Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood

The Nargles

by Marvolo666 3 reviews

Nargles rule

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Flitwick,Harry,Luna,Poppy Pomfrey,Professor McGonagall,Sibyll Trelawney - Published: 2017-02-14 - 2205 words - Complete


Wake up Little

Wake up Loony
Wake up Luna
Luna awoke to the sound a strange voices. She didn't know where she was, but it was full of strange colours she had never seen before. Luna felt a strange power surging through her that took the form of a glowing golden, light, shining from her.
"Hello? Where am I?" Luna called out into the void.
"In your Loony Head Luna. You've finally gone nuts."
A screechy voice yelled back.

"No she hasn't. Don't mess with the poor girl, she has been through enough.

A second high pitch voice shot out.
"She is Loony and it's our fault.
We failed the Moon Mother, so show some manners to her child."

Said a wiser third voice.
"Who are you?" Luna asked the strange voices as if they were old friends. She had a feeling they were.

I'm Little

I'm Loony
I'm Luna...
Wait no stop that

I'm Harry

I'm James

And I'm Pot...NO!
Stop you annoying little pests, let me answer the girl.
"You don't know who you are?" Luna asked the bickering voices.
"I know but these two won't let me.
I'm Riddle, He's Marvolo...
…I'm not even going to bother. I hate you foul fairies."

The third voice grumbled as the other two started cackling.
"Fairies?" Luna whispered. "You're the Nargles!"
"What the hell's a Nargle?"

"It's what we are you jack ass."

"I'm not a Nargle, I'm an Elgran."

"That's Nargle spelled backwards."

The Nargles laughter echoed throughout the void.
"Can someone please explain to me what's going on?" Luna groaned. Already feeling dizzy from the arguing voices.






"Human girl, you have been poisoned. We tried to warn you, but that stupid human spit in your pudding and you misinterpreted the dream."
"You were Harry's dream?" Luna gasped in amazement of these strange beings.


Madam Pomfrey entered her office where a fretting Harry was waiting, along with half the teaching staff. They all stood up as she began to speak,
"She's dead, I couldn't revive the poor girl."
"Luna?" Harry barely whispered as he felt his heart turn to ashes.
"Pansy Parkinson most likely died at the scene, but I pronounced her dead at exactly 6:41, after it was apparent she could not be revived. Luna Lovegood is in stable condition. She is in a magically induced coma, but should make a full recovery in a couple of days," Pomfrey said causing Harry to collapse into his chair, overwhelmed with relief.
Harry had been petrified since he brought Luna's unconscious body to the hospital wing. She arrived at the hospital wing slightly blue and hardly breathing, but she was still alive. Harry was also badly effected by Pansy's death. He could not save her and had to watch Pansy die in his arms. He never liked the girl but she never deserved this.
"I have never seen poison like this. In order to dissolve the bezoar you gave her, it must have been incredibly powerful," Slughorn stated grimly examining the sample of poison Pomfrey was able to abstract.
"You know if Luna had not given her pudding to Pansy, it would have been Luna who died. Luna only ate a small amount of the pudding, so she only felt a very small amount of its effect. Yet that small effect nearly killed her," Spoke Flitwick who seemed rather disturbed by this thought. "This women who...spit in Luna's pudding, ended up saving her life."
Harry looked at the small wizard confused. "She is probably the one who poisoned Luna! She just got fired for refusing to serve Luna, She probably wanted revenge."
Slughorn shook his head. "That poison is beyond anything I have seen. This is not something you just throw into someone's food on a whim. This poison takes time to prepare. This was a planned attempt on Luna Lovegood's life. The question before us is, who did it?"
"It has to be someone at Hogwarts. The school is the only place where Luna's condition has been known long enough for the potion to have been made," Pomfrey said.
"Or the Ministry," Flitwick whispered catching Harry's eye.
"The Minister spoke to me last night. Though I don't trust him with Luna, I doubt he would risk the lives of other students for an assassination. Poison is not the style of an Auror and is far too unreliable. That fact saved Luna's life and nearly killed Ron in my 6th year. This was attempted murder, not an assassination. Hell it's a hate crime if it's because she's a squib," Harry spoke as he tried to piece together suspects. Just because he had chosen not to be an Auror, doesn't mean he couldn't play the role.
McGonagall now spoke to the staff. "We have all looked through the Pensive and clearly the main suspects are Miss Stone, Michael Corner, Madam Rosmerta, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger..."
"What? There is no way Ron or Hermione did this," Harry yelled angrily, defending his friends.
"What if they were under the imperious curse? We have to take motive out of the picture. The wizard responsible for this may not be the person who performed the dirty deed," Flitwick spoke sternly.
"As I was saying," McGonagall continued. "Other suspects include you Harry, though I find it far-fetched..."
"What about all of you," Harry snapped. "You are all staff who know about Luna and you are all skilled enough of creating such a potion. Maybe you stole it from Slughorn. I bet you that's where the killer got the poison from."
"I repeat!" Slughorn shouted. "I have never seen a poison like this in my life."
"What about Snape? I'm sure his stash of poisons are still in his old cupboard, which is now yours," Harry stood inches from the older man's face.
"As brilliant as Snape was at poisons, let me remind you I taught him everything he knows about them," Slughorn stated with pride.
The argument was suddenly interrupted by a high pitched shriek from the hospital wing. Harry burst out of the office to see Luna sitting on her bed with a strange look on her face. Her eyes seemed completely unfocused and she was bearing her teeth as if they were fangs.
"Luna what's wrong?" Harry asked as he approached her. Luna raised her hand and sent him flying back into one of the professors while laughing madly.
Madam Pomfrey muttered to herself, "I thought she would be out for the rest of the day. It is not normal for a..."

