Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Chronicles

Adult life starts

by SwissWitch 0 reviews

What's the gang up to? -Two canines rediscover the Forbidden Forest

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Humor, Romance - Characters: Arthur Weasley, Blaise Zabini, Dobby, Draco, Dumbledore, Ernie, Flitwick, Ginny, Hagrid, Harry, Hermione, James, Justin, Kingsley, Lily, Lupin, Mandy Brocklehurst, Molly Weasley, Morag McDougal, Neville, Padma, Parvati, Professor McGonagall, Ron, Sir - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2005-06-25 - Updated: 2005-06-25 - 14642 words


25.9.1998 / Ron

Almost four weeks of Auror training done. Justin and I are falling into our beds dog tired on most nights. We are getting trained hard and have a lot of physical exercise to go through. In the theory part we get bombarded with a ton of spells to learn, defensive, offensive, more shields and finally there are a lot of legal and strategic studies. It's really interesting, especially the strategy part. I wonder if there's any way to survive these two years. Tonks and Kingsley are doing some of the training. We're together with fifteen other people, from Hogwarts and elsewhere. I'm amazed that there are four Hufflepuffs in our group.

We're happy to have the weekends. Friday after the last lesson we're off to the Sunnegg and usually share a nice hot bath before relaxing on our bed. We're missing Remus and Sirius, but they've announced that they'll spend the next weekend at the Sunnegg. This weekend we're almost alone. Parvati is at St. Mungo's, Draco is at that place he's exploring in France, Blaise and Padma are at Padma's parents' place and Mandy will be busy, too. So it's mainly Ginny and Ernie, Morag, Harry and Hermione and us. Dobby has dinner ready when we come back down from our room after the bath. Mm, now that's a lot better than the stuff we get at the Auror Headquarters canteen. One more reason to spend every weekend here at Sunnegg.

The really good thing at the moment is that I've started to earn my own money. What a feeling to open up my own account at Gringotts and finally having something in there that I've earned and that is all mine. I know, that sounds childish, but for someone who's grown up with five older brothers and a younger sister in a very poor family this kind of independence means a lot.

It's so good to find the room again where we've started out! I still love Justin as much as then. He's so good to me, too. He's always got those lovely romantic ideas what we could do that we haven't done yet. And there's a lot. We're not allowed much out from the Auror training. They actually demand we're back inside by eleven every night except Friday and Saturday. We have to be back every Sunday night at eleven. But that gives us OUR two nights every week which we thoroughly enjoy!

This week we're both too tired to go out. Harry and Hermione have decided to go dancing tonight and ask us to come along, but we're just too knackered. Ernie, Ginny and Morag go along though. Let them go out and enjoy themselves, we will take advantage of the empty house for a nice relaxing romp in the bed!


I love weekends... I love living in this place here again. After all I could have stayed for my last year, too, since I've not met anyone special at Hogwarts. Now that I can go out as I like I'm quite glad my parents support me and don't moan that I'm learning Muggle stuff. It's interesting and a great basis for the primary school I'd like to teach. I mean learning to read and write and do some calculating is the same for wizarding as it is for Muggle children. So now I find myself working through a load of Muggle subjects, besides my own language I learn to get a better grip at German, started French and then there's maths, history, chemistry, physics, geography, biology and more. But because I'm learning this in a correspondence course I have to be very disciplined in my daily work. I've become the guardian of the house so to speak, since I'm the only one who's here during the day. Dobby almost smothers me with his affection and care!

But thank Merlin it's the weekend. Ernie is driving. The rest of us has just started to learn. Hermione has received her learner's license a few days ago. We leave the car in a parking house and find a dancing club in Bern. It's a popular one so it's full of people. I'm a single, but that's not a problem here and soon I've danced with half a dozen people. Then I sit down at our table for a short break to collect my breath when I see a young woman at the next table. She's beautiful. She has that dark red hair, long, and she wears it open. There's no make-up visible. Her face is oval, I can't see the colour of her eyes, it's too dark for that. She has crossed her legs and one of them gently rocks with the rhythm of the music as she watches the dancers. I feel like a bucket of warm water has been emptied in my belly. I shake my head, but I can't stop staring. Suddenly she turns to me and looks into my eyes. I'm a bit shaken by my revelation, but I smile at her apologetically. She smiles back!

"Hi! I'm Nicole, who are you?"

"My name's Morag. Are you alone here?"

"No, not really. My sister and her boyfriend are around somewhere, but I'm single. And you? I've seen you dancing with a bloke or two..."

"They just asked me, I'm single, too. Some of my friends are with me, two are married to each other and two have been together for a long time, but I'm still unattached."

We start talking over a fresh drink and I find out she's 25, studies veterinary medicine and has a ton of hobbies. I can't tell her I'm a witch, obviously, but I'm glad that I know enough about Muggles to cover that up. I can tell her that I'm doing the high school through correspondence and that I want to become a teacher.

"Where do you live?"

"In a big farmhouse above Lützelflüh. We're quite a group of people there. The four I'm here with are among them."

"That sounds great."

"It is. We really like it a lot."

Harry and Hermione come to the small table to get refreshed. They notice us talking and Hermione beams:

"Making friends, Morag?"

"Looks like it - that's Nicole. Those two are Harry and Hermione, they've been married for almost two months now and they're sickeningly happy and sweet," I introduce them to each other.

By the end of the evening Nicole and I have decided to meet again the next day and we plan to take an extended walk through the local zoo, which is in a big forest close to the centre of the town along the Aare river. I'm not astonished; she's told me that she loves animals. Has to, if she wants to become a vet.

I'm looking forward to it. She seems very nice and she felt a bit out of place in that dancing club. I'm thinking about it while Ernie drives us home. He looks in the rear view mirror and asks:

"Hey, Morag, did you enjoy yourself tonight?"
"Yes, I did! Danced a bit and met someone nice... I should go out more."

Ernie laughs.

"Well, you've made a start."

"But she's a Muggle, isn't she?" Hermione asks.

"Yes, I'm quite sure she is. Well, I'll know for sure tomorrow. It's pretty hard to tell here. They look so much like everyone else..." I say.

"Yes, that's true. But she really sounded very nice."

26.9.1998 / Morag

The next day I'm apparating to that forest. It's easy to find a spot where I'm not going to be overseen. Then I walk to the place Nicole has named to meet her. I have to wait for five minutes, but then I can see her dark hair flying in the autumn wind. She wears jeans, boots, a shirt covered with a jumper and a warm jacket. I'm wearing something very similar and she laughs when she greets me:

"Hi, did you have to wait a long time for me? I'm sorry I'm a bit late, but the bloody bus wouldn't come..."

I feel a small jolt of happiness at her joyful voice. She leans in and places two small kisses on my cheeks and I say:

"No, just a couple of minutes. Are we going in?"

"Yes, I was planning to. This is quite a nice little zoo, but they are changing a lot of things around now... have you been here before?"

"Only once. And it's about three years since."

"Well, it's basically the same still, but as I said they are starting to change things around. I come here about once a month. Sometimes only for a walk in the forest, but sometimes I go into the Vivarium as well. That's what they call this part here."

We go inside the building, which I remember to be a tropical rainforest, so we quickly pay the fee and take off our warm things. She moves swiftly to the first corridor and I look at her from the side. Her kisses have sent jolts of pleasure through my body. Am I interested in her as a possible lover? I've never thought of girls as partners before. Not for me in any case. But now I stop short and start to reflect about my reaction to boys. They're like brothers to me, almost every single one and the ones I don't regard like brothers are usually enemies. I throw one more glance at Nicole. Her eyes are a pretty intensive blue.

Three hours later we decide to have an early dinner and sit together in a small restaurant in the middle of the town. It's Italian and so I pick a pizza and she orders some wine to it and a salad which we share. I feel her eyes on me and look up.

"You're beautiful, Morag," she tells me.

I smile. Wow, is she turning around the same thoughts?

"Thanks. You are too, by the way. That hair..."

"My best asset, I know!"

I don't really know what she likes about me. I'm a pretty plain girl, dark blonde, grey eyes, plain face, but okay, I'm fit, I'm quite tall, I've got a good figure. All sorts of things that can be said about Nicole, too.

