Categories > Anime/Manga > Dragon Ball Z > The Saiyan Chronicles Part I: Ryoka's Story


by Mada 0 reviews

Goku had another brother, Contra. This is the story of Contra's daughter, Ryoka, and how she affects the Z Gang.

Category: Dragon Ball Z - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Action/Adventure - Characters: Bulma, Chichi, Gohan, Goku, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, Videl - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2005-06-18 - Updated: 2005-06-19 - 1602 words

Gohan landed in front of the Son residence. He was later than usual, and hoped that his mom wouldn't be too mad.

He was still holding Ryoka, who was looking around at her new surroundings.

"So," he said. "What do you think?"

Ryoka strained her neck to see around him. She nodded mutely.

Gohan took this as a confirmation, nodded back and carried her into the house.

Upon hearing the front door close Chi-Chi yelled out, "Gohan! Where have you been?! I told dinner would be-"

She had come in the living room yelling but stopped when she saw Ryoka.

"Gohan?" she asked, still staring at the girl.

Goten came in after his mother, wondering what could make her stop screaming so effectively.

"Hey Goten!" Gohan said. "You should meet our cousin, Ryoka."

Goten brightened up, "Cousin? Really?"

"Yep," Gohan told him, smiling. "Why don't you get to know each other a little while I talk to mom, okay?"

"Okay," Goten said.

Gohan sat Ryoka on the couch and went over to Chi-Chi. Goten sat down next to Ryoka and started talking all about...well...everything.

"What happened, Gohan?" Chi-Chi asked.

"I thought that maybe Ryoka could enter the tournament and make things a little more exciting," Gohan told her.

Chi-Chi nodded slightly, "But where was she?"

"Well," Gohan started. "I remember one day finding a letter to dad from some guy called D. Kuni. They froze her, years ago."

Chi-Chi looked over at Ryoka, who seemed more alive now, listening to Goten.

"Can she not walk?" Chi-Chi asked.

"She just needs to regain her strength," Gohan told her.

"Hm," Chi-Chi nodded once more. "A large meal will do her good."

Chi-Chi went back into the kitchen to get the food.

Gohan turned back to hear Goten telling Ryoka about the World Tournament.

"Yeah, yeah," Goten was saying, excitedly. "I'm going to enter in the Junior Tournament with Trunks. It'll be great! Are you a fighter? If so, you should enter too!"

"I'd like that," Ryoka spoke up.

Gohan looked at her, a little surprised, "Really? If you want I'll train you. Just like Goten."

Ryoka nodded, smiling.

The three looked up when each one's nose caught the scent of food.

Chi-Chi had brought out a table full food, and the three half-Saiyans were all looking at the table lustily.

Gohan stood and picked up Ryoka. He went over to the table and set her down next to Chi-Chi.

Ryoka waited till Gohan and Goten were at the table to start piling food onto her plate. She was a true Saiyan.


After dinner, Chi-Chi took Ryoka upstairs to what would be her room.

"A night of sleep should help just as much as that meal did. You'll be walking by morning," Chi-Chi said, tucking Ryoka into bed.

Before she left the room, Chi-Chi heard Ryoka's small voice.

"Aunt Chi-Chi? Are you happy I'm here?" Ryoka's little voice asked.

Chi-Chi's heart softened at this. She went back over to the bed and sat down.

"Yes, I'm very glad you're here. You're family and family is more important than anything," Chi-Chi said.

With that, she leaned down and kissed Ryoka's forehead, and said goodnight.


The next day, Ryoka was the first one up. She got herself downstairs and was quietly watching TV when Chi-Chi came down.

Chi-Chi was surprised, to say the least. As much as she had told Ryoka that she would be walking today, she never really believed it.

Gohan soon followed after his mother, coming down the stairs, yawning. He sat down next to Ryoka.

"Well," he said, looking down at her. "Today's Saturday. Are you ready to train?"

Chi-Chi looked half-mortified, "She only just started walking, and you want to train her?!"

Before an argument broke out about it, Ryoka's little voice said, "I want to train. I'm fine now."

Chi-Chi looked over at her, "Are you sure?"

Ryoka nodded her head.

"Fine," Chi-Chi said, throwing her arms up for effect. "Do whatever you want."

Gohan waited till his mother had left the room and gave Ryoka a thumbs up, "Okay, go get dressed. We'll eat and then train."

Ryoka nodded, standing up. She went upstairs and was on her way to her room when she bumped into Goten.

"Hey! You're walkin'!" Goten said, smiling.

"Uh-huh, and I'm gonna train," Ryoka told him.

