Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Curious Case of Luna Lovegood


by Marvolo666 0 reviews

Regrets haunt Filius.

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Flitwick,Harry,Luna - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2017-02-16 - 3296 words - Complete

The first thing the students of Hogwarts noticed that Monday morning, was the presence of Aurors positioned throughout the halls. They wore white uniforms with hoods that hid their faces. Their presence cast a dark mood over the castle as the students made their way to the great hall. It was there that the Headmistress spoke to the students.

"These Aurors are here for the sole purpose of keeping you safe. Do not fear them, they are on your side. We also have some new rules. Any action from students or professors that may cause someone to be harmed will be halted by the Aurors. Do not test them. They are trained to fight dark wizards, they can handle foolish students."

The Auror's also quickly gained a reputation for never moving a muscle while on duty. Muggle born students compared them to the Royal guard and began posing with them. Some of the braver students started harassing them with minor spells, causing loads of laughs. The laughter stopped however when the first fight of the day broke out.

"What is the meaning of this?" Filius yelled in a voice larger than his body as he approached the scene outside his class.

The Auror pointed to the two unconscious students. "Students 286 insulted patient X causing student 745 to attack with spell 34..."

"STOP THAT MINISTRY RUBBISH!" Filius yelled pulling his hair. "Please speak English."



The Auror stuttered in the presence of the small half goblin. "W...well this boy...I think his name is Blaise Zabini. Well he insulted the Squib girl..."

"Luna Lovegood, you know her name please use it." Filius hissed.

"As I was saying he insulted her causing this girl Hannah Abbot to use a bat bogey hex on him. I responded by incapacitating her. Blaise responded by trying to hex me so I incapacitated him too, Sir."

"And pray I ask, how you incapacitated my students?" Filius asked calmly.

"I stunned them sir."

"WHAT!" Filius screamed, "You stunned my students!"

"It's protocol."

"Protocol my Goblin ass. They're students not criminals." Filius squealed.

"It's just a stunning spell." The Auror unwisely said.

Filius immediately whipped out his wand and the Auror fell to the ground. "See how you like it then, Venerate!"

The two students woke up to Filius squealing, "No fighting in the halls, detention this Friday night at eight. That is how you punish students, you don't stun them. Excessive force is what it is."

After that no one messed with the Aurors or Professor Flitwick.

Harry was already struggling not to do the same with the Aurors though he had yet to see a case of excessive force. As he entered his class he was already fuming.

"Everyone, wands out! I know this has been a very eventful weekend but I expect the best from you today. We will be learning about colliding spells and how to avoid them. This lesson has been mandated by the Ministry and I must say that after yesterday it is something we should all learn...what are you doing here?"

Harry had turned to his students to see three Aurors posted in his classroom as well. The middle one spoke, "Regulation sir. All classrooms must have at least one Auror on duty depending on the danger of the class. Obviously Defense Against the Dark Arts rates as a dangerous class so there are three of us, Sir."

Harry smirked "Thank you, now please leave."

"Can't Sir."

"Very well, one moment please." Harry said before he walked into his office. One minute later all the Aurors received Patronus messages as Harry returned.

"Sorry sir, we must leave. We just got an urgent message from the Minister." The Aurors said as they left the classroom. As soon as they shut the door Harry started performing every lock and ward spell on the door to prevent them from returning.

"What did you do?" Hermione asked.

"You mean what did Luna do. She said something about giving all the Hogwarts House elves clothes. It's pandemonium down there." Harry replied with a chuckle, "Now let's get down to business. Colliding spells, some just bounce off each other, some can cause more shocking effects."

"Um...Har...I mean Sir," Dean stuttered

"Dean, I said you all can call me Harry in class."

"Well Harry, we all really need to speak with Luna." Dean said with as much strength as his nerves aloud.

Harry sighed in frustration "I'll only say this once. Luna is very busy right now and..."

"It's ok Harry, The Nargles told me I should be here." Luna said suddenly from the back of the classroom.