"My sister wanted to take me out again tonight, but I said I was occupied with something else. She's 27 and thinks I should finally start having boyfriends. Only I'm not interested. First of all I've got enough to do with studying and then I don't think I'm interested in men in general," Nicole says.

"I haven't been either. But it only just occurred to me. I was at a boarding school in Scotland for several years. Boys and girls school. But they never really mattered."

"Is it?"

"Yes. Actually for two years I've been home-schooled and our two teachers are a couple. They're gay. The house I'm living in is theirs and the others you met yesterday were classmates. The two are now back teaching at the boarding school, but they gladly left us the use of this house. They're coming back for vacations and such. It's been a great time with them."

"Gay teachers... so you have no problem with homosexuals?"

"No, not at all. We've got another gay couple among our group. I'm fine with them. Where do you live?"

"With my sister - she's working full time as a teacher now and we've got a nice flat not very far from here. My parents can give me some money and I earn some with tutoring. How do you manage?"

"Well, I don't have to contribute to the house, so I'm well off with what my parents can give me. I'm an only child, too, and they love me a lot. I don't need much."

We talk some more while we eat and then she asks:

"Want to come and see where I live? We'll be there quickly. How do you get back to where you live? Do you drive?"

"Train. Last bit I call my friends and they come and get me..."

"Oh, good then. When do you have to leave if you want to catch the last train?"

"Leaves the station some time after eleven. I think eleven thirty-five."

"Good. Just to know how much time we have."

To get to her flat we have to take a bus and then walk for about ten minutes. It's on the third floor of an apartment building, has three bedrooms and a living room, the kitchen and the bath. It looks like it's an older flat, but it's furnished quite nicely with a mix of styles.

"We just got together what everyone wanted to get rid of because they didn't like it anymore. So it's a bit of a funny mix now. We're of course replacing a lot of the junk now. My sister is staying at her boyfriend's place tonight. Music?"

"Yes, please. Something soft, if you don't mind."

"I agree."

Then she makes some tea and I sit down on a sofa. When she sits down next to me I notice to my horror that my wand is still in the back pocket of my jeans and that it's sticking out. Shit! I try to hide it, but she sees it looking out and says, pointing at it:

"What's this?"

Now I know she's a Muggle. Can I explain this thing away? I decide to pull it out and lay it on the coffee table.

"What does it look like?"

"Well, that's how I imagine a wand to look like... don't tell me you use it as such!"

"What if I did?"

"Well, I'd think it a bit weird. Do you do magic tricks?"

"No tricks. I shouldn't tell you this, but I forgot that I had it in my pocket. It IS a wand. It's made of oak with a core of a dragon heartstring."

She stares at me.

"What?" she whispers.

"I'm a witch. I'm sorry, I think, I'll go if you're uncomfortable with it. I really shouldn't tell you this..."

"No, don't go, sorry! I'm just too baffled for words. You're a witch? You mean, really a witch?"


"Can you show me how you use this wand?"

"I'm not sure I should. I don't really know how the local Ministry of Magic reacts to magic being performed in front of Muggles..."


"Sorry. Non-magical people in our slang."

"Fascinating. I wish you could."

"Well, if you don't want me to go then I guess I can at least tell you that I'm not dependent on the train system, because I can apparate home."

"How does that work?"

"I vanish here and turn up there. Instantaneous."

"So - your friends yesterday - are they magical, too?"


"Oh dear!"

I have nothing left but to tell her all she wants to know. When we have emptied the tea pot I make fresh tea with my wand and now she believes me. I wait for a visit from a Ministry official, but nothing happens. Don't they monitor this here? Well, you learn something new every day.

When I have to go she gets up and I say:

"Don't be too shocked, I'll just vanish in a second..."

"It's okay, you've warned me..."

And then she closes up and pulls me in a hug, which I return. She's a few centimetres taller than I am and when she leans in to kiss me, I accept the kiss and respond. I can feel one of her hands moving down my back and it feels heavenly. I think, I'm falling in love with her! We let go and she asks a bit breathless:

"Can I see you again, Morag? I really like you and..."

"Yes. Next week?"

"Do you have a phone number?"

"Yes, I do..."

At that moment I hear the ring on my Commumirror. I dig it out of my bag and take the call. It's Hermione and she's a bit worried, because I'm so late.

"Everything's fine, Hermione, I'm just about to apparate home."

"Oh, good. See you later then!"

"In a couple of minutes. I'm just giving Nicole our phone number."


Nicole stares at the little mirror.

"How does that work?" she asks.

I grin.

"I've just spoken with the inventor of this. Harry gave it a name, it's called a Commumirror. Well, Hermione was only just clever enough to enhance the original two way mirror spell and now there's a whole system working and she's made a fortune before she left school this past summer."

"Wow. Okay, I have something to write - what's the number?"

I give her the number and take hers. Then I pack the Commumirror away and get into my jacket. We kiss once more and she says:

"So I'll call you and we fix the date next week, okay?"

"Fine with me, Nicole. Good night! - Oh, and please, tell no one about me! Muggles aren't supposed to know about us!"

"Good, I won't say anything."

"I'm glad..."

"Good night, Morag!"

I pick up my bag and my wand, wave it and apparate away. A few moments later the phone rings. I pick it up and it's Nicole who laughs and says:

"That was bloody frightening, Morag! Can you come and go just like that? Anywhere?"

I laugh, too, and say:

"Yes, I can. Though some long stretch apparating can be very draining, so we do it in jumps."

"Crazy! Well, see you next week!"

"See you next week!"

Hermione is still up, reading in the front room. She has a couple of very thick books out and works on something, taking notes and mumbling the text she reads.

"Time to go sleep, 'Mione!" I say and wish her a good night.

"Yes, you're probably right. Good night, Morag..."


I wonder if Morag is getting together with Nicole as a lover. She looks very happy in any case when she waves and leaves the front room. I look at the watch and think she's right, it's really time to go to sleep.

Harry is lying on our bed and still reading, too. I have passed at the bathroom on the way and just get out of my bathrobe. Saturday night and we're going to enjoy it thoroughly!

30.9.1998 / Remus

It's been easier since we've given Seraina her own room. We're able to cast one-way silencing charms so one baby won't wake the other anymore. And that gives us at least one hour more sleep every night. Last night, Seraina has slept more than five hours through the night for the first time. Poppy's soothing gel has helped a lot. Denny is also responding well to it. Both of them seem to fare better in their own separate rooms.

I'm preparing my needed stuff for the next few lessons. I have third years today and that means several dark creatures. These are usually quite fun lessons and those third years are eager and curious. Today it's about Boggarts. Since I haven't found any yet it's only theory, but it's a good opportunity to talk about fear in general and fear as expressed through Boggarts.

In the afternoon I welcome Tonks. She's going to be the Ministry supervisor for my lessons about the Imperius curse. I think, just because right now there's no dark overlord in the vicinity it's still important that each of the students at least know how this curse feels. I have demonstrated the Unforgivables on mice. Now I want them to learn to throw the Imperius off. When Tonks and I enter the classroom, the students look at us nervously. They know what the topic of the day will be. I have told them that I will cast the curse on them and that I'll have a supervisor from the Ministry to ensure that they will not be forced to do things that are less than legal.

"Okay, I will now put each of you under the curse. You will feel a sensation of no care at first. It feels like nothing can worry you anymore, but as soon as I tell you to do something you will feel compelled to follow that order. However there is a tiny leftover of your own mind. Try to reach this and just say 'no' to whatever I ask you to do. As soon as you do the curse is thrown off. But you will notice it's much more difficult to actually do it. What do you think if I let Tonks here cast the curse on me? I don't know if I can still throw it off, it's been a very long time since I've had to. Oh, and this is for the record: the wand that will be used today is not my normal wand. It's one of the Aurors' reserve wands, so I won't have Unforgivables on my record."

The students look a bit more eager now. I toss the wand in Tonks' hands and she gives me a very mean grin.

"What should I make you do, Moony?"

"Nothing too embarrassing, please!" I beg.

To my great annoyance James is there today and he doesn't hesitate to whisper something in Tonks' ear. She grins even wider and I dread what it's going to be.

