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Are There Such things As Good Or Bad Components?

by LoveNoonan2 0 reviews

Body Parts and Body ImageBody Image - My friend, Hadassah, has elbows. I have always supposed this but just a brief time ago did I see her elbows

Category: Advance Wars - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2017-04-07 - 875 words

Body Parts and Body Image
Body Image - My friend, Hadassah, has elbows. I have always supposed this but just a brief time ago did I see her elbows for the first time to show that she does have them. It's funny that we have known each other for 14 years yet it was just lately that I saw her elbows. Why did this happen? Hadassah is of the Orthodox Jewish beliefs, which dictates that her entire body, including elbows and knees, must be covered. I imagine she joined a more moderate branch of Judaism recently, as her elbows are now able to be seen. This is an enormous change for her- and for me, as I look at her elbows for the very first time.
For Hadassah, exposing her elbows was a violation of modesty, as seen by her religion. Her religious beliefs had more emphasis on which body parts are acceptable to see and reveal, maybe, than most people's beliefs, but how different are they from modern culture, really? While most people in the USA would agree that having people see your elbows is fine (and you may get some funny faces if you indicate otherwise!), how many individuals have that same good part/ bad part response when talking about a girl's pubic mound/ labia majora? Or a penis? Or a woman's breast?

Body Image - Are There Such things As Good Or Poor Components
These body parts are the components which are so holy private obscene/ poor that they have many, many names. A penis could be a dick and may have a name, the labia majora may be called a crotch, and a girl's breast might be called a boob. Even the grouping of the parts has a name: our private parts or, as some children say, our privates. Needless to say, we all understand numerous other names for all these parts and many parents instruct their kids to call them some off-the-wall names. And don't even get me started on what we call the urine or feces that come out of these parts!
Every one of this begs the question of why certain body parts have numerous names and are "forbidden" while other parts just have one name and get no attention. Think of the poor elbow: it only has one name and surely no pet names. All children call is simply "elbow" and everyone knows the name of the body part. I double-dog-dare you to bring up the standing of your dick next time you are at your family reunion- I'm thinking this won't go well.
What I find even more interesting is that men's genitalia are generally accurately tagged- member, scrotum, and testicles- while women's genitalia are mistaken, even by adults. We speak about the vagina as the part which is seen when the clothes come off, but, until you're the girl's gynecologist or are extremely close with her, you are really not seeing her vagina. This can be a common misconception. Let me provide you with a little anatomy lesson, in the event you didn't know: the vagina is the duct interior of the girl that leads to the cervix. (You will place your Diva Cup in the vagina, for people who have followed Nudist Blog about the Diva Cup.) In case you are at a nudist event, you most probably are seeing the woman's labia majora, otherwise called the pubic mound. You may even see the labia minora, the inner lips in of the labia majora, if the girl has "protruding labia." What's sad to me is that so many individuals don't understand this fundamental anatomy- and I'm not only talking about kids here!
All of the ridiculous labels for genitalia and the wrong use of the terms of the woman's genitals are merely a result of the stigma that's attached to these components. So why are these parts "bad"??? We can understand that and, as nudists, we can take away the dick and labia majora blot by not hiding these components either with garments or in our dialog. This is something which we must help our society to overcome, though! This may begin with first training people about what their parts are, as so many people do not have any notion of what is what. After that, we need to normalize these parts and take their stigma away by treating them with the exact same admiration as our elbow, which has no blot. But certainly there's more.
What more can we do? Just how do you help others to cease seeing their and your genitalia as poor parts that can be neither seen nor heard about?
* make sure you see Nudist Portal often to stay up to date on news that matters and thoughts that shift you!
Body Image: Good Part, Bad Section Isn't a Part Only a Component? And Nudist Sites By Melissa Of Young Naturists and Young Nudists America FKK
Tags: body image, body shame, genitals
Group: Body Image Blogs, Sex Positive and Sexuality, Social Activism
About the Writer (Author Profile)
36 year old naturist from Catskill, NY. Love life, hiking, climbing trees, writing, and helping individuals. Been a nudist since the age of 28 and found it to be a life changing way of living.
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