Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Head Boy

by Marvolo666 0 reviews

The Head boy has some intresting veiws on the Head girl and Luna gives Harry a present.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Characters: Harry,Luna - Published: 2016-11-14 - 2206 words - Complete

The sorting ceremony went by smoothly with the exception that instead of the new students staring at Dumbledore, they were staring at the young man sitting at the corner of the staff table.
Harry gave a wave when Ron and Hermione came into the great hall with the rest of the students and they smiled back waving. It was surreal for Harry to be on the other side of the staff table and he could see the surprise on all the students' faces when they saw him up there.
"I would like to make a few announcements before the feast," McGonagall announced.
"First, some new rules. Due to the ongoing repairs Hogwarts is going under, certain areas must not be entered by students. You will not only disrupt the rebuilding process but it could cause you serious injury or worse. Because of this, certain classes will be moved to different rooms. Potions will no longer be held in the dungeons, and Divination will also be moved the Astrology tower."
"Also once again it is time for our annual announcement of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor and hopefully this one will be around for years to come, Mr. Harry Potter I..." She was cut off by the thunderous cheers from the students. Hermione and Ron were hollering, making Harry chuckle, embarrassed.
McGonagall whistled and the room grew silent. "As I was saying, I understand that Harry is friends with some of you and enemies with others," Harry swore she looked over at the Slytherin table. "I am also aware that he is a hero to many more of you and roughly the same age as half the students here. HOWEVER despite all these thing Mr. Potter is first and foremost a Professor of Hogwarts. You will treat him as such. He is not a student nor will he be treated like one. An easy way to avoid confusion is to not do anything with or to Potter you would not do to me."
Harry knew what she was saying as her message was meant for him as well. Harry was used to being insulted and getting into fights during his time at Hogwarts. The image of Malfoy getting into a fight with McGonagall had Harry holding back a laugh. He also looked around the Slytherin table and breathed a sigh of relief to see Malfoy wasn't there.
"I would also like to announce the Head Boy and Girl this year. The Head Girl is one of the brightest witches in the history of Hogwarts, Hermione Granger." The room applauded and Hermione blushed. She had already found out during the summer and the three of them had celebrated with firewiskey.
The Head boy has shown himself to be one of the most talented and bravest wizards we have ever seen at Hogwarts, Michael Corner."
The room applauded for the Ravenclaw who to Harry's surprise had a look of loathing in his eyes. In fact he was glaring daggers at the Gryffindor table.
"Now let the feast begin," McGonagall announced, and everyone was elbows deep in food. McGonagall walked over to where Harry was sitting.
"You are a Professor now and you must behave and act like one. However there is no actual rule stating that you have to sit with us Teachers," She winked as she walked away.
Ron and Hermione where thrilled when Harry suddenly joined them across the Gryffindor table.
"So your allowed to sit with us students now Mr. Potter," Ron teased as Harry took a seat.
"Most teachers don't like to get too chummy with their students since they are supposed to be authority figures...but I think that ship has sailed for me," Harry explained as he started to eat.
Hermione spoke quietly so only Harry and Ron could hear. "Harry, where is Luna? I heard something happened with her on the train. Ron and I spent the whole train ride trying to calm the students with the other prefects."
Harry looked around so none of the other students could hear them and leaned in. "I can't tell you exactly what Luna did to get the students riled up but Luna climbed on top of the train to escape the other students. They swarmed her like a mob and I think she is a little freaked out right now. So she currently is enjoying the feast from the comfort of my office. McGonagall wanted me here for the feast so I'm having Kreature watch over her while I'm gone."
"She climbed on the ROOF OF THE TRAIN? Bloody Hell, Luna's always been a little nuts but she seems to have finally gone over the deep end." Ron said with his mouth full of chicken. As if to confirm Ron's statement Kreature appeared behind Harry.
"Kreature has come to inform Master Potter that the Loony girl is using her food to paint pictures on your office wall."
Harry sighed, "Just make sure she doesn't damage anything and I can clean it up later. It only takes a couple spells. Please don't call her 'Loony', Kreature."
"She told me I could Master, but if that is your wish," with a crack the elf was gone.
"Yes, definitely off the deep end." Ron laughed before stuffing more food into his mouth. Harry couldn't help but wonder if he might be right.
Hermione glared at Harry, "Do you really have to own a house elf Harry's it's..."
"Why is he staring at you Hermione?" Ron suddenly interrupted.
Harry turned to see Michael Corner's cold eyes glaring at Hermione. "What's his problem with you Hermione?" Harry asked.
"I honestly don't know," Hermione whispered surprised. "I mean, we've never been friends, but we were both in DA together and he was even part of the second DA last year."
Harry decided at that moment to keep an eye on the new Head Boy.

