Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Grief, Deceptions, and Hope for Freedom

Chapter 2: Opening Pandora's Box

by AnnF 4 reviews

A box in a letter, with goodies inside..

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Harry - Published: 2006-09-24 - Updated: 2006-09-24 - 1285 words


Inside the note turned box were a few books, a dragonhide vest, a stack of parchments, some keys, a map, and what looked to be photo albums and diaries. How Sirius had managed to fit all this into a parchment was a spell Harry needed to learn. Though, on second thought, it would be a lot easier to lose. He picked up the stack of parchments, and began to read the letter on top.


Hopefully you've figured out my letter on the first try. There will be two more packages arriving first when you leave Hogwarts, and the last a week after. Don't read this package in any room with a portrait or a statue, they're how Dumble knows all about the Castle at times. You'll need to be free from Dumble's wards, so go to the park or something. First off, put on the vest under the rest of your clothes, any minor protection you have is worth it for the seconds of time it can save you in a duel. If you have heard the prophecy from Dumble, you know why you are in danger, some spy of SnakeFace heard the beginning and set him after you. But, your mother and father went into hiding long before the prophecy. Nearly every dwelling in Britain had as many wards as the wizards living in them could cast or could afford others to cast. When Dumble told your parents to move again, and we botched up the Fidelis, that was the third house your parents had been in since their marriage. It was the danger of their jobs, their choice to fight Voldemort, and all our mistaken beliefs in the Order.

I've had months here to do nothing but think. I'm sorry if you believe Dumbledore is the best and all that, but please hear me out. Nothing in your life is how your parents wanted. Times being what they were, they revised their will more often than a eighty year old man about to marry a nineteen year old pole dancer. They had plans and back up plans, and tried their best to insure that if you weren't raised with the love and affection they wanted that there would be consequences, let alone the abuse you've suffered.

Harry, no one should have a cupboard for a room, no little child should have to cook breakfast and do the dishes and never get a bite for himself. There shouldn't be locks outside the door you sleep keeping you in. You weren't supposed to be in Azkaban.

The final, if the world was a charred cinder and there was no one else alive option, was your Aunt and Uncle. Your mother knew well that the opinions of her sister on the Magical World were likely only to worsen. The house at Privet Drive is yours, read the contract between Petunia and Lily and you'll learn much about the consequences you can chose to mete out, and also what the fact the you stayed in their care means about Dumbledore. You'll also find a copy of my full will, and your parents'. Also, you'll note that your parents' will wasn't fully executed. Please read the goblins' report on what has been done and a full accounting of all Potter and Evans funds. Copies of all these parchments are kept in 2 muggle safe deposit boxes, with a third set in a place to be given to be published in event of your early death or if you are in a magical prison for more than two weeks.

I've pestered your friends for every detail about your life, by the way, only the Twins cottoned on to my interrogation - I think you can trust them. In these are also some important papers to sign. The diaries are your mother and father's, they have as many notes on potential spells and their research as events in their lives. You need to do some research yourself, Harry, no one knows everything Dumble's told you, and you need to check every implication and statement.

How could blood wards based around your Aunt who treats you like crap reinforce protection on you based on love? And Dumble has yet to explain why you should go there since V resurrected himself with your blood. (The wards might be completely voided by this, nothing I've been able to find shows any protection that can be there for you.) He has never detailed what kinds of wards there are or how far they extend, but he has let the whole order know Snape is our spy. You need to study wards, and use the passive detectors in the next package to find out if you are safe there at all.

The books are mostly self-evident in their purpose, one is a interlibrary loan book some ancestor was smart enough to sneak home. Any magical library in the country is accessible through this baby. You need to find protection and secrecy spells for it. I'd access the book you want outside, as far from wards as possible. Once acquired there is no trace of the retrieval on the book, and you can save up to 1,000 pages of books in it at a time (in addition to whatever volume you are reading). But retrieval might appear, so don't risk it. Huckleberry Finn is both the American novel and a safe box, you'll need to key it to your thumbprint. The third book is my copy of How to become an Animagus. Right now it's charmed to look like porn if anyone tries to read over your shoulder, you might want to change this, or not.

The keys are to safe-houses and to a couple Gingotts vaults. The map shows where the houses are. The albums are mine from Hogwarts and after.

Be careful. Don't trust the words you are given, check them in your book, in the old Daily Prophets in the library. Please, be careful. Plan for the worse, hope for the best. Make sure if you off Voldemort, Dumble can't cart you to Azkaban for killing him. You need to study the law, get a lawyer, to study how to protect yourself, and somehow get to go on vacation, see the world and have fun.

Don't give your trust fully or lightly, eat your veggies, and always wear clean, dry socks.


"Probably more serious talk than he ever got to tell me." Harry shook his head, the quidditch game on the pitch was breaking up, so it was past time he paid his visit to the infirmary. He repacked everything except the vest and the Interlibrary book, and tapped the box. "Mischief Managed." He smiled in relief as it transfigured back into the letter.

Harry then pointed at "map" in the text "Correcto map avec path", he pointed at password "Correcto password avec single key". He opened the book and saw on the second page Suggested Reading List he selected Blood Wards and Other Desperate Protections. The book made a noise, like the vacuum cleaner did once when Dudley stepped on the hose while Harry was hoovering the spider webs from the drapes, but quickly stopped. A brief look showed pages of text filled the previously blank pages.

Harry then shoved his letter in his pocket, took off his over robe, put on the vest then buttoned the robe closed. Harry took a deep breath, and looked up at the sky for a minute. Then, book in hand, Harry headed to the infirmary to visit with Ron and Hermione.

I was going to combine chapters, because I prefer to read longer chapters myself, but I am a bit too attached to my chapter titles.
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