Categories > Cartoons > Delilah and Julius > Searching 4 Al

The Island

by panda_1418 1 review

"I know where Al might be!" she cried excitedly.

Category: Delilah and Julius - Rating: PG - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama - Published: 2006-09-04 - Updated: 2006-09-04 - 599 words

Two hours later, Delilah and Julius were over the Atlantic Ocean. Julius was piloting while Delilah scoured a sonar map of all the islands in the area. All of a sudden, she whooped with delight.

"I know where Al might be!" she cried excitedly.

"Where?" Julius asked.

She laid the map in front of him. "There." She pointed to a microscopic dot in the middle of nowhere. "That tiny island doesn't exist, according to sea charts, and it's 3 miles from where we lost Al. That's our best bet."

When she read out the coordinates, Julius turned the heliplane to the right and accelerated. About half an hour later, he spotted a dark speck on the horizon.

"Is that it?" he asked, pointing to it.

Delilah checked the map. "That's it."


20 minutes later, the two spies were on the sandy beach of the island. Delilah was delighted when she spotted a shelter made out of branches and palm tree leaves. Julius placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't get excited." he advised. "Just in case. It could just belong to a native."

The partners wandered along the beach for a while. They found footprints, a campfire pit, broken coconuts ... Julius' train of thought was thrown off track when Delilah screamed.


He turned around, but she was nowhere in sight. A few leaves were still shaking in the bushes. His heart sank. Something must have pulled Delilah into the forest.

"Get off!" he heard Delilah yell.

Julius dashed into the thicket. There, he saw Delilah on top of a man, beating him with a stick. Julius dived into the fight, kicking and punching. Suddenly, the men let out a shout.

"Like, stop, man!"

Delilah dropped her stick as Julius froze. They were attacking Al! When the Academy head recognized the pair, he threw himself on top of Julius, subbing with joy.

"Aw man, I thought I'd never see you dudes again!"

Julius was so amazed her couldn't speak. They had done it. They had found Al when the Coast Guard had failed. Al would come back to be the head of the Academy, Scarlett would go back to her old job, and Dr Carter would be history.

"We gotta get out of here man," Al whispered urgently. "It's, like, not safe!"

"Why?" Delilah asked.

In answer, Al knocked the pair to the ground. Three arrows zipped over their heads. Julius' jaw dropped.

"What the ...?"

"We need to go!" Al bellowed.

The trio scrambled on all fours to the beach. If they could just reach the heliplane ...

"Oh no," Al whimpered, stopping.

"What?" Julius panted.

Al pointed to the sand, his whole body trembling in fear. At first, neither of the spies could see anything. Then, all of a sudden, the beach was swarming with people. They had leaped out of the sand. Their skin was browned by the sun. Nose rings and other piercings decorated their bodies. Three at the front stood holding loaded bows, while the rest held javelins or clubs.

"You trespass on our island!" the middle archer rasped.

Before any of the three could answer, the archer let loose an arrow. It took Delilah in the shoulder. She looked surprised at first, then her eyes rolled back in her head and she crumpled to the ground.

"Delilah!" Julius cried, stepping towards her.

As he moved, the other two bowmen released their arrows. Both hit their targets in the shoulders. At first, Julius felt pain. But then an overwhelming sense of calm washed over him. He let out a sigh and fell to the sand.

Everything went black.
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