"Jolly good idea, James. Are you ready, Remus?"

I turn to the students:

"Not that any Dark wizard or witch will ask you whether you're ready before they cast that curse..."

They snicker. The Gryffindors are as eager to see how I will fare as the Slytherins. Tonks casts the curse on me and immediately it's like I feel like sitting on a cushion of clouds. From very far away I can hear her voice as she tells me:

"Why don't you just start to do a little solo ballet dance - spin, splits, toe-dance..."

'What? Is she out of her mind? No way! Tell her no!' a voice screams in my head.

I'm trying to do what she wants, but then I think I follow that voice and say:


The curse lifts. Tonks turns to the class and says:

"Sorry, people, I thought he'd be more rusty than this! Looks like he's got his wits together!"

I'm glad for that, truly. Toe-dance! Now really, how embarrassing can you get. She grins and hands me the wand back.

"Who dares first?" I ask.

Mary Lewis, a Gryffindor girl makes the start. I can make her jump a few times, but all of a sudden she must have heard the little voice, because she throws it off.

"Very well, Mary. That's ten points to Gryffindor for the courage to be the first and ten more for throwing it off! - Who's next?"

One by one they all come forth. One of the Slytherins is very anxious and he hardly dares to look at me when I lift the wand to cast the curse.

"Imp..." I say, but he interrupts me.

I'm concerned at his pleading, stop and ask him:

"Sixtus, would you please come to my office after classes? You can tell me in the privacy of the office what's troubling you, okay?"

He only nods.

Sixtus Quirrell. Another one of the same family that Harry's first DADA teacher came from. When the boy knocks on my door later that afternoon I open it and let him enter. I lead him over to the living room area and say:

"Take a seat, Sixtus. What made you so afraid this afternoon? You could see that I didn't force anything really bad on any of you."

"Yes, I could see that, but still..."

"Did anyone cast it on you before, Sixtus?" I ask.

At first he looks at me with the deer in the headlights kind of eyes, but then he nods.

"Who?" I ask softly.

He swallows and looks down at his feet.

"My Uncle Ferguson..." he finally admits.

"When was that?"

"Years ago. I was seven," he whispers.

That sounds very bad. What would his uncle want a seven year old do?

"Are you aware of what he wanted you to do?"

He nods and I can see tears start to drip from his eyes. Most probably that man was after sexual abuse, I think, but I'm still shocked when, after a few more encouraging words from me the boy starts to hem and haw. After another while he tells me with more determination that his uncle had used the spell whenever he was alone with the boy and that he made the child give him blow-jobs. I almost retch!

"Sixtus, who knows about this?"

"No one. He told me he'd kill me if I told anyone. Please, don't tell anyone else, Professor!"

"This is a very heavy crime, Sixtus. Do you know if your uncle had any association with the Death Eaters?"

He nods.

"Is he still undetected?"

Another nod.

"That should interest Tonks. She's one of those Aurors who are still on the lookout for the remaining Death Eaters. How is the relationship between your parents and your uncle?"

"I don't really know. They might be afraid of him..."

I sigh.

"Sixtus, this is too much for me to handle alone. I'd like to have your permission to talk about this with your head of house, your former head of house and the headmaster. Then we could find a way to help you rid of that heavy load you bear. No child should be left alone with abuse and sexual abuse is just about the worst kind. I promise not to tell anyone else, okay?"

He thinks about it for a while, then he asks:

"Can you really help me?"

"I can find ways, I think. We have to be careful. You don't want to find yourself in danger. If your uncle is a Death Eater it will probably put him into Azkaban for the rest of his life."

"Okay. Then tell the headmaster."

I let him go and he crosses Sirius while opening the door. Sirius closes the door behind him and nods in the retreating boy's direction:

"What's he done?"

"Rather ask what's been done to him... I promised confidentiality, so I'd better not tell. Can't have been nice."

"Abuse?" he asks.

"You're very close."

"Aw! His parents beat him up?"

"Much worse. You remember, we had the Imperius curse lesson today?"

"Yes, I've seen Tonks. She said she'd come by our rooms later on," Sirius says brightly.

"Oh, good. I might have a tip for a so far undetected Death Eater."

"She'll jump on that."

"I'll have to ask her how sexual abuse of children is being punished in the wizarding justice system."

Siri's eyes widen. Then he points with his thumb to the door and asks:


I nod.

"Oh Merlin!"

"It's his uncle. He seems to be terrified that someone learns his secret."

"Horror. Absolute horror..."

I pick up my books and the essays I still have to grade and Sirius puts his things in order, then we leave the office and spell lock it. We take everything to our rooms and are happy to meet our twins still awake and seemingly quite content. We miss them a lot during the day. So we pick them up and go back to the Great Hall for dinner. There are two high chairs for the babies now, we put them inside and they can be with us while we eat. Both still get formula for a while, so we have their bottles with us. When I see Albus coming in I ask him:

"Albus, do you have some time for me tonight?"

"Of course, Remus. Do you want to come to my office after dinner?"

"Yes, please. Could you also ask Professor Vector?"

"I can. Does it concern someone in Slytherin?"

"Yes. And no, it's not someone in trouble now, only I can't say more out here."

"It's good, Remus, you don't need to. I'll ask her up."

"Thank you."

We get our plates filled and start to eat, while the twins sit in their chairs, babble and play with a spoon. Sirius transfigures Seraina's spoon into a rattle. She's delighted and grins at him. At the moment she's sporting this really sexy baby grin. We've sent some pictures to Harry and Ginny to show them, because we both think it's extremely cute. Denny drops his spoon and stretches his hand after the rattle, but Sirius repeats his trick for him, too. I smile every time I watch them. Sirius is so cute with our children and I don't think I've ever seen any man being more tender with his children! Once we've eaten he pulls Seraina out of her chair and offers her the warmed bottle. She looks up into his eyes and suckles eagerly and quickly. I'm a bit behind him, but I can already hear Denny's wail as he wants his food as well.

"Yes, my hungry young tyrant, here's your food now," I promise, chuckling and put the warming spell over Denny's bottle while I take him out of his chair.

"He's so cute, Remus!" Filius remarks next to me.

"Isn't he though? But as hard as it is I have to start saying 'no' to him sometimes. It pains me, but they can't have and do everything they want."

He smiles.

"That must be hard. Unfortunately I've never had any children myself."

"Which is a shame, Filius!"

"Yes, well, if you've got my size it's quite hard to find a fitting partner who's not a house-elf. And while I'm really fond of our elves, I wouldn't exactly want to marry one."

I laugh. No, I don't think I would, either.

"Just don't let Mrs Potter know that I've said that," he chuckles.

"I don't think that would be wise, she'd shoot me with her death glare," I admit.

After dinner I keep Denny on my arms and follow Albus up to his office. He stops to ask Carla Vector to come along. Up in his office Carla and I sit down in chairs in front of his desk.

"What is it, Remus?" Albus asks.

"Today I've had my first lesson placing the fourth years under the Imperius curse. This is about Sixtus Quirrell. Fourth year Slytherin. He was extremely anxious and stopped me from putting him under the curse. I noticed he was really scared out of his wits and so I halted and asked him to come to my office after classes. He came and he explained why he had been afraid. He's been under the curse as a seven years old. The caster was his uncle. Ferguson Quirrell."

Both Carla and Albus, are staring at me in shock. Carla asks the same question I had asked the boy:

"What could it have been that Quirrell could have wanted from a seven years old boy? - Oh holy shit! - Sex?"

I nod.

"He asked for confidentiality, but when he told me some of the gory details I asked for his permission to involve you two, since this is way over my head. It seems that Ferguson Quirrell asked his little nephew to give him blow-jobs. I almost gagged when Sixtus told me! The 'good' thing is - Ferguson Quirrell is a Death Eater, in other words I can give Tonks a tip and he'll probably be behind bars VERY soon. Sixtus fears for his life, because he's been threatened respectively. You know that Death Eaters aren't usually very forgiving people. So - it's up to you two. Could you speak to him, Carla?"

