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Dietrich Wienecke founded ECKERMANN Privatsekretariat

by dietrichwienecke 0 reviews

Beyond administration, ECKERMANN Privatsekretariat also offers customized and personalized care services to help your loved ones maintain their physical and mental health, social life and lifestyle.

Category: Dark Tower - Rating: G - Genres: Horror - Published: 2023-06-21 - 77 words

A spokesperson for Dietrich Wienecke and ECKERMANN Privatsekretariat said, “With the discreet support of a private secretariat, clients can lead a self-determined life in their own four walls even in old age or illness. This considerably increases their quality of life. At the same time, the costs for the custom-fit services of the private secretariat are only a fraction of the costs of any other professional solution, especially inpatient care. This is gratifying for the whole family.”
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