Categories > Cartoons > Class of the Titans > Arrows of Love

The Reason Behind Atlanta's Behaviour Part 1

by EilayAdnayVolieay 7 reviews

(Two-part chapter) In this first part of the reason behind Atlanta's behaviour chapter, Atlanta tries to get Archie to go wading in the water but then mysteriously passes out. A small scar is detec...

Category: Class of the Titans - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-08-29 - Updated: 2006-08-30 - 2984 words

A/N: Well it has been a fair amount of time since I last updated, sorry about that, I've been seeing friends and getting ready for school- in a few days, I'll have to get two needles (AHH! They don't hurt but they freak the heck out of me) and tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut. Between all the back-to-school madness and working on a Class of the Titans fansite with my buddy Lily, I've been keeping busy. Now I'm the editor at the class of the titans section at lot's of stuff to do, and school is just 15 days away. WOOT! Thanks to everyone who reviewed the last chapter, and I have decided that when I do finish this story, it will finish around when the affects of the arrow wear off. Then I will create a sequel of when Atlanta realizes she actually does like Archie, so there'll be some stuff there. I'm not sure how many chapters this will be, but not too too many. This is just chapter four, so I'll say maybe... ten chapters at the most. Depending on chapter length, among other things. R&R.

Disclaimer: As usual, Class of the Titans isn't mine.

Shout out to----- LILY! Hey Lily! lol. Yeah, that's all I have to say.

Arrows of Love

Chapter Four: The Reason Behind Atlanta's Behaviour Part 1

Archie gulped when he realized where Atlanta had taken him- not to a beach, where a lot of people would be hanging out, getting tans and swimming- but instead to a small lake near the movie theatre, just a ten minute walk away- and secluded. If she intends to get me to go into that water, she's insane. It's a bit better without a thousand people watching me get paranoid over water, but I'm not going anywhere near that. Archie decided. He turned to Atlanta to tell her so, but stopped. For a moment, he had seen something in her eyes, he was sure. Not the usual twinkling, or the reflection of himself, but something else instead. Is she hypnotized again? Archie wondered. He glanced down at the water and sighed.

"Atlanta?" he asked. Atlanta turned to him and smiled.

"I know you're afraid of the water Archie... and although I think it's a little irrational, I respect that. But could you just... try... wading?" Atlanta asked him. Archie looked back at her confused before realizing what it was she was saying.

"I- uh, maybe later. Are you okay?" he asked her. "For a minute, I thought I saw...."

"Saw what?" Atlanta asked sweetly. There it was again- that strange look in her eyes. The look of confusion, but it seemed as if she wasn't confused about what Archie thought he saw, but confused about what she was doing. While her actions certainly led him to believe she liked him (and her words as well), her eyes made him think differently. It was as if Atlanta had a split personality suddenly, and she was trapped with this sweet girl who adored him. Not that I'm complaining, but... maybe something did happen last night. Archie thought, sadly.

"Nothing, forget I said anything. So uh, listen, why don't we go see... Jay?" Archie asked. He knew that Jay had gone out earlier, and chances were Jay was at the school. That way, it was an indirect reason to go to the school without Atlanta asking questions. However, Atlanta looked at him surprised.

"Go see Jay? Why?" she asked him. Archie scratched the hair on the back of his neck and shrugged.

"Oh, you know- talk about Cronus, that kind of stuff. Maybe we can get in some training while we're there," Archie added. He knew that normally, Atlanta would jump at the opportunity for some extra training. After all, she loved fighting- and training meant making herself better, and that meant making fights easier, which meant being able to fight stronger opponents. Unfortunately, Atlanta still wasn't jumping at the opportunity like Archie had planned.

"Well, why? Won't the others be around too?" Atlanta asked him. Archie nodded his head slowly and searched his mind for another excuse.

"Well yeah, but I mean who cares about them? We can go out in the field and practice, you won't even know they're there. And... besides, I uh, told Hera that we'd stay near the school. There was some accidents that she think might be related to Cronus but she said there... was nothing we could do about it now, and she wanted us safe." Archie lied. He looked away quickly so that Atlanta wouldn't be able to read his expression and know that he was lying, and he felt guilty. Why am I lying to her? Is it so hard for me to believe she'd like me? Maybe I'm being too paranoid. But still... I think I should at least mention the scream to someone else, other than Atlanta. If it turns out there's something wrong with her, and I don't do anything about it- I'd never forgive myself. Archie thought finally.

"Well, okay," Atlanta agreed finally. She stood up and crossed her arms. "But not until you wade into the water." she added mischievously. Archie groaned and shook his head, taking a few steps back.

"Oh no. No, no, no, no, NO! Under no circumstances am I going in-" Archie stopped talking when he saw the pleading look on Atlanta's face. The puppy dog pout, the quivering lip- it was all too much! Sighing, Archie gave in. "Fine," he replied reluctantly. He slipped off his sandals and stuck a foot in the water. It felt cool on his feet, and he grimaced at the feeling of it. Atlanta smiled, clearly satisfied, and walked into the water herself.

