Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Beginning

chapter 32

by youngandreckless 0 reviews

chapter 32

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-26 - Updated: 2006-08-27 - 912 words

Chapter 32

Stacey's POV

"Shhhh" I giggled as pete pushed me on the bus. "You hear anything?" Patrick asked peaking around the corner. "all clear" Pete sighed dragging me to the back of the bus and throwing me down in the chair. "this seems familiar" I grinned as he took the chair opposite to me. He narrowed his eyes at me dangerously "maybe if you didn't go out drinking every night then this wouldn't be the routine" I grinned spinning around in the chair "but drinking makes life easier" I stopped spinning and faced him "life isnt ment to be easy" he sighed slouching down in the chair. I stood up and walked towards him sitting down on his lap "petey I've been a bad girl" I smirked running my hands down his chest leaning close to his ear "punish me" I whispered before slamming my lips to his. "this isnt right" he muttered moving down to my neck. "then why does it feels so good?"

Pete's POV

The next morning I woke up with my arms wrapped around stacey. We were both on the floor with nothing but a sheet covering us. Oh god I know what we did was wrong but her being in my arms feels so right. I got up hearing my phone ringing. Mirah. She doesn't deserve this. I silenced my phone and got dressed quickly sicking back down my made the dreaded phone call. "Hey" so now you want to talk to me I could hear the hurt in her voice "mirah I'm sorry, I just don't know what to do anymore" I sighed running a hand threw my hair my eyes focused on the body still sleeping on the floor. you still love her don't you she asked sadly. I thought about it for a moment before nodding "yeah I do" I could tell she was crying now then be with her pete. I cant compete with your love for her "I didn't mean to hurt you" I whispered into the phone. I'm a big girl, I can take care of it. I had a feeling this was going to happen the day she showed back up. I guess its better sooner than later right? "so this is it then?" yeah pete, this is it. Be good ok? Treat that girl right. She deserves it I nodded even though she couldn't see me saying a quick goodbye before hanging up. I sorta felt a bit of relief now.

Laura's POV

I woke up to joe's arms tight around me. I missed this. I would give anything to be able to wake up like this every morning again. "hey" he whispered hoarsly. "morning" I replied not lifting my head up from his chest. "can we start over" he sighed playing with my hair. "kinda wipe the slate clean...again" I bit my lip smiling. "I would like that." He nodded slighty "me too" we stayed that way for awhile longer both just content with being in the other's arm. "do you think the other's are up yet?" I asked breaking the silence. We listened for a moment for any sign of movement. "probably not" he whispered back. I'm glad we decided to sorta start over so to say. This time I swear I'm going to keep it this way and nothing is going to fuck it up. Or so I pray.

Joe's POV

We layed there in each others arms until we heard a scream from the back room. "you wanna go check that out?" I asked nudging her. "nope" she replied not moving. "THAT CAMERA IS GOING TO HELL" I heard stacey yell and then feet running past the bunk area. "ok so now I'm curious" laura grinned getting up and throwing some clothes on. I followed her lead before we went to the back of the bus. Walking into the entertainment room I couldn't help but laugh. "fuck you" stacey snapped glaring at me. She was soaking wet and a bucket laid near her. My guess is one of the guys decided to wake her up with a nice bucket of water. "nope I'm good...and by the looks of things Pete is too? Or do you have another fuck buddy?" I laughed ducking as the bucket was thrown at my head. "how the hell are you two so happy" she spat getting up and storming past us "my head is fucking killing me" "we have the perfect cure for hangovers" laura grinned leaning against the doorframe. Stacey paused turning back at us. "oh yeah, whats that?" she challenged. "love"

Stacey's POV

"Love's overrated" I spat throwing myself down on pete's bunk. I was way to lazy to crawl into mine at the moment. "ouch. Now that burns" I lifted my head to see pete pushing back the drape. "oh go have mirah but some ice on it" I mumbled putting my head under the pillow. "well considering we broke up, I guess that is now your job."
I thought about what he said for a moment before narrowing my eyes. "I'm not your rebound girl!" closing the drape I turned over tucking my head under the pillow. Well atleast she is out of the way now, but I refuse to be his new toy. He must of just broke up with her this morning, well I guess I did sleep with him last night too, oh god this thinking is making my head hurt!
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