"Yes, I'll have to even. If you give Tonks the tip then we should prepare Sixtus, that this is one more crime for which his uncle will have to be charged. Sexual abuse with a small child is so abominable in my eyes - and thankfully not only in my eyes! - that I just can't not do anything."

"This is really a terrible thing, I agree with you. Please talk to Mr. Quirrell, Carla and you pass your information to Miss Tonks, Remus, because holding such information back would also be against the law. I'd like to be informed about the progress in the matter, Carla."

"Yes, Albus, I'll keep you informed. I'm glad it's come out to the light, thank you, Remus. I'll take it out of your hands now."

"Thank you, Carla."

I shift Denny on my arms. He's half asleep by now. Carla smiles and strokes him tenderly over the cheek when she gets up to leave. I follow her and we both wish Albus a good night and leave his office. On our way down we're talking about the children.

"They are unbelievably cute, Remus. It's good to have small children at the castle. Nice to see them grow up here! You must both be very happy now."

"Happy doesn't even begin to express how we feel, Carla. There's so much love we all share. And they start to respond now, which is something that we've awaited for quite some time. The smiles and laughs come much more spontaneous now, as soon as they recognise us. They react differently to different people."

"Yes... Denny is much more lively when Sirius has him."

"You're not the first who has found that out. I have no idea how they know that. Both of them are like that, when they're with him. Harry swears they look mischievous when they're on Sirius' arms."

Carla laughs. Then she wishes me a good night, because our paths separate us from here. I go down the stairs to our flat. Sirius has already given Seraina her bath. I take Denny to the bathroom to give him his. This is always fun, as he really enjoys it and he is nicely tired after it. I dry him and get him dressed again, then I'm rubbing Poppy's gel on his gums. After that I just have to pick my son up, give him the pacifier and hold him to my chest for five minutes and he's out of it. I gently lay him down in his cradle and cover him with a warm woollen blanket. Because of the colder temperatures here both children are lying on a sheep's hide. He looks cute on it, snuggling into the warmth. Somehow I can never get enough watching him sleep. Then I go over to Seraina's room to have a look at her sleeping. She looks frail, but she's quite strong and once she starts wailing we jump!

But for now everything is okay and Sirius and I meet back in the living room. He lights a fire and I sink on my favourite spot on the sofa and lean back with a sigh. The next thing I know I have a lap full of Sirius who starts to kiss me like there would be no tomorrow. Ooh, but this is a nice assault! I snake my arms around him and hold him. He sighs deeply into the kiss and not long into this bit of snogging we hear Uncle Alphard chuckle.

"Missed it, didn't you? That's why I never had any kids myself..."

Sirius looks up at the wall and grins.

"Actually, Uncle Alphard - they make it so much more precious for us..."

I look at Sirius. He nods over to the bedroom and I nod. He gets up and we say:

"Good night, Uncle Alphard!"

It's early, but we don't care, we undress each other, hurry to the bathroom and get through the routine quickly, then we're back in the bedroom and pull the curtains closed. I push Sirius to the bed and start to nuzzle his neck while I feel his hands on my back, pulling me close. I go back to kissing him. Mm, he tastes nice of fresh mint from brushing his teeth. I rake my hands through the heavy black tresses of hair that spread over the pillow.

"Do you even remember when we were up to having sex the last time?" he asks playfully.

"Not the foggiest. But I know that I want you right now! I'm looking forward to the weekend and I do hope that the cuteness of the twins wins us some babysitters for one or both evenings..." I admit.

He laughs. I feel the vibration on his collarbone, which I nibble and kiss. He sighs right into his laughter. My tongue glides gently over his flesh and I lap the salty taste from his skin. I feel like turning into the wolf and treat his whole body with a bath from my tongue. Next thing I know is that my long rosy wolf tongue slurps over his chest. His nipples react instantly. He moans in a low voice and buries his hands in the scruff of my neck.

"Mmm, Moony! Just don't stop..."

No fear, it's giving me thrills I've never thought possible. He writhes and moans underneath me and keeps caressing me over my back. That wolf is pretty sensitive I find out... I've only done this once before, but this time it's different, because I'm not the werewolf, I'm in my Animagus form and it's a mighty turn-on...

"Feel like going out for a run with you..." he whispers.

I turn back and reply: "You'll get one in five days."

He laughs and pulls me close.

"But then you'll be the werewolf again. While that's perfectly okay, I never got to run with Moony when he was just the wolf..."

"But then Winky will have to come and watch over the twins until we're back..."

"I call her."

Ten minutes later the canines are outside and run to the forest. It's amazing how differently I feel the forest now. I am fully aware, a wolf, but still myself completely. Though the werewolf is high in my blood, since the moon is waxing he's content. I howl and yip and look for my mate who follows me with an air of: 'Cool it, an old man isn't the Hogwarts Express anymore!'

I love how I can read you. I'm hard just thinking of you right now. I wonder if we're not spoiling a perfectly good opportunity to make love to our heart's content, but then you close up, hold me down and start nipping me all over and finally lick my opening with abundance. I howl again, it's so good. I flop down and turn around, showing you the state of my cock and you rise to the challenge, lick it until I almost go mad. I know I can't come this way in my wolf form, but I don't really care, because the friction is so good, that I keep howling.

Siri nudges me until I'm up again, then he quickly mounts me and I feel a very sharp pain as he enters me. Sirius' howl meets mine and when he starts pushing I can feel him swelling up inside of me. Merlin, this feels good. I hope it never ends, and it does take a long time, but finally he comes, shuddering, pushing frantically deep inside and I can feel his seed spurting out of his cock, which he can now pull back. I'm still bone hard and I chase him up with a few bites until he runs for a while, then I stop and mount him. It's not easy to penetrate, he yelps, but I'm pushing forward fast, then rest so he can get used to it. He whines a bit and I can feel him push backwards into me. I start to thrust. It's like I remember from three years ago. We haven't repeated the experience, but now I really look forward to it, because it takes a while longer to reach my orgasm than in my human form. I push and thrust until I can feel the climax building up. The moment is there and I find release with another howl. We tumble down on the soft ground, which is nicely covered with freshly fallen leaves. I'm still breathing hard. Sirius turns around and licks me. I look up and he plants a quick lick over my snout.

For an hour or so we just run and play through the forest. It's still quite early, not even nine o'clock and we hope no one has seen us as we return to the castle through a back door. We reach our rooms. Sirius transforms and opens the door, then closes it behind me. We're both slightly naked and slightly muddy, so we don't linger and go and take a shower first and then a hot bath. When we return to the living room in sweat clothes and thick socks, Uncle Alphard asks in a very amused tone:

"Now where have you two been that you turn up back here like two wild boars from a mud bath?"

"Just played some in the forest... naturally we get muddy. That's what showers are there for," Sirius retorts.

"Boys! You'll never grow up, will you?"

"I try hard not to, Uncle Alphard."

Alphard chuckles and says:

"That's why I always liked you, Sirius! And that's why I loved to give your family a shock by only passing my money to you and Andromeda. Is she still well, by the way?"

"Yes, she is. And both of them survived, Ted and Andromeda. Andy told me it wasn't easy, but she is doing fine now. After the lack of personnel at the Ministry both changed to a position there."

"Oh, that's good to hear."

"I'm sure you know how my family tried to dispute your last will? You had one hell of a lawyer there, you know that? Amazingly cool and never cowered neither under my father's wrath nor Uncle Rigel's..."

"Yes, I've heard some of the discussions through Phineas. Since there was no portrait left depicting myself in your family's place I couldn't go there myself."

"Don't think Phineas did you any justice, now did he?"

"Not exactly, but he did supply me with a lot of amusement! The more he got angry the more I snickered."

"He used to scold me every time I had to go to Dumbledore's office! What a disgrace to the family I was..."

"Slytherin! I was a Ravenclaw like Andromeda, so I didn't suffer too badly when I was young, but I suppose I'd have been in the same shoes as you were if I had been a Gryffindor."

Sirius sits down next to me and both of us start working on grading some of the papers we have back. I get a lot done now. Funny how that short escapade outside has energised me and woken me up. I'm not feeling so tired and like a log anymore.

"Nights we can get several hours of sleep in a row really do us a lot of good, don't they?" I ask.

