Categories > Original > Sci-Fi

Mr. Electric City - Chapter 1

by InterNeddSupreme 0 reviews

Celine finds a man after a long journey, only to find out that she is to be questioned while suffering in the cold.

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Sci-fi - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2017-09-19 - 507 words - Complete

It has been several days before I saw a man. So it was weird to have contact with a human being. Cold whistles channeled through the roads, to my hair, through my legs. My feet were numb. My mouth, a mute's tongue. My hands holding the 3 same things for the past days. A crumpled note, a weird USB stick, and a voice recorder. I have begun to lose faith in my father's final words to me. About how much everything was depending on me to deliver. I hope this wait was worthwhile.

Step. Step. Step. Each beat stronger than the one before.

The man had a long jacket that went down to the knees. His hood cast a silhouette, leaving his facial features blank. I felt intimidated by the pace of his steps and this appearance. For all I know, my life could end before I see the next sunrise, which I suspect would come in 1 hour. My mind might be playing tricks on me. Like an oasis.
But the man just looked at me at a 3-meter distance. He began to circle me, checking if I had any weapons, bombs or even a device to exploit my positioning. I saw a gun hanging from his belt. He probably has more firepower hiding from the cold. My brain decided to go hyperactive. My short corpse began to sway back and forth. My head started to spin. My heart sent pulses audible from my own ears. But, after a long wait, the silence broke as he said,

"Greetings, stranger."

My reaction might not have been such a mannered gesture as I began to puke in front of him. Though he didn't move a muscle, no matter how much my body exclaimed the need of aid.

"What brings you here in Zürich?"

My mouth was zipped, both from my puking and cold. I wanted to burst out in words, but nothing. I knew this man was the closest thing I have to safety, but he might harm me.

"I... I..."

The figure stood there patiently.

"I come from Rome, and I might have found something on the way here."

No reaction, no comment

"This might be interesting sir.."

"Nothing is interesting to me apart from stopping the war. I'm sorry to say, ma'am, but you are wasting my time, and I have nothing to do but kill you. But hey, at least you didn't commit suicide!"

He raised his gun which looks like a custom .44 Magnum. A MAGNUM .44?! Oh god. Why did I have to tell myself what kind of gun that was! Oh shit, shit shit. I'm losing my balance. My life is flashing before me. I think I might get a terrible seizure. Oh gaaww...

There goes my second round of barf.

"Sorry miss, but I take precaution here like there is no yesterday to remember. Fortunately, all that I feel when I kill someone is the glee of not having to share my rations."

This man is colder than this year's winter.



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