Categories > Anime/Manga > Attack on Titan > Bittersweet Roses

Chapter 9

by Amaya-san 0 reviews

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Category: Attack on Titan - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2018-09-02 - 1433 words - Complete

The gate to Wall Maria opened with a loud rumble. Horses made their way out of Titan territory, bearing careworn warriors sick of the sight of death and battle. They wore somber expressions while they carted in fallen soldiers and faced crowds humming with anger and disappointment.

The journey home had claimed more lives, though orders had been given to retreat. Few battles had actually been fought, but it had done little to reduce the amount of carnage. Lia rode on the left edge, her head hung low and her eyes glued to the ground.

Saliva struck her across the bridge of her nose, and she looked up in alarm. It came from a jeering man at the edge of the crowd, and he seemed pleased with himself at this public statement. She felt sorrowful and scorned, and tears sprang to her eyes as she readied to speak.

A black mare whipped sideways and came to a halt between her and the civilian. Its rider gripped the man's shirt and pulled him closer. Lia watched in bewilderment as Levi scolded the stranger.

"You got a problem with selfless dedication? It's morons like you that sometimes make me wonder what we fight for. Do it again," goaded the former thug.

"Levi, stand down!" barked Erwin from the front. The young man continued to grip the man's clothing until Erwin voiced his name again. Regrettably, Levi released him and guided his horse back into place.

Lia steered hers closer and brought her sleeve across her face. "Thank you," she said quietly. He made no reply, and they worked their way forward as quiet and depressed as the rest of the party.

When they had finally reached the base, she dismounted and worked at removing the saddle and bit. As she heaved the leather over the rack in the stable, Kikka came in, leading her own companion. She stopped at Lia's side and stroked her steed's neck.

"What was that all about?" she inquired, indicating the previous ruckus in town.

"It was just someone that didn't think highly of what we do, is all."

"And the little porcupine actually stood up for you?"

"Yeah..." Lia mused, also amazed. "Yeah, I guess he did."

"I didn't think he gave a shit, to be honest." The raven-haired woman hoisted her saddle onto the rack beside Lia's. "I'm surprised he's willing to defend anything but his own hide."

After a moment's pause, Lia responded carefully, "I think Levi has a lot of dedication and is still learning where it lies. As frustrating as he can be, I would not haste to judge him."

"You do like him!"

"You're being ridiculous," sniggered Lia as she hung her reins and hooked a tether rope.

"I don't think I am," Kikka said, voice thick with excitement. She too finished tying her horse, and bit her lip mischievously. After a second's freeze, she took off running for the dormitories. Lia squeaked and tore after her, grabbing blindly to attempt to stop her friend.

They went tearing into the sleeping quarters, and she huffed behind, not quite as fast as the girl she pursued. Kikka snatched up the sketchbook Lia so often pored over, and began paging through, despite the loud protests growing ever closer as its owner caught up.

"Please," Lia panted, making a weak attempt to reclaim the book and failing. "Don't."

"These are really good," appraised Kikka as she flipped from drawing to drawing of daily life in the Scouts. "Just as I frequently have him in here. His eyes are all over the place." She laughed lightly, giving the artist an amused glance. As Lia reached for it again, Kikka held it high above her head.

"He was intriguing," the blonde explained breathlessly, dropping onto her bed. "I didn't know about him, and his mysterious nature was captivating."

"Hmmm, yes...except for the fact that it's consistent. You didn't give up on your theme. In fact, you even penciled the two of us during dinner time, which was just a few nights ago."

"Okay, but he is part of my daily life."

"So am I, but I don't see sketches of my eyes in here." Kikka raised an eyebrow and smirked. "I'm only sayin'..."

"What are you saying?" Lia prodded and watched her pal grin.

"You like him!"

"Stop, please; before someone hears you."

"You like him," she whispered eagerly.

"Sincerely, I don't know what I think of him, Kikka. He's vulgar, he bullies; he is self-driven, cruel, and apathetic. Who could love someone like that?"

"You could."

"Could I?" Lia wondered airily.

"Is he not helping you, covering your ass, and making sure you have a safe haven- or at least an alternative- if life in the military doesn't work?"

"Yes..." Her eyes obtained a far-off look. "And he has given me a chance I didn't think I'd have. There's a light behind those ice blue irises. His heart is so strong, and he is an exceptional fighter."

Kikka watched her for a bit with a crooked smile. Then she said, "kinda makes ya weak at the knees, doesn't it?" Lia looked up in horror, and the woman laughed, clapping her across the shoulders. "It's your business anyway. I just don't think you should be denying it to yourself anymore. Live a little; if you love him, then love him!"

Lia's cheeks flushed, and she muttered, "I don't love him." Kikka raised her brows in disbelief.

"Oh? Then go find him and tell him you don't need his help anymore, because you sure as hell don't." The rookie blinked a few times as she pondered this. She didn't feel ready to go it alone just yet- or was Kikka right, and she just didn't want her sessions with this man to end? The latter idea filled her with determination to prove it wrong.

She stood suddenly, stating, "I will!" with confidence. Lia strode toward the door and began her search for Levi. First she checked the men's barracks, which yielded no result. She then headed for the stables, then the living quarters. The man was nowhere to be seen. Grumbling a decided speech as she walked, she passed the open door to the washroom. Bingo.

Very slowly, she stepped backward to retrace her path, cautious as to whether or not she saw what she thought she did. Levi stood at the mirror, the medical tweezers in hand and raised to his brow. She watched, befuddled, as he squeezed them and pulled hair from above his eyelid.

"What are you doing?" she asked incredulous, standing perfectly still as he gradually turned to look at her. At a glacial pace, he brought the metal instrument to her face, squeezed, and yanked. Sharp stinging on her brow arch made her cry out and jump back. "What the hell?"

Levi's eyes narrowed in concentration as he pursued her. She backed against the wall to try to get away, shaking her head furiously and cradling the place he had plucked. He continued toward her, seemingly set on grooming her. Finally realizing he was a maniac who wasn't going to take no for an answer, she dodged to the side and scrambled to exit the building.

In her second cat-and-mouse chase of the day, Lia now began fumbling with her harness. There was no way she would win this with her full equipment donned, and it was certainly cumbersome. She paused for just a brief moment to set her cartridges and holsters down carefully.

With a glance behind her, she let out a loud squeal; her care had given Levi time to catch up. Her feet slid against the floor as she attempted to regain speed far too quickly. He crashed into her in a tackle, and the pair tumbled out onto the lawn, where he pinned her effortlessly.

She turned her head this way and that, making every effort to keep her eyebrows away from this psychopath. Still, he kept honing in with the steely tool of doom before she realized something: the entire process of unpacking done by the troops had come to a halt, and various teammates ogled them with interest.

"Levi," she warned. He took the hesitation as a chance to pull more hair. "Ouch! Levi!" Shoving him in the chest, she pushed him off forcefully. The two of them looked around awkwardly. Levi casually stood before disappearing inside.

Laughing nervously, Lia followed suit, backing up into the doorway and bumping into a pair of crossed arms. She whirled to see Kikka smirking at her.

"Like him," she sang.
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