"You're telling me. This was really good, Remus! Being out in the fresh air and running! I'm feeling so much better now. I thought I'd only just want to go to bed when I got back from dinner, and now I find I'm focused and awake again."

"I was just thinking about that, too. Maybe we should do that more often."

"The running or the sex?" he smirks.

"Both," I reply.

He grins.

We don't go to bed very late. It's eleven and we can get a solid six hours of sleep thanks to Poppy's gel, which we only have to apply once more just before we go to sleep. Our little ones seem to drop the need for the feeding before midnight. That's really a relief, because it means we can put them to bed at eight or just a bit after eight and they should be sleeping until the early morning.

When I wake up again it's because Denny is calling us. We have two sets of Extendable Ears in the two rooms so we can hear them even when they're not wailing at the top of their voices. Sirius sits up and yawns. We grab a pair of boxers and pull it up, then we walk over to the children's rooms. I get Denny and warm the bottle, then I sit down on the rocking chair and let him suckle his early breakfast while I'm still dozing a bit. I enjoy this early morning feeding, because I'm still a bit sleeping, but I'm awake enough to communicate with the baby in my arms. Denny has his tiny hands on mine while I hold the bottle for him. When he's done I hold him up and once he's hiccupped the air he's swallowed along with a bit of milk, I can enjoy my well rested and alert baby. I check the little teeth, which are finally breaking through.

"There's that first tooth now, Denny! It's out and that will hurt you a lot less now... though it will start somewhere else soon."

He smiles at me, then gurgles something and grabs for my hair. I'm holding him to my chest and get up to change his nappy. Then I take him over to the bedroom, where I'm getting back into bed to get some more rest, before I have to get up. Sirius brings Seraina and for half an hour it's family cuddling time. Sirius gets up first. It's half past six and we have a lot of time to take our shower and go through the routine in the bathroom. I'm keeping the children on the bed. Sirius returns and gets dressed, then picks the children up to get them dressed for the day and washed. I'm going to the bathroom. Another day starts...

5.10.1998 / Sirius

Another full moon. The second since we're back here and no one thinks much when Remus cancels the first class in the morning. Moonset is not too late yet, so he only needs to cancel one. The children get some homework for the time.

The weather is cold, wet and generally unfriendly. Remus transforms in our bedroom and then comes out to stretch out in front of the fire for a while. The twins are still awake and I'm only just feeding them their evening meal. Remus puts his little snout on Denny's belly while the boy suckles. Denny's distracted and grabs for Remus' whiskers, which he normally really hates, but he wouldn't budge, because it's one of our children. Denny chuckles, but then he needs to swallow and that makes for a very funny sound. Once he's done with the bottle he's getting a terrible hiccup immediately. I let him sit on my knees. Remus is back and tickles Denny by pushing his snout into the baby's side. Denny giggles and smiles at the wolf. I wish I'd have a camera right now, because the image is just so funny and sweet. At that moment there's a flash and I notice Winky taking a photo. I smile. She's sometimes so perceptive that it's creepy. I smile at her and thank her.

"You're so sweet, Winky, that was what I just thought I should do!"

Seraina starts to wail now and wants her food, too. I pass Denny to Winky and pick my daughter up from her blanket. She shuts up quickly and when I offer her the bottle the tears vanish in a second. She's doing very well. Denny only has his first tooth, but in Seraina's mouth are already three and the second incisor on top is ready to break through. Of course that means there are still quite a lot of them coming and to be honest I fear them. If my poor children are suffering that badly with the incisors, how bad will it be with the canines and the molars? Days before the tooth comes through they get feverish, eat less, their cheeks are glowing red and they sleep less. Poppy's gel really helps a lot now, so we can all sleep a bit better. She also gave us a specially designed sleep charm for babies. That should help them a bit as well. And us. It's only been a couple of nights, but the rest we got has been welcomed greatly.

Both children fed, we let them lie on their blanket for another while, before I'm taking them to bed. Remus is rolled up on the warm rug in front of the hearth. I'm taking another picture, because he looks so beautiful. He'd hate to hear it of course, but I love my own little wolf. I can just hear his protest: LITTLE???

I start with Denny again and take him over to his room. His crib is charmed with the sleep charm, I change his nappy, put on his pyjama, rub the gel on his gums and lay him down in his crib. He's still babbling something, so I give him the pacifier and his own little teddy bear. It's a very small and soft one, which he can already grab. Denny snaps the bear up and suckles on the pacifier and it doesn't take him long to fall asleep. I watch him for another minute and then go to pick up Seraina who's already half asleep. She wakes up when I change her nappy and get her dressed in her pyjama. I apply the gel on her gums as well. Then I hold her on my arm for a moment and kiss her goodnight.

"Sleep well, my little love! Papa will be well again tomorrow morning."

Seraina gets her pacifier and teddy as well. I watch her sleeping for a while and then return to the living room. I've got some work still and do it while Remus snoozes in front of the fire. At half past ten I look up and ask:

"How about hitting the hay?"

He gets up immediately and nods. We wish Uncle Alphard a good night and go to bed. Remus waits for me to pull back the blankets, then he hops on the bed and I follow him as soon as I've undressed.

9.10.1998 / Justin

Gods, I'm knackered. I knew the training would be fairly hard, but this hard? I'm so glad I'm still able to apparate to the Sunnegg after all that. Remus and Sirius are already there with the twins. They look tired, but content. The twins are super sweet. It seems they've grown so much since we've seen them last.

I don't think we'll go out tonight. We're just too knackered. Ron is just as tired, so we just share our news with the others, eat dinner and then vanish up to bed. When we hear that the twins have their own room at Hogwarts we offer to let go of Ron's and use my room, so they can give Ron's to one of the twins.

"Well, we think they can stay together for another while when we're here. But sooner or later it'll have to be, so thank you very much!" Remus says.

"That's okay, it's your house after all! We'll clear my stuff out tomorrow," Ron says.

Draco, Parvati and George come in and happily join us at the dinner table. They are bursting with news about the site Draco has investigated for the fun park. "Dragon's Tales" will be set up somewhere south of Grenoble in the French Alpes Maritimes. Draco says it's a beautiful area, lots of mountainous forests away from the ski resorts. He's bought several square kilometres of land there and he, Fred, George and Lee Jordan will start charming the area Muggle secure soon. Every square centimetre will need Muggle repelling charms, off the roads of course.

"We're now starting negotiations with the French Ministry of Magic to get permission to set up the fun park. They seem very interested in our work though and provided that we employ at least 70 % French witches and wizards we're getting the go ahead soon. They don't mind a bit of wizarding tourism at all," Draco tells us.

Parvati is smiling. I think she really likes to see Draco so involved with a project. Gives him something to focus on. I ask her how her apprenticeship has started.

"Very well, thank you. At the moment it's still a bit boring and I need to learn a lot of routine stuff, but the healers are great and they are giving me a lot of opportunities to learn. At the moment I'm doing basic nursing stuff, but it will soon be getting better. They do that so we become familiar with hospital routines and the basic needs of the patients. It's really interesting."

"Sounds great..."

Morag is also busy. She tells us about her latest courses and that she'll have to go to the school in Zürich for one of the first Saturday classroom lessons.

"I thought that was a correspondence training?" Harry asks.

"Yes, but we still have tests and such and there are classroom lessons about every two months. For that I have to go there."

"I see. - Are you meeting Nicole again tonight?" he asks her.

"Yes. Right after dinner in fact. She's been busy studying for something that will be tested on Monday, but she told me she wouldn't do anything after seven tonight. I'll apparate over in a while."


It seems slowly but surely that there's a bit more between Nicole and Morag than pure friendship. Wonder if they already found that out. I look at Ron.

"I'd like to go to bed, love! I'm dead tired."

"So am I, Justin. Sorry folks, we've had a horribly exhausting week so we'll be good boys and go to sleep early tonight."

"That's okay. Do you want to go out tomorrow evening? Because Harry and I have a lot to study and would like to stay home tonight. We can spend tomorrow night either out or together..." Hermione suggests.

"We don't need to go out if you'd prefer to stay here tomorrow! Would be just as nice," I say.


