Categories > Original > Drama > My Sanctuary

The Forgotten Bands

by darks00 3 reviews

A contest grabs the band "My Sanctuarys" eyes.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-10-10 - Updated: 2012-01-10 - 655 words

Chapter 1: The Forgotten Bands



Today was a band meeting today after school in Kyle's garage.

"Guys, you aren't going to believe it!" Megan cried out.

"What? You finally learned the meaning of your pathetic life?" Joked Kenny.

Megan rolled her eyes and made a fake laugh. "Very funny. There's this contest called "The Forgotten Bands". It's an amateur contest. Amateurs battle to see who's the best. It's like Canadian Idol...everyone who enters is judged, and the audience gets to pick who gets kicked out."

"And that's not the best part," Continued Megan with excitement. "The winner gets a record contract PLUS ten thousand dollars!"

"Cool." Kenny said, nodding with excitement. "No, better than cool. That's sweet. This is what we need! It can be our big break!"

"One of the rules is that everyone in the band has to be between the age 15-19." Megan paused. "That doesn't matter. We're all fifteen...Kyle 16...and you are 15, right, Joey?"

Uh-oh. There came that issue again. I was only fourteen. Well, people did say I looked older for my age. I lied through my teeth, "Yeah. I'm fifteen."

"At first they're only going to let ten bands enter." Megan continued. "We all have to write our own band songs. No plagiarism, no lip syncing, all on our own. We're playing live. The auditions for the ten band slots begin tomorrow."

Kyle laughed. "Yeah. Like we would make it."

Kenny punched him.

"Oh, you want to go, short kid?" Asked Kyle, pissed off.

"Oh, bring it, Goth boy!"

"I'm not a Goth- note the red hair!"

"Oh, that's it!"

Kenny went to take another punch at Kyle, which Kyle blocked easily.

"BOYS!" Cried out Megan.

She got in between them and made them stop. I noticed right away Kyle didn't care about the band. I wonder why he was even in this band. Kenny and Kyle were enemies...yet they were in the same band. It was only Megan who kept this band together. This band is hopeless. But hey, now it's my band.

"Megan's right, Kenny. We better stop," said Kyle, shocking everyone.

I had only just met him and I could tell he wasn't the type to admit he was wrong. Then he continued, "My dad will be home soon. You guys better ditch and go home."

Huh? Why did it matter if Kyle's dad comes home?

"Kyle's parents are divorced," explained Megan. "His mom moved to America, while Kyle and his dad stay in Canada. His dad is taking it hard, if you know what I mean..."

"Shut up, Megan," Warned Kyle. "No one has to know."

Kenny shook his head in his left hand. "This is just a sad band..."

"Guys, remember why we started this band?" Reminded Megan.

I listened- I knew a speech was coming on- on how the band came to be.

"We all have a passion for music. It's our sanctuary from this world. That's why we call our band My Sanctuary." Megan continued. "We all dream to be musicians- be a band, and do what we love best- play music."

"Megan's right," Agreed Kenny. "We can do this."

Kyle laughed and shook his head. "This is so stupid."

Kenny put his hand in the middle, and signalled us to all put our hands in the middle- we did.

"One, two three..." Began Kenny.

"MY SANCTUARY!" Cried out the band as they threw their hands into the air.

I was the only one who didn't join the chant- I had no clue what they were doing. It was almost like a t. v. show, a movie or a book...too good to be true. But I knew this was real. It was very real.

My band...I liked the sound of that. I knew I was going to belong here. Finally. Somewhere I can belong.


xxDarkness' kidxx
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