Categories > Anime/Manga > Full Metal Alchemist

In the mind of a father who lost everything.

by Becca-chan 1 review

Shou Tucker reflects on what happens in his dreams. A short poem-fic I wrote.. please be gentle when reviewing..this is my first one ^^;

Category: Full Metal Alchemist - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Nina Tucker, Shou Tucker - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2006-10-08 - Updated: 2006-10-08 - 502 words - Complete

Author's Notes: Just a poem I wrote that's supposed to be from Tucker's point of view.. it's basically what goes on inside his head, his love for his little girl..and what his grip on sanity is like, I have no idea how accurately I've written him..but I'll leave that for everyone else to decide.

In the mind of a father who lost everything.

Every single night when I curl up to go to bed
I make sure that I don't forget to kiss my beloved daughter on her sweet head.
Yet as soon as my head touches the pillow, that's when the nightmares start
It's enough to rip a hole through my fragile heart.

The guilt from my past actions is like a weight above my head
The cries of mockery echoing all around, from both the alive and the dead.

The pain of juvenile judgement as it repeatedly hammers my skull
And the false sense of security around me is like a moth-eaten shawl

Yet all of a sudden those unpleasant things are wiped away in a tremendous ray of light
And standing there is my little angel, lighting up the place like a full moon at night

She runs over to me and gives me a gentle warm embrace
Her eyes full of life, a gentle and caring expression is on her adorable face

I smile at her gently and hold her close, I would never push her away
She looks up at me, smiles then closes her eyes..and then I hear her say

" Go and get them Daddy!, I know you'll give it your all"
Yet all of a sudden the scene changes, I'm outside, it's raining..and I'm staring at a wall

There's grisly remains plastered onto it, the blood is running to the ground
I can only stare in shock, I can't even make a sound.

I can't believe what happened, my mind begins to swirl
Why did this have to happen? why did it have to be my little girl

I know that deep down this was my fault, I know that this was wrong
But I just keep on telling myself, she won't be dead for long

I'll bring her back, I keep telling them, I'll bring her and the dog back, then you'll see
We'll once again be a happy family

I wake up from my nightmare and call out for my little girl, relaxing when I see her sitting there
Her blue eyes just staring straight ahead, her long flowing red hair.

I smile and walk over to her, kneel down and give her a gentle fatherly hug
Then I just say " It's okay Nina, Daddy just got bit by a nasty bed bug"

She just stays quiet, she doesn't respond to me in any kind of way
But I know that if I sacrifice everything else, I'll get her back someday.

The End.

More Authors Notes:

Written by Rebecca Mason/Becca-chan, Shou and Nina Tucker belong to Hiromu Arakawa.
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