Categories > Original > Sci-Fi > Game of Survival

Dead Eyes.

by funkyfood4 0 reviews


Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2017-08-20 - 743 words

Chapter 4

"Rain!" I scream as I fumble for the empty gallon jug that was in the survival kit.

I set it out on the floor of the boat.

"Lets go in the cabin." Annabeth says.

We all make our way to the small cabin below the boat.

"Annabeth, this is a motor boat, can't we just zoom away?" Ben asks.

"I checked the fuel gage, the wave must have broken the canister, we can't go anywhere."

We are all quite.

I break the silence.
"What else does it say we should do when it rains?"

Houston fumbles with the book.

"If a down pour does occur, you could stand out in the rain and clean sea salt off of clothes. This will help better hydrate you." Houston takes his glasses off and we all go and just stand in the rain.

I open my mouth, I I hadn't had water in a while I don't know how long Annabeth and I were unconscious, but I was thirsty and rain felt good. I moistened my lips.

Once I was ready to go below deck, all the others had already gone in.

I walked in to see Ben sitting on the bed, with Houston and Annabeth lying against the wall.

I slump down next to Annabeth.

"I read some of the book, it said minnows and things sometimes gather under the boat. We can use them as bait." Houston tells us.

"Good thinking Houston. Let's go out at see if we can catch any fish." Annabeth says.

We make our way out of the cabin and I go to check the gallon jug, it was almost half full.

"Ok just reach under the boat and try to catch them." Houston says.

We all go to opposite sides so we don't tip the boat and start reaching under the boat.

"I got one!" Ben yelled as he brought a small squirming minnow onto the boat.

"What should I do?" He asks, trying to keep the minnow in his hand.

"Try to kill it, do you have anything?" I tell him as I too bring my own minnow a board.

He reaches to his pocket.
"It didn't fall out." He murmurs.

He then reaches in and pulls out a pocket knife. He then proceeds to stab the fish right in the gut.

I jump.

He does the same to my minnow too.

He smirks at me,

"Princess, if we're going to survive this we can't be squeamish." He says jokingly.

I roll my eyes.

"Does anyone have something sharp we can hook them to?" Ben asks.

Houston and Annabeth had long given up on catching minnows.

Annabeth lays her hand on her earrings.

"Here try this." She unclasps the hoop earring.

I take the earring and slide the pointed part right through the minnow's cheek.

"We can use the rope you saved us with for the line." Houston suggests.

He goes below deck to go get the valuable rope.

Once he comes back with the rope Ben ties it the the earring.

And we drop it in the water.

Ben holds on to it and leans against the boat.

"So..." Ben starts.

"You're a Dolphins fan?"

I get confused for a second, then I look down at my sweatshirt.

"Oh, yeah. I used to watch every game on TV. One day my mom finally gathered up enough money and we went and flew to a game in Miami." I smile at the thrift of my mother.

Then I remember my mother is dead.

He smiles at me, not one of his creepy smirks. But a sweet loving smile.

I look deep into his eyes.
"What about you?" I quip
"What's your story?"

"My story." He says.
"My story isn't nearly as happy as yours." He tells me.

"Mine isn't a very happy one, really. My dad left 3 months after I was born, left in the middle of the night and left us nothing." I say to him, trying to keep it together.

"I'm sorry." He gives me a sad look.

Just a second later there is a tug at the rope.

"No way."

Ben pulls the rope on board.

A beautiful sea bass flops on the ground.

"How are we gonna kill this one?" I ask him.

"It'll die soon." We wait a couple minutes until the fish stops flopping as it's eyes go white.

He looks at me,
"We'll do what we have to to survive."
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