nothing. We were about to conclude the source was mistaken when we were contacted again and directed where to look and what to look for. The Clatorian have tried a new strategy, and will complete the bridge in a few of your months. If we were foolish enough to allow it, it will be complete approximately around the end of your month of March, in fact. In short, we have failed the people of Earth. We must not fail the universe as well.”

“So, how do we stop this threat?” Superman asked.

“In the sense you mean, we have not yet found a way. Usually, the Clatorian start by taking over an example of whatever sentient species dominates a planet and then taking over others. No doubt because we can now detect this almost immediately, this time they are taking over microscopic life, the life that lives at the extremes in the interior of the planet. Even though the Clatorian presence would currently only mass a few hundred metric tons of organic material, to excise them at this point would mean removing approximately twelve percent of the mass of the planet. The planet’s structure would not sustain itself, and even if it could, the change in gravity would have severe long-term consequences. We of course plan on continuing to study the situation, but you must be prepared to lose the planet, and its population. I can assure you that the Corps would find it nearly as much of a loss as you would.”

The audience might have been stunned, but they were coming around. The Guardian gestured for silence. “If the Clatorian become aware that we, or your people, are aware of the situation, they will likely become more aggressive, which would mean our having to destroy the planet even sooner. So I urge you all to keep the number of people who know about this as small as possible.”

“How . . . how would you. . . .” Even Superman, who was apparently the designated League spokesperson, couldn’t speak that sentence.

“If necessary, we will push the planet directly into the dimension the Clatorian are infiltrating from. The physics of that dimension would destroy macro-life on the planet as you know it in a very short period of time – perhaps twenty of your minutes. Beings such as you could last a few days. We will work with you to study the problem,” the Guardian went on without a break. “Obviously, the optimal solution would be to end the Clatorian attack without noticeable damage to the planet or its population. After that, saving at least a representative population and, if possible, somehow discouraging the Clatorian from further aggression in this dimension would be our goals.”

“How many. . . ?” Superman tried to ask.

“Perhaps as many as a hundred thousand or so,” the Guardian answered.

“That’s less than. . . .”

“Less than point zero zero one five percent of your population,” the Guardian said sadly.

While this had been going on, Raven felt a tickle against her mental shields, as if someone was trying to gain her attention. Looking around, one of the other Guardians caught her eye. With that, the little being intruded lightly into her thoughts.

Raven was at first shocked by his question, but as they mentally discussed the possibilities, she could only agree to the idea.

Meanwhile, the meeting was drawing to a close. Hal Jordan, the senior Green Lantern in the sector, stepped forward. “Many of you will have to keep this totally to yourself as you continue your usual duties. Each of you may offer up to nine names – you would be the tenth – for inclusion into whatever rescue of population is possible. Remember, even that will only be possible if we keep this quiet.”

“A little bitty carrot and a very big stick,” Robin muttered.

“Please let us know the names within two weeks. Do not feel you need to take all nine slots. Those of you affiliates who work on teams? your teammates are already included, and if we have the time, they will be able to select as well. So, while many of you have to go back and pretend it’s business as usual at least until early March, a few of you have special assignments. You now know who you are. Dismissed.”

Raven turned to Robin. “Robin, I was selected for some sort of special project.”

“Let me know how much time you’ll be using,” Robin said simply. “If it will be a lot, we’ll see about bringing someone in to help out at the Tower.” He hesitated, but then asked, “Do you know who you would list?”

Raven shrugged. “If all the other Titans are covered, just Melvin, Timmy, and Teether if they aren’t included. You?”

“I’ll talk to Batman to make certain all the honorary Titans are covered, just like he’ll make certain the entire Bat Clan is.” And that Alfred was included in the clan. “Good luck.”

By then, the room had cleared enough for the pair of them to easily leave. Robin made his way over to Batman, while Raven followed Wonder Woman down a corridor. She turned and asked, “Are you lost?”

“I was told to follow you to a meeting room,” Raven replied.

Wonder Woman merely nodded. “No offence to you, but I do not have much confidence we would have much in common to work on.”

“Unfortunately, I believe we do,” Raven said.

“Speak with me as we go, then.”


Half an hour later, when the Guardian they were meeting with had left, Raven turned to Wonder Woman and asked, “Do you think your gods, and your mother for that matter, will sanction it?”

“To save our people, if the gods sanction it I believe she will have no problems agreeing, as much as she will loathe it. The question is, will our gods?”

Raven shrugged. “If they want to have a community of human worshipers after next March, they will, no matter what, if any, conditions they try to impose.”

“That is unfortunately true,” a voice coming from behind them stated.

Wonder Woman turned in her chair, managing to turn, stand, and bow all in one motion. Raven followed suit, although much more slowly.

“This proves that none of us are all-knowing, as we all missed the Clatorian incursion,” Athena stated flatly. While obviously angry and upset, both women knew the goddess was not directing those emotions towards them. “You will take our statues, and several more we shall supply you, so that we will travel with you. Ares has stated he prefers to stay and fight, and no doubt several others will as well. You both have our blessings in this matter.”

Raven looked puzzled.

“What you will be doing is at best much more morally ambiguous than what the Amazons will,” Athena pointed out. “For whatever it is worth to you, we agree that it is justified.”

Raven bowed. “Thank you.” Considering the occasional vindictiveness of the Greek gods (or not so occasional in the case of some of them), Raven was not too sure how far their approval might go in mitigating her judgment at the end, but figured every little bit would help.


When Raven returned to the Tower, she was met by a very confused Robin. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “Or should I say ‘what else is wrong,’ considering what we learned?”

“There are three people who want to meet with you,” Robin replied. “One claims to be from Shangri-La, one is a Native Australian . . . and one is the True Master!”

“And they want to meet with me?” Raven asked, confused.

Robin nodded, adding, “I got them checked into a hotel downtown. Shall I call and see if they can meet with you tonight?” He frowned, and added, “Despite the distances they’ve traveled, they didn’t seem at all jet-lagged.”

“If the Australian is a Dream-Walker, he . . . is it a he?”

Robin nodded. “They both are.”

“Well, all three can probably meditate through any jet-lag. I need a shower, and I can meet them any time afterwards.”


“If they don’t object.”


Raven looked around her and smiled to herself. A meeting between a half-demon superhero and a martial arts master, the sub-abbot of Shangri-La, and a Dreamwalker should have happened someplace more interesting than a small meeting room at a Ramada. ‘At least all four of us have tea,’ she mused. “I am Raven, and I know you are known as the True Master,” she said with a bow sketched in the woman’s direction.

“Chu-Hui, if you prefer.”

“Songsten,” the sub-abbot stated simply.

“John Motlop.”

“And what can I do for you?”

The two men looked at each other, their training warring with their egos; each wanting the honor of deferring to the other.

Chu-Hui almost rolled her eyes. “You should already understand who these two represent. I represent several communities – including Nanda Parbat – and individuals who come from traditions similar to Shangri-La. We are now aware of what is happening, and that there is little hope for a satisfactory resolution. We will therefore have to prepare to withdraw from this world. Over the millennia, others have done this, but they have also fully withdrawn, cutting off access. While there may be others who are not only aware but planning to leave, we three have each come to the conclusion that the best place for our groups to go would be Azarath.” Seeing that Raven had been led towards their idea even before she had entered the room, the True Master concluded, “Yet we cannot access Azarath, because you hold the keys to the dimension. We therefore ask you to save us by granting us Azarath.”
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