It seems that we're not the only ones who are tired. Remus and Sirius seem to be pretty down as well. Both have a briefcase full of what seems like a ton of papers to grade. The twins seem pretty nice though and once they're fed, they go to sleep.

"We have to play a bit nasty and sleep charm their cribs... they're teething and it troubles them a lot, so we help them and us. The past week has been a lot better than what we had before. Everyone is a lot calmer this way," Sirius tells us.

Ron and I get up and wish everyone a nice evening. We're out of it as soon as we hit the bed!


I'm apparating right into Nicole's flat. Her sister is at her boyfriend's again, so we're all alone. She welcomes me with a warm embrace and I assault her mouth with a fiery kiss. She opens her lips and my tongue finds its way over to hers. Mm, this is good. It feels so right and the sparks in my body tell me that this is home. She clings to me and moans softly into the kiss. When we finally part minutes later she says:


"Hi, Nicole!"

She's beautiful again tonight. I caress her face and kiss her again. She looks at me and says:

"Do we take this on to my bedroom?"

"I think, we should!" I reply.

"Good! It's over here, come! When do you have to go home?"

"I'm an adult, Nicole, I can stay as long as I want. I told them not to expect me before tomorrow morning."


She leads me to her room, which is a lovely square room furnished with lots of bookcases and a desk, her queen sized bed and a large wardrobe. She turns her stereo on and soft music fills the room. By now I know she adores Mike Oldfield and Pink Floyd a lot. I also like those and have nothing to complain about her choice of music. Tubular Bells starts and she kisses me again. I have yet to take off my warm jacket. She does that for me and slides it down my shoulder. I find my way with my hands under her jumper and the t-shirt to find her soft skin. She sighs and continues to take off one piece of my clothing after the other. When she reaches my bra she whispers:

"I've never done this before, Morag. You'll have to tell me what you like..."

"I will. And you'll have to help me, yes?"


She unhooks my bra. I'm not getting through to her as quickly and force her to stand still for a moment so I can pull the jumper and the t-shirt over her head. She giggles. I softly stroke over her now naked shoulders on the way to the hooks of her bra, which I undo.

"Merlin, you are beautiful..." I whisper.

"Merlin?" she repeats and grins.

"Wizard lingo..." I mumble.

"Oh. I see."

For a while we just stand there, kiss and caress each other. I think, every nerve in my body is vibrating and singing! Then we continue undressing each other, but it takes about half an hour until we're finally both naked and on her bed. I pull her onto me. She kisses me again and her hand goes back to caress my breast. Mm! Gods, this is good. She follows her hands with her mouth and starts licking around one of my nipples, then pulls it into her mouth to suck it and nip it with her teeth.

"Oh, Nicole! So good, so good!"

"Like that, eh?"

I nod and push her head back down on my nipple. She picks it up again and all the while she travels with her hand over my body. I mirror her movements and caress her back, her sides, her butt, which is nice and round. I lightly pull my fingernails over her flesh and I hear her moan onto my nipple. She lets it go and blows on it. Wow! I can feel that right down to my clit!

"Merlin, Nicole!"

She looks up and grins. Then she quickly kisses me and tells me:

"I've never done this before, but I've read a lot of descriptions and I've fantasised quite a bit, I hope I'm doing it right, love!"

"The way this feels - yeah, you're definitely doing it right!"

Ten minutes later she's all over me and I get kissed from top to bottom. I enjoy it and vow to give it back to her as soon as I can. She's making me feel like I'm in heaven. We're so immersed that we haven't heard the door to the flat being opened and closed. All of a sudden there's someone passing the door to Nicole's room and we hear a gasp and then a:


Nicole looks up and swears:

"Fuck, Claudine! What are you doing here? You said you'd be at Benny's tonight!"

"I've just forgotten something. Gosh, I couldn't know I'd come back and find you in bed with another woman!"

"So? Does it disturb you?"

Claudine shrugs and says:

"Not really, but I thought we were open enough with each other that you could have told me. I wouldn't have tried to shove you into the arms of every man I thought suitable, you know!"

"Oh. Okay then. Would you mind closing the door?"

"No, I don't. mind. Good night!"


We've cooled down quite a bit from the fright. Nicole turns around and cuddles up to me. I kiss her tenderly and she looks into my eyes.

"Shit, now we've got to build that up again... you were so nicely elsewhere."

"I'll get there again, Nicole. That felt wonderful! I want to give it back to you."

"You can. Soon. I want to see you come first!"

I smile. What lovely prospects. We hear Claudine pass the room again and leave the flat. Nicole runs her hands over my belly and caresses me tenderly. I'm thrilled. Her fingers just barely touch my flesh and I can feel each and every hair stand up and the butterflies fluttering in my stomach make me moan. She kisses me again. I sling my arms around her and hold her. Her hands continue to move downwards until she buries them in my pubic hair. I close my eyes and just feel. She wriggles out of my arms and turns around, slowly following her hands with her mouth. Then she nudges my legs apart and I can feel a warm wet tongue flicking over my clit. Wow! Now there's a feeling I'd never expected. It's bloody amazing!

"Aah! Oh, Nicole! Wow, that's great..." I pant.

She doesn't let go, patiently strokes her tongue over that bud, which gets hard and I can feel the blood pulsating in it each time she sucks it inside of her mouth and licks and nips it. Oh. My. God! This must be it! This is certainly the moment when everything tumbles down and crumbles to dust. I cry out and a low moan follows and I think I'm going to die!

It takes a moment to come back from that. Nicole has turned back and is lying next to me again. I must look pretty cross-eyed, because she grins and says:

"Sounded like you made it, Morag!"

"I think so! I've never felt this way, Nicole. That was amazing!"

"Never felt this way before? Oh, that's sad. I'm going to give you this as often as I can..."


I need a break, but then I start doing the same thing to her as she just did to me. Then I have a neat little idea and ask:

"Do you want a rougher tongue to go over this?"

She looks at me, puzzled, then she asks:

"Are you going to do magic?"

I laugh.

"Yes, this sort, watch out!"

I quickly transform. I can see her staring at me and then she says:

"This is bloody amazing! You can turn yourself into a dog? What else will I get to see with you?"

I turn back quickly to explain with a big grin:

"Yes, I can. I'm an Animagus. That's a witch or wizard who can change into an animal. I've learned it a while ago through my transfiguration teacher, who is an Animagus, too. His form is also a dog, though you'd probably be scared if you met him, he's a huge black dog. We call him Snuffles."

"That's just unbelievable! You guys are absolutely incredible..."

We spend the rest of the night playing around and finally it's time to sleep. I'm happily falling asleep next to her. Nicole holds me close and I feel like she's just been there waiting for me until I came along.

10.10.1998 / Ron

I wake up early. We have still slept about ten hours through. I can't have moved much in my sleep, because I still find myself wrapped around Justin. When I stir he wakes up as well and both of us are hard, no surprise there. We don't have much time during the week, but we take it usually in the morning. I start to caress Justin and he kisses me, still a bit sleepy.

"Good morning, love," he says, yawning.

"Morning, love," I mumble while I kiss him back.

Then I can feel those wonderful hands of his on my back, where he follows my spine and I arch my back, it's so good. It's the fastest way to get to me and he knows it well. I trail kisses from his jaw down to his nipples and start sucking on them. Mm, I can do that for half an hour, just enjoying the lovely little noises he makes. Pinch his other nipple. Use my fingers on both nipples and move down to his navel. There's where his pubic hair ends in a long thin line up his belly to the navel. I follow it, still twirling my fingers around his nipples. Justin just moans and pushes me softly down to that wonderful cock of his, which is already pointing up to his belly button. Ooh, he's hard. I take one hand off his nipples, pull the foreskin back and start to lick over the head. My other hand continues to pinch his nipple.

"Nnng, Ron! So good... don't fucking stop!"

