Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Heartache


by darks00 0 reviews

I was crying once again. Julius Chavalier never cries. Never. I never call for help, but this time, I had no choice. only if help would come. If only Delilah would come and save me...

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-08-31 - Updated: 2006-09-01 - 949 words

(a/n: Thanks for the reviews, guys! You rock! Ok, on one of my stories, someone asked how old Delilah and Julius are. NO CLUE. But, I do have a hint. Delilah's parents dissapeared when she was 5, right? On the Delilah Identity, she said she never saw her parents for 11 years. That must mean she's 16. And somewhere, I forget where, someone said Julius was 17. Well, those sound right to me, I dunno...)


I woke up for the second time out of my slumber. I moaned, and slowly opened my eyes. Please, let me see Delilah...please, let me be free. Please, God, Please...

My heart was broken in half when I still saw Ice, Dr.Dismay, the Nurse and the Con Man. I noticed Ice was holding a glass of cold water with ice cubes. My mouth began to water. I just realized how thirsty I was. Ice noticed I was staring.

"Want a drink?" She asked me.

She came closer to me, and put the cup to my lips. I was so anixious to drink it, but then it hit me. Why would she give me a drink if she kidnapped me, abused me and keeping me captive? They must have spiked it. The water looked normal, but I had to be safe.

"No thanks," I said. "Not thirsty."

I was surpise the four heard me when my mouth was on the cup, which Ice was shoving in my mouth.

"I'm being nice, ok? Just drink it." She said.

I shook my head no. When she tried to shove in my mouth, very weakly, I moved my head quickly, knocking the glass out of her hand, and crashing onto the floor. The four looked pissed.

Dr.Dismay came towards me with his dark, ugly chocolate brown eyes. I could feel his cold breathe on me.

"I hope it wouldn't have to come to this..." He said in a cold voice. "GET HIM!"

I jumped with surprise when the Con Man came up to me, and held my neck so I couldn't move it. I flinched. Con Man had a tight grip on my neck. I tried to get out of it, but it was no use. The Con Mans hands were high enough of my neck for me to bite him. He swore in pain.

"YOU LITTLE PUNK!" He yelled.

He slapped me against the cheek. Then he punched me in the ribs. Then the stomache. I winched in pain. I was crying once again. Julius Chavalier never cries. Never. I never call for help, but this time, I had no choice. Only if help would come. If only Delilah could come and save me...

Then it hit me. Delilah...what happened to her? Why wasn't she with me? Why wasn't she helping me? Then Ice's voice rang in my ears through memories...

"Don't you remember what happened, cutie?" She asked me.

No. I didn't. Crap. The Con Man held my neck once again. this time, I was too weak and too hurt to bite him. I was as fragile and helpless as a newborn child. Dr.Dismay came to me with a needle in his hand. Inside it was a black substance. I shook with fear, when he came up to me with that needle.

"Please...." I begged. "Please don't..."

"You won't listen." Dr.Dismay said. "And you wouldn't do what we want you to do, anyways, So I made this to make you do what I want. Good night, Jellybean!

"Please..." I begged once again. "Please..."

But it was too late. The laughter. The needle. My thoughts of was too late to save me now. Tears of fear rolled down my cheeks. There was no way of getting out of this one. I took a deep breathe, as Dr.Dismay stunned me with the needle. I winced in pain, then everything went black...



OH MY GOD. I couldn't believe this was happening. How could I let this happen? She finally got a new boyfriend (Heart Crusher) and now he's gone. Painful memories of Ice, Dr.Dismay, the Con Man and the Nurse taking Julius away. I was helpless. Why they didn't take me, I had no clue. I tried not to picture Julius with them...hurt...alone...probley in pain...

I tried to catch my breathe. I blocked the dark memories. What's done is done. It can't be changed. The only thing that could be done was make things right. And that was to save Julius. I looked around my surroundings. Nothing much too look at. I fell for the four vililians trap. I fell into one of their home-made holes. It was pretty deep, I had no clue to get out. The villians took her blackberry, all her gadgets. They probley took away Julius' too.

How the hell was I going to get out of this mess? I knew where Julius was. I had a feeling they took him to the Con Mans lair, where Julius and me tried to stop the four in their latest plot...but failed. Our first failed mission. I closed my eyes, tried to block out everything to think of my way to escape. It was a pretty big hole, but if I put all my body into it...

I arched my back to one part of the wall, and my feet on the other. Slowly, very slowly, I began to walk up. YES! It was working! I finally got to the top. I almost fell, but I got back up. I sighed with relief, as I cried out to the air,

"I'm coming, Julius!"


xxDarkness' Kidxx
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