Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > Trust & Betrayal

Part Ten: The calm before the storm...

by kirayasha 0 reviews

One-shot in 16 parts. Jakotsu and Renkotsu learn the hard way that sake, curiosity and lust don't mix. Even the strongest will shatter when betrayal is involved...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Angst, Drama, Romance - Characters: Bankotsu, Jakotsu - Warnings: [R] [X] - Published: 2006-10-21 - Updated: 2006-10-21 - 399 words

Part Ten: The calm before the storm...

Breaking the kiss, Jakotsu said, "You're such a lil housewife, you know that?" He smiled at his lover impishly.


"I said 'you're a lil housewife.' Well, you were certainly acting like one. You have no idea how many times I've heard a client complain about their jealous wife, only to have said wife show up a few days later at the bathhouse, screaming at me and carrying on like I murdered her family." The cross-dresser sighed. "And here I thought that when you took me far away from all that I'd never have to hear it again."

Bankotsu felt his checks heating up. "Sorry, Sweetness, but you-"

"But nothing! You were acting like a jealous housewife and you can't deny it, Aniki-chan!" Jakotsu laughed. "But that's okay, because I love you." He pulled his lover close, and completely forgetting about Bankotsu's broken ribs, Jakotsu pulled him down on top of himself.

"Argh!" Bankotsu cried out as his injury made itself known. He found he suddenly could not breathe as the pain was too intense and it scared him.

"Aniki-chan?! What's wrong?" Jakotsu said as the crosser-dresser gently eased his lover off himself and onto the futon.

"Can't... breathe..." Bankotsu panted out in shallow breaths.

"Ssh..." Jakotsu soothed, although the panic he felt was clearly mirrored in lover's eyes. "I'll go get Sui! Wait, maybe I should help you sit up..?"

Bankotsu nodded, his eyes swimming with tears of pain. He just wanted this agony to end for it was far worse than anything he had endured in the course of a battle. He nearly passed out when his paramour propped him up with floor cushions, but somehow he remained conscious. "Go...hurry..."

Jakotsu nodded, and giving his lover a little kiss, he stood up and hurried off towards Suikotsu's room. "Sui! Suikotsu!" he cried as he pounded on the shoji. "Come quickly! Oo-Aniki needs you!! Sui!!"

Forgetting his grudge against Jakotsu in the alarm that their leader might be in trouble, Suikotsu threw open the shoji. "What happened?! What's wrong with him?!"

"Something happened! He can't breathe!!" Jakotsu cried, teetering on hysteria. "You have to come now!!"

Not knowing what, if anything, he could do, Renkotsu sat there, staring at both of them in silent alarm. Suikotsu dashed over and grabbed his medical bag, following Jakotsu back to their leader's room.
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