Categories > Original > Fantasy > Aivendel


by Bookworm7 0 reviews

A young human girl will soon find herself in Aivendel, this magical world where she will learn more then ever before. Follow her along the journey of a life time. Who would not visit the place wher...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-08-26 - Updated: 2006-08-27 - 114 words

Aivendel - Pronounced I-vin-del, Vendelian for Crossroad:
A)The place of intersection of two or more roads.
B1)A small community located at such a crossroads.
B2)A central meeting place.
C)A crucial point especially where a decision must be made.

All of the above define Aivendel, the place of intersection for roads leading to more magical worlds, the place where reside the most important wizards and witches of this time, the place where meet all magical creatures, the place where a crucial decision must soon be made.

But there's more, Aivendell is also the place where magic has once been created so many years ago, where magic is, to this day, kept alive.
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