Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Roadie

chapter 2 edited and revised

by SCAngel 2 reviews

chapter 2

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-09-04 - Updated: 2006-09-05 - 616 words

Chapter 2

We are about two weeks into the tour and things aren't going much better. I stayed out of fall out boy's way and they stayed out of mine. But of course luck wasn't on my side today.
"You set it off on purpose!" Pete yelled pointing his finger at me.
"Oh please don't flatter yourself, like I would actually waste my time on you" the kid actually thought I set the pyro's off on purpose. It's not my fault they went off as he was standing there. Really it wasn't. I was working on a cannon while they were doing sound check he just so happened to come to close to it while I was working on it. How was I to know that Blake criss crossed the wires.
"waste your time?" he laughed sarcastically "did you forget who you are working for?" he crossed his arms glaring me down.
"did you forget that y'all asked ME to work here. Not the other way around?" I glanced down at his arm that he was babying. "stop your whining it didn't even burn you" I pushed past him walking back to fixing my cannon.
"why are you such a bitch?" he called after me. I stopped short turning around "because it pisses you off" with a last glance I went back to my job. Two and half hours later I found myself sitting on the bus playing with my laptop.
"you're not going to watch the concert?" Blake asked jumping on the bus grabbing something off his bunk.
"nope. Watched Panic! Don't really care about the other bands." He looked down at me shaking his head "what if something goes wrong with a cannon?"
"that's why you are there" he sighed taking a glance at me before walking back off the bus and going inside. The way I figured it I still had two hours until I was needed again so why not play around on the computer.
Opening up a new search page I found myself clicking on a fall out boy link. I think my brain is turning against me. I laughed reading some of the comment about how nice the boys were. Maybe they should actually meet them. With a sigh I shut my laptop. Not all the boys were assholes. Just pete! He is so full of himself and thinks he is God's gift to the world. I HATE it!
"Ana! One of the cannons broke" so much for my quiet time.
"What do you mean the cannon broke?" I snapped jumping off the bus following one of the other roadies.
"Joe jumped off of one of them and it sorta cracked a little then Pete jumped and it total broke." I shook my head grabbing a spare out from under the bus.
"are they performing now?" I asked running through the back door. My question was answered when I saw the boys standing in the hallway.
"intermission" one of them explained.
"way to go slick" I mumbled pushing past them walking onto the stage. I was glad the curtain was down because personally, I don't like looking at the fans.
"how bad is it?" I asked sliding in next to blake.
"not to bad its mainly the case broke not the cannon itself." I sighed with relief helping him change the case.
"stay off the cannon?" I suggested after we finished.
"how was I supposed to know it would break?" Pete yelled throwing up his hands.
"sorry" joe mummbled.
"its ok" I smiled lightly at him before turning to glare at pete "does it have a sign that says 'hey dumbass jump on me' no! its not a fan. Stay off"
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