Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Death Eater Files


by Queen-of-Duct-Tape 0 reviews

A collection of oneshots about Death Eaters, all 55 words or less. This is not technically finished, as I will be writing more, but since every chapter is a story in itself, it's always complete. E...

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Harry, Snape, Voldemort, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-10-11 - Updated: 2006-10-11 - 102 words

The Death Eater Files


We had to write stories in English in fifty-five words or less, and I got bored, so this is the result. Don't expect very regular updates, since each chapter is really a story of its own.

Disclaimer: Would this be called /fan/fiction if I owned it?

One: Licorice

"My lord, we have the boy." Snape dumped the Boy-Who-Just-Wouldn't-Die at Voldemort's feet.

"Great. Go away while I question him." Snape left. As he shut the door, he heard Voldemort asking, "Now, Potter, would I be more popular if I offered people licorice? Dumbledore has lemon drops."

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