"When it comes to the girl nothing is normal,"

Luna spoke in a strange shrill voice
"Luna? W...what's w...wrong?" Harry stuttered as he stood back up, clearly stunned by Luna's strange actions. Luna also stood up to face Harry with a loopy grin on her face.
"Hi Harry. My name is Loony Lovegood ha, he, ho, hi,"

"No don't mess with them or they will have Luna committed."

"Focus on speaking to them, not each other you dunderheads."
"You know they are watching Luna argue with herself.
This will not help convince them of her sanity."

That was indeed what was happening, as Luna spoke in three separate arguing voices. As Harry took another slow step towards Luna, the rest of the staff took three steps back.
"Luna...what are you doing?" Harry asked, not having the slightest idea what to do.
"The name's Doogevolanul and we are not the girl,"

"We Are the Nargles,"[//]

The room was silent as they all stared at Luna.

"Great! Now they do think we're crazy. I told you so"

"They think the Girl's crazy, they don't think we exist."

"That's even worse."

"Luna...are...are…you...OK?" Harry stuttered as Luna seemed to go insane before his eyes.


Harry's eyes opened even wider (if that was even possible) "You know who poisoned you...Who?"
"We know who poisoned the GIRL! No one has poisoned me."

"That's not what you said last week."

"SILENCE! Both of you!
Yes we know who did it, but to tell you would be too easy.
You Humans must learn from your experiences. The girl understands this.
She, the one begotten by the great Human Mother, who was born as

Harry heard the gasps from behind him as he turned to the other professors. Slughorn spoke first "I thought her name was Swan."
"I thought it was Lovegood," Trelawney announced abruptly.
"That was the name she took after she married. Please think before you speak Sybil," McGonagall sniffed at the strange old woman.
Harry looked to Flitwick who answered his unasked question. "Pandora's last names means Moon Mother and if I am correct Luna's real middle name is Puer. It's true then, Luna Puer Lovegood is the Moon Child."
"Exactly Goblin Man! Hahahahahahaha,"
Suddenly Luna stiffened and started to sharply breath in, sounding like nails on a chalk board. Harry realized this was the same sound Trelawney made during her real prophecies.

As the moon dies, old words become lies
At the new moons rise, power awakens in the skies.
The secrets of the gift lies behind her scared eyes
The Earth father unwise, with his compromise
With the Earth mother, the devil in disguise
The past shall reprise as another shall demise
Only through great sacrifice, shall the world become paradise
Moon Mother, Moon Child
The Children of the Wise.
Shall awaken the dog from where it lies

Luna finished the prophecy before collapsing to her knees. She looked up at Harry who immediately rushed to her side. Luna looked up shaken and confused, before wrapping her arms around Harry's neck and crying into his shoulder.
"Harry...she's dead...isn't she." Luna whispered in Harry's arms. "It's my fault, I never meant to hurt anyone. It's my fault."
"It's not your fault Luna..." Harry whispered as he helped Luna back to her bed. "Lie back down Luna, you need rest."
"I thought I had died, I think I'm still dying. I knew this day would come, but why now when I have love," Luna whispered in tears. "Don't let them take me Harry...Not now."
"I swear I won't let anything hurt you Luna. You're going to get better, you just need to rest, please." A tearful Harry whispered, kissing Luna. "Do you remember anything that just happened?"
Luna tilted her head as she spoke with a conviction he never heard from her before. "I had a dream where these voices spoke to me. They said they were the Nargles, I think it was real. They said that daddy has my mom's work, she did write papers on it...for me. You have to get it for me. I need to see them even if you have to steal them!"
"I never feared death, I know when I die I will be reunited with my mother on the other side, but I cannot die now. I will not die while I still have someone to live for!" Luna kissed Harry with an intensity he had never felt from anyone before. And just like that Luna collapsed back into unconsciousness.
Harry laid her back on the bed before facing the other professors, who were debating if they should take Luna to St. Mungo's mental institution. When Harry spoke, it was with such passion, the room was immediately silenced.
"Potter is clearly delusional, blinded by his feelings for the girl" Trelawney finally blurted before retreating from McGonagall's glare.
"No don't Potter me Professor. I know I haven't known Luna as long as most of you, but I know her better than anyone. I have seen her act strange and impulsively, but I have never seen her do something truly...crazy...until now."
Harry paused before he continued. "What if she is telling the truth? What if something is wrong? What if Nargles are real? What if it's all real? We know she is a magic squib. If that is possible then anything is possible. At least try to consider the possibility that Loony Lovegood is LUNA!"
The room went silent as Harry returned to Luna's side. Flitwick tried to put his hand on Harry's shoulder but settled for his elbow. "You really do love her don't you?"
Harry nodded as he stroked Luna's hair. "I'm going to see Xenophilius at once."
Flitwick responded slowly, "We don't know what Pandora was working on when she died or how it affected Luna, but it is clear that it affected her in some way. We do know Pandora was trying to give Luna powers and succeeded. We know that during this time Pandora died. I'm coming with you, I believe the three of us have much to discuss..."
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