"Come on, Archie, just a bit further. Please?" Atlanta added. Archie sighed and walked a bit further into the water. I guess if I'm just wading through this bit of water, it's not so bad. Archie decided. It's only just below my knees, not that high. And... besides... I can run back if I need to. Some hero YOU are... A voice inside of Archie's head purred evilly. What if Atlanta were in danger? It added. I wouldn't just stand aside while she was in danger! Archie argued, not even thinking of the possibility that he was going insane, after all, he was arguing with himself. But she's not in any danger right now, so why worry about it?

"There, I went a little further." Archie told her, turning around. "Now let's go," he replied, wading back closer to shore. He felt a small hand on his shoulder, and he turned around to see Atlanta staring back at him, seeming confused. The strange look in her eyes was gone, and he felt worried. Atlanta crouched over and Archie caught her just before she fell. "Atlanta!" Archie cried worriedly. He carefully brought her to shore and laid her down gently on the ground. Her head rolled over to one side, and Archie looked around to see if there was any wound of some sort. He noticed then a small mark near her shoulder, and embarrassedly moved the sleeve down a bit from her shoulder to look. It was barely visible, but it looked like a small scar from a puncture wound- if he hadn't been searching her for wounds, he might not have ever noticed it. Atlanta... what happened to you? Archie thought worriedly. He picked up Atlanta and maneuvered her around until she was on his back. He grabbed his PMR out of his pocket and called Herry.

"Archie, I'm eating, is this important?" Herry asked, mouth full of fries. Archie noticed he was at a fast food restaurant, eating burgers, fries and slurping on soda- Knowing Herry, the table is probably overflowing with food. Archie thought, amused for the moment but soon returning to the worried state he had previously been at.

"It is. Listen, finish up there and come get Atlanta and I. We'll be walking along the road towards the cinema's, if you can't find us, use the tracking device." Archie told him. He ended the message and put the PMR back in his pocket, before he heard Herry talking again.


"What, Herry...?" Archie asked, with a sigh.

"Uh... how do you activate the tracking device?"


When Herry finally found Archie, he was walking along the road carrying a still unconscious Atlanta on his back. Herry pulled over and helped Archie put Atlanta in the backseat.

"What happened to her?" he asked, closing the truck door and putting his seatbelt on. Archie followed suit and shrugged, turning back to look at Atlanta.

"Your guess is as good as mine. But, it's strange... last night we snuck out, and-"

"Wait a minute, let me get this straight. After Athena told us to go to bed, the two of you snuck out? Together?" Herry asked. Archie raised an eyebrow questioningly and nodded.

"Yeah, so...?"

"Well aren't you the little rebel," Herry replied teasingly, ruffling Archie's hair. Archie ducked his head to escape Herry's reach and then attempted to fix his mucked up hair.

"Thanks," he replied sarcastically. "For your information, I was going to bed. Atlanta came in and wanted to go boarding. So, we left." Archie told him. Herry shook his head and laughed.

"Should've known it wasn't your idea. So where are we taking her?" Herry asked, glancing in the rearview mirror at the unconscious Atlanta in the backseat. Archie sank in his seat a bit and sighed.

"The school. Anyways, after we snuck out last night, she disappeared for a few minutes and then I could have swore I heard her scream. But then all of a sudden I saw her and she was fine, she was... actually... hugging me a lot." Archie admitted. Herry slammed on the breaks as a car suddenly cut him off.

"Jerk..." he muttered under his breath. He patted the truck before continuing on. "That is unusual for Atlanta," Herry replied slowly. Archie nodded.

"Tell me about it. Then this morning, at five o'clock she came in my room, woke me up, saying she wanted to see me!" Archie added. He sighed and turned to stare out the window, unwilling to meet Herry's eyes. "I... don't know what to think. She told me she likes me, a lot. But something about this... it just doesn't seem right." Archie replied reluctantly. He hated admitting to his confusions about the situation because it meant there was even more of a possibility that there was something wrong with Atlanta. And if there was... and it turned out she didn't really like him... Archie didn't want to think about it. When he had first been told by Atlanta herself that she liked him, he had been overjoyed and surprised. It was something he had never expected, even though he often dreamt of what it would be like if she did return his feelings. Archie sighed, and continued staring at the images that appeared to be moving by fast- even though it was just the truck creating that illusion.

"Well, Archie... you're... she's..." Herry searched around for the right word. Archie smiled weakly and shrugged.

"Don't worry about it, Herry. We'll find out soon enough." Archie added. He couldn't help adding a sarcastic thought into his mind, Don't think too hard- you might hurt yourself, he added with a smirk.


Jay's head shot up as he heard footsteps, and he looked around and saw Theresa entering through the portal. He lowered his head again gloomily, and decided to ignore her for the moment. Who would have thought that I'd ever say that... he thought to himself. But I don't want her getting mad at me. Way to go, Jay. Some leader you are- turning your back on a team mate, ignoring them for petty reasons. The evil voice cut in. Jay shook his head. Preventing someone I care about from getting angry with me is not a petty reason. He argued back. And- I just talked to myself again. Great.