You bet I won't stop. He tastes so good I want to eat him up! I start to suck on his cock, hard, and he gives a little cry. More sucking and his cries get a little more frantic. Then I take him into my mouth fully and now I hear constant moaning and finally a short scream, just before he comes. I'm warned and when I feel the eruption and his seed spurts into my throat I can hear him calling out my name. Fuck, it's so good to hear that. I think it would be the worst thing that could happen to me, if he ever cried out another name in the moment of his orgasm. He pulls me up and we kiss, he licks the remaining seed off my lips and duels with my tongue. The kiss doesn't end for minutes. We embrace and kiss on, just like there would be no tomorrow. I've decided that I need this. When I do have sex, I want it to be important, just like it were the last time I could feel it and make it memorable. Each time we're doing it I need this even more, because it's so good with him.

Justin turns me around and straddles me. We kiss some more and I watch him as he prepares my cock and himself. He really loves to ride me, so he can control the thrusts and I really love it when he does, so I often give him that freedom. Justin comes down on me, taking me inside and pushing down on my length until he can't push down any further. He smiles.

"Gods, I love this! I love to feel your cock inside of me, Ron! It's the greatest feeling I know! Just one thing that's as good and that's being inside of you! Aw, yes..."

He starts to move. Slowly, up, down, up again, then pushes down hard. Then he makes a few fast movements, not so deep, but now I know I'm hitting his prostate and I can see his cock hardening again. I grab it and pump it in rhythm with his movements. He gets faster and faster, but forcefully goes down all the way. I can feel my orgasm building up, oh, just a little more, Justin! Yes! Yes! That's it, that's what I love most!

"Justin! Oh gods, Merlin, I love you! This is so good!"

I'm coming so hard. There's really nothing better to start the day than a quick shag. Justin reaches a second orgasm and collapses on my body, stretching his legs out again. I hold him tightly and kiss him again. He still smiles and says:

"So good, Ron, I love you so much..."

And after that we go right back to sleep for another while.


Studied late into the night. There is a lot we have to learn and we really get a lot to push into our brains to just store in some corner so it would be ready when we'd need it. Hermione is good at that, but I have to work a bit harder to accomplish it. I'm getting better at it though. It's a completely different method of studying than during school. The complex contents of what we have to learn aside, it's often tedious learning by heart. We can't just take notes and write an essay, we actually have to memorise all. Most exams will be aural exams where we have to have our knowledge present.

So after a long evening with a lot of reading we went to bed last night with burning eyes. Hermione wakes up beside me and when she stirs I wake up as well.

"Sorry, love, I didn't want to wake you up!" she says.

"'S okay, love! I've slept long enough. What's the time?"

She turns around.

"Just after nine."

"See, that's fine. Full eight hours of sleep! We don't usually get that much!"

"You're right about that. You're working very hard, Harry. I'm so proud of you."

I kiss her. She kisses me back and starts caressing me.

"I'm looking forward to a cosy evening together tonight! Some games, some talking, a few glasses of wine and good music..."

"Much better than going out in any case. Sometimes the noise in those dancing clubs is just unbearable..."


When we get up an hour later we find some of the others still at the breakfast table. No one comes down before nine on Saturday morning. It's great to be a big family. And it's great that there are always a few of us around on the weekend.

The ones who actually are up earlier than the rest are Sirius and Remus with the twins. I have to go and look how Seraina is doing. I swear my godchild is the sweetest baby on earth! She greets me with a smile and when I tickle her lightly she giggles. I'm so looking forward to spend time with her when she gets older.

"I can't wait to take you out flying, Seraina! I'm already thinking of which baby broom to give to you, you know!" I tell her.

Remus laughs and tells me:

"You'll have to hurry to be faster than Siri! He's been dreaming of that before she was even born!"

"Not surprising!"

"We're actually going to watch a few of the games of the Harpies. Siri's been a fan of them forever!"

"They're usually high in the league... I'll gladly join you now and then. I can't just get buried in my books, I do need to go out a bit now and then. And now that the Quidditch season is on again I've planned a few games that I want to see. I haven't ever been able to just go out and watch any of the matches, so I'll just love to do that sometimes from now on! Besides, there are a few of my school friends who turned pro, so I'd love to go and see how they fare."

Hermione grins. She's not much of a fan, but she does like to watch now and then, so I plan to drag her along. Not to every game, but now and then. Since we haven't seen Remus and Sirius for five weeks they ask us how our courses at the Academy have started.

"Great! But lots to learn! It's not easy. The really great thing is that we can now live a very normal wizarding life - apparating and going where we want to and since money is no issue we can actually do what we want. Hermione has some more features for the Commumirrors in mind and is working on them on the side. They're fast becoming THE business success in the wizarding world! There's a licensed company in the States now and one in Japan with the rights for Asia and one in Australia. My wife can just sit back and watch money coming in. The twins are happy with the business prospects, too, because now they can invest some of the money into the fun park, they're not depending solely on Draco. He also thinks having them as more equal partners is better. They have already gained a certain experience in the business world, so they are working together well."

"You're all doing so well, it seems! If there's anything I'm proud of, then it's how much you kids have learned and how well you are doing! I fancy having a part in that, however tiny," Remus says.

"I don't think your part is tiny, Remus," Hermione interjects.

Seraina hits me with her rattle to get my attention back. I grin at her and hit her lightly back. She giggles and tries it again on me. When she laughs she shows her cute little teeth. The few she already has, that is.

"She's got such a cute smile now, Remus!" I remark.

"Sexy, don't you think? Three teeth. Seventeen to go for the first set of teeth... they're both going through a hard time right now."

We spend the afternoon with a walk outside with the children and then we come back inside. It's really been rather cold outside and so we conjure up tea as soon as we're inside. We all sit down in the former classroom, which is now the larger living room. Sirius immediately starts a huge fire which warms the room up nicely. Then we have dinner, now on the new long table in the living room, which has been changed into the dining room as well. It's great to have this big table, we can eat at it, play games there, just be together for a nice cup of tea or coffee. Those of us who are at the house every night, or most nights anyway, really don't see any hurry to move out. There are so many advantages. First of course being Dobby. He's doing the work alone now with Winky being at Hogwarts. But he gets along fine he says. He's a bit lonely though. I think, Remus and Sirius have offered him to return to Hogwarts, so he could be with Winky again and find another house-elf to help us here. Even Hermione sees the advantage of not having to bother with housework. Then there's the company! We meet our friends almost every day, can follow their lives as they follow ours.

Mandy isn't with us tonight. She's back in London for a date. I think she's found someone at her workplace, which would be just great! Morag has brought Nicole here for the first time. Nicole is really nice and she's all fascinated about a household full of witches and wizards. She's quite happy to see that we're playing a lot of Muggle games, too, so she can really participate.

Dinner is the usual casual affair. Remus and Sirius are relaxed, they've worked through some tests which they graded, but that's all done now, so we have their full attention. We're really having fun tonight, Ron and Justin are in full flight! Ginny is there and she gives Nicole something to gape at when she shows her the golden eagle and flies around for a bit.

"I don't believe my eyes!" Nicole cries out.

"Well, she's real, isn't she? Or have you ever seen such a well behaved golden eagle?" Ron asks, amused.

"No, I haven't. This is absolutely amazing. Oh, by the way, if you guys ever need a vet, I'm going to be done with my study in a few years, so I'm offering my services," she says with a grin.

"Poppy Pomfrey, our school nurse, has threatened Sirius about ten times with sending him to the vet if he doesn't take the cold medicine she gives him or so..." Remus says and grins, too.

Sirius very maturely shows him his tongue.

"Is that an offer, love?" Remus asks with a sweet voice.

We all laugh. Sirius kisses his mate and then casually remarks:

"Remember that for later on, love!"

"Would love to - if the twins let us..."

Right now, both of them are nicely asleep. They usually go after their last evening bottle at eight or so and then sleep through until the early morning. If the teething lets them, that is.


What a wonderful evening! Most of the gang is there, Draco is still in France, Parvati has a weekend watch at St. Mungo's, but Blaise and Padma are both here, Morag has presented us with her brand new girlfriend Nicole, who's a Muggle, much to our amusement, Neville is here, Ron, Justin, Hermione, Harry, Ginny and Ernie are here, too.