"Luna has always had quirks but they have been relatively easy to manage for the most part, if they needed any managing at all. Today however she has already proved to be harder to manage than when she was hexing people." McGonagall stated during Harry's first staff meeting later that night.
"Harry has also told me what she did to cause the students to go into an uproar, and Miss Parkinson has confirmed it. Luna levitated Miss Parkinson's wand without using her wand...Just her eyes."
The entire staff started gasping, muttering and blurting out statements.
"I've been saying for years she's gifted."
"Gifted? She's dangerous, she should be locked up in St Mungo's hospital."
"How the hell does one do that?"
"Get her in here right now. We've got to find out how she did it."
"The loony won't answer our questions, she'll just hum and speak of moon frogs."
"Then we'll make her do it again."
Harry grimaced, if this news had caused such commotion with the teachers then students must have gone ballistic. Thinking about it made him feel sick.
"If the students acted half as crazy as you are all acting now, then no wonder Luna climbed to the roof, I know I would have!"
The teachers where frozen in silence. They had expected to be silenced by McGonagall not Harry Potter.
"You do realize this is a person we are talking about. A student of Hogwarts, not an experiment. I know Luna is weird and quirky, but should she really be blamed for her actions today. You make me want to climb to the roof as we speak." Many of the teachers looked down in shame, and Harry felt the same himself, for even doubting Luna's sanity earlier.
"I think the only concern right now should be on her wand- less magic. I don't know as much about magic as the rest of you but I think it's safe to assume that what Luna did was very rare."
"That is a huge understatement," Professor Slughorn said. "In fact with the exception of accidental magic, it has a never been done. What's more curious is that she had control over her magic, so intentional or not, it was no accident."
"I find it more curious that this feat was pulled by Pandora's daughter." said Professor Flitwick.
Harry then remembered something. "I think it's a sign the Nargles are coming back for me. I have something of theirs and they want it back". Those were the exact words Luna told me. She seemed almost afraid of them, saying she flat out wouldn't go back in the train."
Flitwick sighed. "Nargles were what Pandora was studying when she died."
Harry stared at the small wizard. "Do you know what she was talking about? Do you know what she supposedly has of the Nargles?"
Flitwick rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes. "The events of that day are largely confidential. Only Unspeakables know of it. Even retired, I have to keep their secrets Harry. Luna knows more about it than she will let on. Even if I could tell you I would prefer it to come from her...and only when she is ready."
McGonagall spoke. "I think that we should approach this slowly and with caution. Unless Luna's miraculous feat proves to be a fluke she has powers that we are unable to comprehend. She must learn to control this power even if she is forbidden to use it while at Hogwarts. I feel it is possible however that like her mother before her, Luna may have stumbled on something that could change the very nature of magic."
The room grew quiet at this. They seemed more concerned than excited at the possibility for change, Harry remembered the fact that the school was lit by candle light and used quills instead of pens. A thought then occurred to him... maybe wizards didn't like change...

Luna had returned to her dormitories before Harry's meeting had ended, but she found sleep impossible. In fact she had never slept for a single second in over 8 years. So she decided to read one of her books while humming a song in her head, much to the chagrin of her roommates.
"Oh Merlin she's back."
"I didn't see her at the sorting ceremony. I thought she was expelled."
"Why doesn't she use the silencing charm?"
Luna had no intentions on stopping her humming but did have the presence of mind to leave the sleeping quarters and go to the main room. She stopped in the common room however when she heard whispers from the corner of the room. Ever the curious one, Luna decided to sit behind the couch and eavesdrop.
"I can't believe it. A Mudblood as Head Girl It's sickening this war has turned everyone into a bunch of Bloody Muggle Lovers."
"I'm with you and all but I thought you liked Mud Bloods. I mean for pity's sake you fought for them during the war."
"Exactly, for pity's sake. Just because a people are inferior doesn't mean you should step on them and wipe them out. That doesn't mean they should be treated as Bloody equals. I did not work my ass off for 6 years in Hogwarts and spent another year getting tortured by the Carrow's just to be put on equal footing with a FUCKING MUDBLOOD!"
"What can you do about it Michael? There is no way they're going to demote her before you, she's a bloody hero, a member of "THE GOLDEN TRIO" and a genius!"
"She takes the credit of pureblood wizards. Don't worry I will think of something. I mean hell, I will resign under protest if I have to. I don't like the way things have been going and I feel we need to remind the Wizarding world that Mud Bloods are not are equals...OW! WHAT JUST HIT ME?"
"A book. Someone threw a book at you."
"Who throws a book honestly?"
Michael and his friends looked around the room but found it empty. The culprit had already left the Ravenclaw dormitories and was wandering by the lake trying to come to terms with a most unusual feeling in her gut...Anger.

Harry returned to his office to find Luna had already left. Harry grabbed his marauders map and saw Luna was wandering the Hogwarts ground. Harry had been told this was usual behavior for her, and to leave her be, as long as she stayed out of trouble.
Harry was about to turn in for the day when he noticed the wall had food frozen on to it with a charm. Kreature wasn't lying. Luna had painted the wall with food, but it was an actual picture!
It was a beautiful life-like picture of Harry and Luna holding hands, underneath it she had written 2 words with spaghetti sauce.
"Best Friends"
Harry put his wand away He had a hard time defining what he was feeling at that moment but he did feel very warm in his heart.
Being Luna's friend definitely wasn't going to be easy, but seeing the picture and knowing how much he meant to her (and for that matter how much she meant to him) he knew it was all worth it.
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