Categories > Original > Sci-Fi


by ajldlkbv20 0 reviews

What if there is a way to change how people think and act? What if we can control the world that we have right now? Just think about being able to turn bad people into good. Think about being able ...

Category: Sci-Fi - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance,Sci-fi - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2019-10-31 - Updated: 2019-10-31 - 157 words

What if there is a way to change how people think and act? What if we can control the world that we have right now? Just think about being able to turn bad people into good. Think about being able to do things even without going through the difficulty of learning them. There will be no boundaries. No limitations. No obstacles. Yet will there be no catch? Will a world without rules and restrictions really be an advantage or just a disadvantage to mankind?

All these thoughts led me into writing this book. Some of its parts are based from personal experiences and from people I’m close with. This story is about the struggle of discovering who you really are, the battle you go through to make everyone around you understand, and being firm on what you believe in.

Make your mind whole. Trust your heart. Hold on to both until the end of this book.
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