So there are a dozen conversations going at the same time. The refurnished classroom is now a large, beautiful living and dining room. It's been a good idea to do this. We have to move on after all and since this room isn't needed for a classroom anymore, it's a great living room for the big family we now are. Chosen family. We're all closer related than I ever was to my own blood. Who cares for that anyway? What counts is the love and respect we have for each other. It's been rather easy to let the kids grow up and it's much more fun to treat them as adults and equals anyway. They all make me smile and sometimes I'm still getting all teary when I think of how much I love them all!

I hear the baby alarm and go up to see what the little ones have. Only Denny is awake. I quickly lift him up and sooth him, then I give him some more of the gel from Poppy. His gums are all hot again. Another tooth. The two of you really go through a hard time there.

But once he has fallen asleep again on my arms I can lay him back down in his crib and he doesn't wake up again. We're getting quite used to all of this lately and we're taking it as easy as we can.

I dim the light to the minimum required and leave the nursery. I think of using the remaining space between our room and behind the stairs for another room for one of the children, so they will have one of their own. It wouldn't be hard to add a wall just behind the stairs, replacing the railing. There are three metres from there to the outer wall of the house and it's also about three metres wide. Good enough for a small room for the weekends and summers we spend here. Ginny and Ernie use mostly Ernie's room at the back of the house, so once the twins are older, one of them can move into Ginny's old room upstairs.

I return to the family. Remus has taken about three of my turns in the game we're playing. I don't mind, after all they shouldn't have to wait for me all that time. But of course I'm losing spectacularly! Darn it, lover!


It's so much fun to watch them! We've met all the members of the household by now and they're all very nice. Even the Malfoy kid seems very nice to me. Wouldn't have thought it possible, but after all he is Sirius' second cousin and that does make it surreal, but possible. And he's with Vaidyanathan's daughter! Wow. Not the most likely combination, but it seems that Parvati is up to it and handles him quite well...

I still have a pretty hard time adjusting to that much peace. It seems that the only peaceful time I've known in my life was before I went to Hogwarts and during my first four years there. From then on it's been nothing but war with Voldemort. It's so good to see that these young people will have peace and good times ahead. Hermione and Harry have started university! That's very exciting for me to watch, because since my great-grandfather no one has been there in our family!


When we're finally going to bed that evening, it's fairly late. It's good that we've prepared that weekend well by having all of our grading done. I have to prepare a lesson for the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff fourth years for Monday, that's all. So we can take tomorrow easy, too. Sirius gets undressed and drops into bed. He's still adjusting to the increased amount of work, and it will probably tire him a lot for a while still. I kiss him good night and we postpone love making for tomorrow morning. Godparents are a great thing, they've promised to take the little ones from their first feeding until we get up.

11.10.1998 / Sirius

I've been out of it the moment I felt the pillow beneath me! It's all pretty much right now and I'm so happy to know that we'll have a long night all to ourselves once morning comes and the twins call for their first feeding. Hermione and Ron said they'd set their alarm clocks to early morning to take over the babies. We have to get up only once during the night. And Seraina goes to sleep again quite nicely, so we can stumble back to bed until the morning feeding. Ron and Justin come traipsing into the nursery and pick up the babies, then silently go out of the room to feed them. I go back to sleep immediately and only wake up at ten, finding Remus awake and reading next to me. He turns his beautiful face to me and smiles.

"Hey, sleepyhead!" he calls softly and puts his book on the pile of other books on his nightstand.

"Morning, love," I reply, yawning.

"Slept well?"

"Nice and long!"

I pull him close for a kiss and he closes his eyes, responds in kind and then says:

"We're off this morning, I've been down for a spot of breakfast and brought some for you..."

I sniff and look around. There's a tray with a glass of orange juice, a small pot of coffee and two croissants on my own nightstand, the coffee charmed to stay hot. I yawn again and then sigh happily. A free Sunday morning with my lover! It must have been months! I kiss him again, then I sit up to enjoy a cup of coffee and my croissants. Yum! Fresh ones. Someone must have been at the bakery down in Lützelflüh.

"Morag. It seems they've started this a while ago," Remus explains.

"Ah! Well, Dobby's a great cook, but he can't make proper bread..."

"Which is why they go down to Lützelflüh."

He lets me eat my croissants and drink my juice and then the coffee, before he urges me to put the tray away. I've barely done that when he assaults me, pinning me to the mattress and kissing me. Mmm, haven't had my sexy werewolf this way for a long time now! Remus can be very dominant sometimes, but I love it. He won't allow me to do anything then, just takes and gives at the same time.

He caresses me with his tongue from top to bottom. I can feel his cock getting hard fast. I feel mine harden and sigh. Gods, this is good. So far I don't need any fancier stuff than that! It still serves its purpose with me very well, even after we've been back together for three years. We've grown so close!

My thighs... he's moving from my knees along the inner sides of my thighs and right to where it feels best. Orders me to turn on my belly, then lift myself up on knees and elbows. I comply and close my eyes as I feel his tongue coming up from my inner thighs to the cleft of my arse. Yes, Remus, please! I don't need to do more than moan softly for him to know that I really want this. His tongue follows the cleft from my balls up to the opening, which he circles. I keep my eyes closed to feel even better. Remus' tongue presses at the opening and gently pushes inside. He can't reach very far, but I can feel the warmth of his flesh and it's perfect. He fondles my balls, but stays away from my cock. I won't be able to take this for a long time, the teasing's so good! But he stops, slicks his fingers in his mouth and pushes the first one inside. He nudges the entrance wider, relaxes my muscles with his finger, then pulls it back and quickly adds a second one. He starts to finger fuck me, reaching for the spot where my prostate is hidden behind the rectal wall. I moan louder. It's just so unbelievably good. Remus takes his time and inserts a third finger, steadily thrusting inside and making me wide open. I try to reach for my cock, but he sees it and swats my hand away with his free hand.

"Nope, Siri, you're going to wait there..." he whispers.

But that's so hard! Though I know it will be worth waiting! I feel his hand on my back, on my buttocks, down my thighs, back up and over the balls, teasing my cock just a little, all the while he continues to fuck me with his fingers. I keep my eyes closed. Not seeing is more intensive feeling. I'm concentrating fully on his hands, his body and all of a sudden he pulls his hand back and then slowly enters me. Aw, love, yes! Push down deep, please! He does. He starts to thrust, I meet every one of his thrusts with a backward move. As he gets worked up he gets faster and the thrusts are harder.

"Yes, love, please, do it harder," I moan.

Faster, harder. He glides easily after that long preparation time. He kneels behind me, both hands on my hips and he pulls me close when he thrusts inside. Oh Merlin, I never want it to stop! And finally, finally he moves one of his hands around my hipbone to grasp my cock, starts pumping it and only a minute or so later we both climax. He can't hold it any longer and with a loud groan he lets go and pushes me over the edge only moments later. I flop down on the bed and he collapses on me, but rolls off and lies next to me. I can feel him nuzzling my neck, tenderly biting the nape, then licking the crook of my neck, which is salty from my sweat. He transforms and gives me a bath with his tongue. That makes me laugh softly and I turn around to face him. He licks my face and I pull him close to kiss his snout. Then he transforms back and we kiss again, passionately, for the next half hour. I hold him tightly.

"Thanks, love! I needed that! But I think I'd like a shower now."

"Me, too! Then we've got to prepare to return to Hogwarts."

"I want to come back here again soon!" I whisper.

"It's going to be our love nest, isn't it?"

"Yes. Next time I'm coming I'm making that other room next to our bedroom for Denny."

"Should be big enough for the first few years."

"That's what I thought - and they have their own place."

We pull up the duvet for a while to get nice and warm and then decide to get up. We go down to take a shower and get dressed. When we come out of the bathroom fully dressed it's already lunch time. It seems that the gang has taken care of the little ones well, as we find them in the living room, contentedly lying on the thick carpet and a baby blanket.

We are greeted by understanding smiles and grins from all who were around.

"Thanks for letting us have a night of undisturbed rest, guys!" I say.

"That's okay, we figured you needed one. You looked like you haven't slept in ages," Hermione replies, but grins.

"Well, we also needed the sex in the morning, to be honest! Must have been one of about three times since the twins were born," Remus remarks with a twinkle in his eyes.

"Though we expect things to look up soon. They start to sleep through the teething now. With Poppy's wonderful gel, that frees them from the pain!" I add.
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