"How did you get back...Never mind. Dean, now's the time to speak. Better be important to interrupt my class." Harry scolded as Luna walked over to calm him down. Harry was not used to having his lessons interrupted, he was starting to feel sorry for most of his past teachers...most.

"It's about your speech you made yesterday," Dean began. "We were wondering about how we can fight the Ministry. The Aurors have gone nuts. They have been stunning students who get into fights which happens constantly since the school is at war. Half the students support Luna while the other half think she's a freak and are spewing that Pureblood elitist crap. Professor Flitwick completely lost it earlier. He's already stunned three Aurors and has been suspended by the Headmistress."

"Bloody hell, it's worse than I thought," Harry grimaced. "How long is the suspension?"

"A week, but he will be let go if he does anything again. He is a very powerful and respected Wizard despite his heritage. The Headmistress had to fight tooth and nail to convince both the Minister and Professor Flitwick to keep his job." Seamus replied causing Dean to sigh in relief. "We need to fight them! We will not be treated like criminals. I would rather go back to living like a Muggle than treated like this. Filius even accused the Minister of trying to scare away new Muggle born students from the school. Who would want to go to school like this? We can't speak for the school but the class have talked. We are members of Dumbledore's army and it's time we return to duty."

Luna looked off in the distance as she spoke. "I don't know much about war and fighting. I'm just trying to finish my mothers work. If you want to talk to anyone, talk to Harry. He's the one with all the experience. So what should we do Harry?"

A sly smile broke out on Harry's face. "I have some ideas. I swear I thought I was done with wars and army when I beat Tom. I must have lost my mind to believe that, I have not been teaching classes, I have been training an army. I told you on day one that another war would someday happen. Well today's the day. If you are willing to fight this battle then we start training now. Anyone who wants to join us should meet in the old DA hangout. We will plan our strategy there."

Seamus rose his fist, "Dumbledore's Army"

Dean shouted. "LUNA'S ARMY!"

Parvati cried out. "POTTER'S ARMY!"

Harry and Luna groaned, "No," "No," "And HELL NO!"

Luna eyes lit up as an idea hit her. She went to say her idea but instead...

"The Nargles' Army HA HE HO"

"Who said that?" Padma asked.

"The Nargles I presume," Luna hummed. "They haven't steered me wrong yet"

The class exchanged uncomfortable glances before Harry spoke, "Luna what was your original idea before you were rudely interrupted."

Luna was practically beaming, "If we are going to fight the Ministry then we should name it after the original Ministry rebel. The person who left the Ministry to succeed on her own and wasn't afraid to speak her mind."

Harry grinned as he raised his wand "So let it be known from this day forth, we shall be known as Pandora's Army.

The rest of the class raised their wands and cheered "Pandora's army." A white light surrounded them before the room returned to normal.

Harry clapped his hands with excitement, "Ok the first thing I am going to be teaching is how to block and reflect stunning spells. It is not something we can do with our wands without being caught. Luckily I know a guy I can recruit for the army to help with this. Luna please tell Filius to meet us in my office after class ends. In the mean time we really should learn about colliding curses."

Luna hummed, "Oh...That's most unfortunate"

"What's most unfortunate, Luna?" Harry moaned exasperated.

"Class is going to end in five seconds, four seconds, three seconds..."

Harry sighed with frustration, "Class dismissed..."

"So Filius did you really stun three Aurors?" Harry asked as the small Wizard entered his office.

"Five if you include the two that tried to arrest me as I stepped into the Headmistress' office." Filius said with a sly wink.

"Luna's in my private chambers doing her research. I feel this is the best place to continue this discussion." Harry whispered.

"I understand, I assume Luna was the one who stole files from the Department of Mysteries?" Filius asked as they traveled by floo powder to Potter's chambers, where Luna greeted them.

"Yes and no Filius, actually Hermione stole the files." Luna hummed.

"Ha of course she did, brightest student I've had since both of your mothers. The Minister started bombarding me with questions about it during our discussion earlier. Whatever you did with the house elves really pissed him royally." Filius laughed as he took a seat by the fire.

