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Even More Things I'm Not Allowed To Do At Hogwarts

by IluvHP 0 reviews

Bashing of JK's characters

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Published: 2016-06-24 - 320 words - Complete

Even More Things I’m Not Allowed To Do At Hogwarts
By IluvHP

Disclaimer: I asked a Fairy Godmother for the rights to Harry Potter. She said, are you kidding, if I had that ability, I’d own Harry Potter instead of J.K. Rowling. Don’t own, and never will. 

AN: There will be bashing and slight bashing of the following characters: Arthur, Cho, Crabbe, Dean, Draco, Dumbledore, Ginny, Goyle, Hermione, Lavender, Lockhart, Molly, Parvati, Ron, Snape and the Weasley twins

1. Tell Draco that the dumb blonde look is so good for him
2. Tell Crabbe and Goyle to ask Dr. Frankenstein if he has any left-over brains they could use
3. Tell Snape that his cousin Vlad left him some blood pops and asked if he was ready for their date tonight
4. Tell Dumbledore that the Gandalf look is so last year
5. Tell Ron that pigs have better manners than he has
6. Tell Lockhart to go to rehab for beauty products abuse
7. Tell Molly to get her big nose out of other people’s lives
8. Tell Arthur to tell Molly to mind her own business
9. Tell Ginny to get a life
10. Sorry Hermione, but there’s more to life then books, homework, nagging others to do homework and studying, studying and more books
11. Tell the Weasley twins that using other students as product testers without either paying them or letting them know what the candy might do to them is being a bully, not a prankster
12. Tell Dean there’s more to life than West Ham
13. Tell Lavender and Parvati that gossiping is no better than lying
14. Tell Cho and the other Ravenclaw bullies that the DMLE is coming to take them to rehab, and if they don't go peacefully they'll have their wands snapped and their magic bound (They MUST give Luna all of her things back before the DMLE takes them away)
15. Stop bashing J.K.’s characters
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