"Cool!" Goten exclaimed. "Where's your training gi?"

Ryoka thought for a moment, "I don't have any."

"Oh," Goten said, scratching the back of his head.

"I know!" he shouted, suddenly. "You can borrow some of mine."

"Thanks," Ryoka smiled.

Goten took her to his room and went over to his dresser. He pulled open a drawer and got out a pair of orange pants and top, with a blue undershirt.

"Here ya go," he said, handing them to Ryoka.

She went to her room to change, while Goten went downstairs for breakfast.

Even though they were boys clothes and were a little loose, the gi was comfortable.

She headed back downstairs and found Gohan and Goten practically drooling over food they hadn't even touched.

"Mom said we couldn't eat without you," Goten said.

Ryoka sat down at the table, and the massacre began.


After breakfast Gohan took the two young Saiyans outside.

Goten settled himself on a boulder while Gohan stood facing Ryoka.

"So," Gohan said. "Do you have any fighting experience?"

"Ryoka nodded, "Papa had just started to train me."

"Did he teach you to fly?" Gohan asked.

Ryoka nodded.

"Okay," Gohan sighed. "In order for you to stand a chance against Goten or Trunks, you're going to have to reach the level of Super Saiyan."

"Super Saiyan?" What's that?" Ryoka looked form him to Goten.

"Well, you know what a Saiyan is, right?" Gohan asked her.

She nodded.

"Well, Super Saiyan is another level of power that you achieve with training. You become stronger and faster."

"Oh," Ryoka said, looking blank.

She then looked to Gohan, "I want it."

Gohan smiled, "Then we train."


Gohan had started Ryoka off by sparing with her a little. She wasn't up to his level yet, but she was near Goten's.

Goten was throwing punches left and right, while Ryoka was dodging most of them.

Gohan decided to make it harder, "Goten!"

Goten stopped what he was doing, "What?"

"Go super!"

"Okay!" Goten smiled.

He hovered in midair facing Ryoka. He started to power up.

Ryoka watched, mesmerized as Goten's hair started moving in a non-existent wind. His ki was getting bigger, his hair was a shock of blonde, and his eyes a deep turquoise.

"I want that," she said, again to herself.

Zooming towards Goten, she threw a punch, but found herself hitting only air.


A fist hit her from behind, and she was sent falling to the ground.

She was caught by Gohan before she hit the earth. He set her down and called Goten down.

"Ryoka," Gohan said, kneeling down to her height. "in order to achieve the level of a Super Saiyan, you must want it in a way I can't explain. All I know is that when I reached it, I was preparing to defend the Earth. I desperately wanted it. Then there's Goten and Trunks who just reached it during training."

"But there isn't any danger now," she said, looking to the ground.

"I know but you have to find something," Gohan said.


(A/N: Never thought I'd do this) ~Flashback~

Ryoka sat in her father's arms looking up at the sky.

"That's where Vegetasei is," Contra said, pointing up.

Ryoka's mother, Ryo, was sitting next to him.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, slyly.

Contra smirked, "Saiyan instinct."

"Is everyone on Vegetasei a great warrior, papa?" Ryoka asked him.

"Most are," he replied, nostalgically. "They are some of the most feared in the universe."

"You will be too, one day," he said, smiling at Ryoka. "Just like your mother and just like my mother."

"I promise, I will be the strongest someday," Ryoka said, snuggling up to both her parents.

~End Flashback~


"I promised," Ryoka said.

She looked over at Goten, who had sat back down.

"Let's fight," she said to him.

Goten nodded, smiling.

They both sped upward; Goten going Super Saiyan.

Ryoka kicked and punched, never hitting her target. She, meanwhile, was taking hit after hit from Goten.

Gohan was getting worried, he wanted her to learn, but he didn't want her dead.

Suddenly, she started screaming. Gohan looked to Goten, silently asking what he'd done to her. The two realized, however, that her screaming was not from the fight. She was having a power surge.

She was coming down to the ground, slowly, and writhing from pain.

Gohan tried to go to her but she pushed him back with a sudden release of energy.

Goten went over and helped his brother up, turning back to watch Ryoka.

Just as soon as it had started, it stopped. Ryoka was kneeling on the ground gasping for air.

But now she had the shock of blonde hair and turquoise eyes. Gohan smiled.

"You did it!" he shouted. "You're a Super Saiyan."

The two boys went over to her, helping her up.

"I didn't really do it," she said. "It was a fluke."

"Doesn't matter now," Goten said. "You did it no matter what you believe."
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