Harry sat down while Luna brought over some papers. "This is the research my Mother left me in Gringotts."

Filius took out an overly large monocle to read through some of the papers, letting out a low whistle. "Bloody genius, I have never seen Arithmancy at this level. I hardly understand some of it."

Luna nodded "That's because there's a missing piece to it. The unknown variable, I'm still trying to figure out what that variable is, but I'm certain it's the secret to my Mothers work."

"Yes that would make the most sense. Since Pandora is breaking the laws of magic then the Arithmancy will show such abnormalities. I'm sure you will figure it out, if there is one thing I know about Pandora she will most certainly leave clues for you...what is that book over there." Filius asked pointing to a scrap book over Luna's shoulder (No easy feat for the short wizard).

"Nothing, just a doodle book mom drew in." Luna quickly said before she vanished the scrapbook.

"I would search there for clues Luna but I believe you already knew that. Now this Arithmancy is mind boggling but I sense this is not why you asked to meet me here." Filius said knowingly.

Harry and Luna exchanged a look before Luna summoned the files Hermione had stolen.

Luna's eyes focused as she spoke. "Filius, after the incident with Malfoy and Corner, I read my Mother's files. It has a very detailed account of my Mother's activities, particularly leading up to her death. However the last page has been...altered."

Filius raised his eyebrow before taking the page from Luna. Most of the writing on the page had been covered with black marker. "I have never seen this before. The Department of Mysteries has no need to cover its information since it's all classified."

"Any idea what this means?" Harry asked.

"Several ideas, I wish I could tell you them." Filius whispered?

Luna spoke calmly but Harry and Filius heard the emotion in her voice. "Godfather, I know you made an unbreakable vow, but I have to ask you. Did the Ministry kill my Mother?"

Filius suddenly looked very old as he spoke. "I can neither confirm nor deny that Pandora was murdered by the Ministry. I have heard of your threat to the Minister yesterday. I can only assume this page is the reason why. How long have you suspected this?"

"I have always suspected in some way, but this..." Luna paused before she looked deep into Flitwick's eyes.

"Please Godfather, I beg you to tell me what you can." Luna whispered as Harry noticed the importance of her wording.

Filius lifted his wand and to Harry's surprise, started smoking it like a cigar. Smoke was even coming from it. It was clear that Filius was very old now.

Filius rubbed his nose and slowly began to speak. "I once ran the Department of Mysteries. When I first arrived there I was horrified by the things I saw. I cannot speak of what I saw. I nearly quit but instead I decided to make a stand. I slowly rose to the top of the department, while hinting to the Minister that horrible unspeakable things took place there. As I rose up the ranks the Minister took me more seriously. By the time I became head of the Department I had the Minister's full attention. I used my power to allow the Minister access to information at my discretion. Together we quickly set things right and it became a place of learning and knowledge."

"The previous charms teacher, Professor Bluegrass died after he accidentally dropped a levitated table on his own head. At the request of Headmaster Dumbledore, I later started to work at Hogwarts part time while he looked for a permanent replacement. Of course he never did and I never minded. I had to retire from dueling after that so it was just running the Department of Mysteries while teaching. Thank Merlin for Time Turner's."

"One day there was a little girl in my class named Pandora. She struggled with performing regular spells but then she started inventing spells. I immediately took her on as my protégé. I also worked with her in my Department of Mysteries. We both agreed that she had little use for Hogwarts but with my Department, we could accomplish amazing things. She dropped out of school after her O.W.L's in order to join, and things were wonderful for a very brief time..."

"Then came the new minister and I'm afraid it wasn't long before I was demoted. Pandora and I could only watch as the new Minister made things even worse than before. I stayed to try and fix things while your mother quit and began working in solitude. She also gave birth to you Luna. We remained very close, until the day she...died."

Filius took a deep breath and looked away, "I loved her Luna. She was the daughter I never had. I feel the same way for you. I find myself in a very familiar position, trying to succeed where I...failed before."