"Hey Jay," a voice replied softly. Jay jumped, startled, and saw that Theresa had joined him on the couch. She was staring down at the ground and sighed. "I... think maybe you were right. Atlanta said that Archie heard her scream last night, but she doesn't remember that." Theresa told him. Jay leaned back in the couch thoughtful for a moment before speaking.

"How can you be sure he wasn't just hearing things? Or that he heard someone else?" Jay asked. Theresa gave him an "it's-so-obvious" look that made him feel as if he was somehow asking a stupid question.

"Jay, you know how Archie feels about Atlanta," Theresa told him, frustrated.

"How do you know?" Jay asked her, surprised. Theresa rolled her eyes.

"He doesn't have to tell me for me to know- it's only obvious! The only ones who wouldn't be able to figure it out would be Atlanta, who is still oblivious, or at least, was until now, and Herry who half the time is off in his own little world." Theresa replied. She stretched and sank back into the couch, trying to make herself comfortable.

"Oh, right." Jay replied. "I knew that."

"Sure... well, because he feels that strongly for Atlanta, he's easily concerned over her and he wouldn't mistake her screaming for anyone else, not when it's something as serious as screaming." Theresa stopped talking and looked up as she heard footsteps. In front of her was Hera, staring down concerned at the two of them.

"What is the matter with Atlanta?" she asked finally. Theresa stood up and crossed her arms with a sigh.

"We... don't know if there is yet. We just feel a little suspicious and wonder if... maybe there's reasons behind Atlanta's behaviour." Theresa informed her. Hera appeared thoughtful a moment, before turning. Behind her was Hermes, about to leave to go into another room.

"Hermes! Come here a moment, please." she replied. Hermes came over and smiled at Jay and Theresa.

"Oh, hey there. What was it you wanted Hera?" Hermes asked.

"Jay, Theresa, could you please explain what behaviour you're referring to?" Hera asked. Atlanta and Jay exchanged a quick glance, wondering how they could put it. Archie would kill us if he knew we told Hera of all people how he feels about Atlanta. But... she is looking out for us, protecting us from Cronus. Jay thought.

"Well... Archie... he... last night, we watched movies, just hung out at the dorm. Well, Athena wanted us to all go to bed, but I guess Archie and Atlanta decided to sneak out and go bording." Jay replied- almost regretting saying it when he saw Hera's pursed lips become, if possible, even thinner.

"Go on." she replied, nodding, trying not to sound upset in any way.

"Well, Atlanta disappeared for a few minutes last night and Archie couldn't find her," Theresa cut in. "When he did, she was on the ground. He went over to her, and... ever since then she's been... well, basically, in love with him." Theresa replied finally. Hera looked up and looked beyond Theresa to see Hermes behind her, scratching his chin thoughtfully.

"In love, huh? Hmm, and you find this suspicious huh?" he asked them. Jay and Theresa looked at each other and started laughing.

"Have you just met Atlanta or something?" Theresa asked. "She's not the type to just fall in love with her best friend suddenly- she's known Archie long enough, it would happen gradually if at all. Not like with Pan, whom she had just met and basically just admired his love of nature and his desire to do something about the environment, and wasn't used to anyone like that."

"Hmm interesting, interesting, I'll look into some things related to her behaviour, see what I can find. And then we need Odie- it's time for our honourary Techno-Greek to help us against the Anubis again!" Hermes rushed off and Hera almost smiled briefly.

"I'm sure if there's anything to be worried about with Atlanta's behaviour, Hermes will find it. Now, might I suggest that-?" Hera stopped, hearing voices nearby. All of them turning, they saw Archie carrying Atlanta in and placing her down on the couch.

"What happened?" Theresa asked, kneeling down to observe Atlanta. Jay crossed his arms and waited for a response from Archie, assuming he'd be a bit more aware of what happened then Herry.

"Well, she just passed out. And check this out-" Archie added. He knelt next to Theresa and pulled Atlanta's shirt from her shoulder, revealing the barely visible wound.

"What is that?" Theresa asked softly. Archie shrugged.

"I don't know. I don't even know if it's new or old, I mean, it's barely visible so you'd think it would be old, but we've talked about our scars, and... I've never seen this before." Archie admitted.

"Well, we thought... something might have been up. Just to be sure we mentioned it to Hera. Hermes is checking it out now and seeing if there's a possible reason behind Atlanta's behaviour other than her... actually liking you. Just because she mentioned that you heard her scream and I don't think you'd make a mistake like that easily." Theresa added quickly.

"Fine. I'm going to go see Hermes, see what he's found." Archie replied, leaving the room.

"I hope he doesn't find anything..." Theresa replied softly. I don't know how Archie will take it if he does.

A/N: Well this was getting a bit long and I had to get off the computer so I thought I'd split this into two parts, sound okay? Sorry for the long wait, no excuses, just never got around to it. Thanks to those who reviewed and I'll update soon. I'll also be working on my other CotT story FIRST.
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