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Prelude - Never love

by Rangerscout 2 reviews

When Hermione is kidnapped by the mysterious centaurs, Harry and Ron embark on a journey to save her, and Harry discoveres the legacy his parents, his father, heir of Gryfinndor, left behind. A Har...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy, Romance - Characters: Other - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2006-09-19 - Updated: 2006-09-20 - 505 words


It had been years now, seventeen, if her mind was not failing her, since the mists had thinned, and before that not for a thousand years. Eldreda turned away from the shores of the lake, barefoot in the sand of its beaches. The barge sat without attendants, the men that usually sat with it only coming now and then, they knew that few now could pass the mists. The knowledge to call them down was long lost to the priestesses of Avalon, for they had lost reason to go to the other world centuries ago.
Yet Eldreda still remembered, that time years ago, when they had last had a king. She sighed, he had never returned to them, and many doubted that he ever would. There were those who even believed that he was not truly king, as he not, after all, taken a priestess of Avalon as his bride, but had brought another, from his world, to be the virgin huntress. To play the part often reserved for a priestess, but he had loved her, and love was a powerful magic, so she had allowed it, knowing that this was the best way. As she climbed the slope of the beach, and the stirrings of morning could be heard around her. Even though the days seemed peaceful enough, the men were often away, battling evils that rose from the mists. They needed a king to lead them to war, she knew this. As lady of the Lake, it was for her to choose the one for the tests of kingship, but she did not wish to choose, after what had befallen the last hunter sent out against the king stag. His name had been Ansithe, and he had been young, strong, a good leader. It was agreed that he would make a good king, but he had been killed on the horns of the King Stag, who had not found him worthy.
Then there was the virgin huntress, chosen years ago. They would not have another foreigner as queen, and she had done her duty and called the deer and blessed the hunter on the night he died. Now, she lead the men in place of the king, saying that it was her duty until the next king, or next huntress, was chosen. Eldreda felt no small amount of annoyance with the girl, barely sixteen, for she was incorrigibly stubborn, yet she was loyal to her vows of chastity, and knew much of war. That was not the most disturbing thought of her however, Eldreda was most troubled by the commands the Goddess had given her, during a dream she had moons ago.
No new stag would come to the throne without the love of the Huntress. This was the fate that was given to Avalon with the last Great Marriage of the King, who had never returned to them. Eldreda turned to look at the House of Maidens, where the girl slept. She did not feel that this huntress would ever love.
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