Filius took a big huff of his wand before he put it down, looking his surrogate daughter in her eyes. "I found out...something...terrible...They were going to do. I tried to prevent it, I tried to warn...I tried to persuade them to spare...I failed.

"One day I went to work and I heard the news, I quit that very day and have never ever returned to the entire bloody Ministry of Magic. I should have broken my unbreakable vow Luna. I hesitated out of fear for my own life. I thought I could avoid it and still help. I'm sorry, Luna."

Filius broke down in tears as Luna ran over to hug the little man. "It's not your fault Filius, my mother loved you like the father she never had. I love my father but I feel the same way about you."

Filius hugged her back. "Bless you child, you truly have your Mother's heart."

After five minutes Filius got up to leave. "Potter, after you and Luna are done talking I wish to speak with you in my own office."

Harry nodded as the green flames took Filius away before turning to his love. "Luna are you ok?"

Luna nodded tilting her head "Of course, are you ok?"

Harry stared at her for a couple of seconds before answering. "I'm fine Luna, but I'm worried about you. Don't you understand what Filius just told you...about your Mother."

"Of course, I have always suspected but these papers confirmed it for me." Luna hummed.

"Luna you're doing it again." Harry said calmly.

"Doing what?" Luna asked confused.

"You're repressing your feelings for your Mother's death. You have to face your grief, Luna." Harry whispered.

"I doesn't matter how she died Harry. What matters is she's dead. Nothing has changed, I have already accepted my Mother's death." Luna spoke with a hint a bitterness.

"Have you? I don't think you have!" Harry exclaimed.

"Why not, Harry!" Luna shouted.

"Your hands have been holding flames since Filius left!" Harry yelled back.

Luna looked at her hands in shock, they indeed held flames. She turned her back to him as she whispered softly, "Harry, please don't..."

"Don't what Luna, make you feel?" Harry whispered. "You can't repress these feelings of grief..."

Luna interrupted with a whimper. "And guilt? Harry you don't understand."

"Then help me understand Luna, talk to me please!" Harry insisted as he embraced Luna.

"I called her crazy. I said that everyone was right, that she had lost her mind. It was the last thing I ever said to her. I hurt her feelings, then she died knowing her own daughter thought she was Loony. I never even said goodbye." Luna's voice cracked as she vanished leaving Harry in the room alone unable to help her.

Many hours after Harry left to speak to Filius, Luna reappeared with a flash. "Harry? Harry? Darn it, I seem to have misplaced him."

Luna shrugged before singing.

"I'll see him when I see him, and not see him when he's near

I'll see him when I he's gone, and not see him when he's here."

Luna sat down and with another flash Pandora's scrap book reappeared in her hands. She had of course already looked through the book for clues but found nothing of value to her research. However, as far as Luna was concerned, it contained a treasure far more valuable.

She looked at the first page and smiled, inside was a sketch of a Crumbled Horned Snorkack. The creature was almost childlike. It was Red with yellow spots and had bulging blue eyes. It also had the smallest horn on the top of its head. Beside the picture were notes her mother wrote.

The Crumbled Horned Snorkack's: One of the rarest creatures imaginable. They look harmless but despite their vegetarian diet can be quite vicious when threatened.

The rest of the book was just like this, full of sketches of the creatures her parents talked about.

Most interesting of all was the sketch of the Nargles...or lack of a sketch. Pandora however did leave notes on them...

The Nargles: Have the wisdom and power of a Fairy and the instincts of a Pixie. Nargles love nothing more than to cause chaos for their own amusement. They are by nature sinister pranksters. They are in the purest sense of the word, Anarchists. Despite these qualities, Nargles are not evil and wish no true harm on their victims. They only believe in making life more interesting for all involved. They look like they are described, a cross between Fairy and ugly.

Luna giggled as she kept reading, forgetting about her worry's. Luna read until she saw Thestral's flying outside. With a smile she disappeared to play with the flying creatures.
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