Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Blessing or Burden (Joel & Benji Madden plus others)

Update 28/09/06

by Reign_Madden 3 reviews


Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Published: 2006-09-28 - Updated: 2007-08-12 - 164 words

Hi everyone,

That's the last chapter for now, I'm not sure when the next chapter will be posted coz I'm going to Wales for the weekend. I hope that chapter's enough to satisfy y'all till I get back.

Thanx for to all those who've been reviewing. esp riot_gurl and Maggie.

By the way you guys suck (but I love you) 16 of you read the last chapter and only two of you reviwed I'm not impressed :(

But on the other hand I'm very happy because the first chapter has been read 103 times and all the following chapters range between 16 and 83 reads so I'm thrilled.
Unless it's some obsessed fanatic reading all the chapters over and over again.

So enjoy your weekend people and have fun and I'll try and post another chapter for you on Monday.

Just to let you know I'm going to try and end the story in ten chapters, but there is so much to cram in.

Bye for now.xx
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